The Frozen merchandise train has begun!
Dammit, now why weren't THESE at World of Disney a couple weeks ago!?
The Frozen merchandise train has begun!
The Frozen merchandise train has begun!
The Frozen merchandise train has begun!
I'm guessing these aren't on sale anywhere online yet?
50 bucks? Why yes. Now, where do i get 50 bucks?
Dammit, now why weren't THESE at World of Disney a couple weeks ago!?
I'm guessing these aren't on sale anywhere online yet?
But they weren't $50 for me...
They're pretty much sold out everywhere online and in most Disney stores. I was lucky one of the Bay Area stores had quite a large stock of them. SO EXCITED!
I saw this movie recently. It was enjoyable but I found Tangled to be better overall. The sister dynamic was a good and different focus, although I felt that the conflict between the two really boiled down to a sitcom-esque misunderstanding. Let it Go was the only song that stuck with me, I can definitely see that entering the pantheon of classic Disney songs. I enjoyed the characters, even Olaf, althoughThough I'm more of a fan of traditional 2D animation, Tangled and Frozen really manage to strike a good balance between 2D and 3D aesthetics and this is a beautifully animated film (I especially liked the cloth physics).Hans being evil was just pulled out of thin air with the thinnest of pretexts.
yeah, would have been much better ifEDIT: oopsthat had been foretold or hinted at. i mean they had the opportunity when anna left and they show this guy giving out the kingdoms blankets to all the peasants... then he, out of now where turns bad? odd.
i think they will still show it in theatres after dvd/bluray release and mostly in 3d too. Maybe they want more money from theatres than from dvd for the time being.So apparently this isn't getting a 3D release on Blu-ray in the US? I wonder why.
Looks like it's to promote their own streaming service.
i think they will still show it in theatres after dvd/bluray release and mostly in 3d too. Maybe they want more money from theatres than from dvd for the time being.
i think they will still show it in theatres after dvd/bluray release and mostly in 3d too. Maybe they want more money from theatres than from dvd for the time being.
tell me about it, it will be my seventh time this wednesday.Damn, if this is the case, they're going to get a lot of my money. I don't think I can stop go watching this movie every tuesday.
"we finish each other's..." "sandwiches!" "that's what i was going to say!" didn't tingle some slightly off bells in your head? I mean he was trying to be a good ruler, because wanting to be king and being a good king aren't mutually exclusive.
you can find them on ebay for ~30 bucks each
But they weren't $50 for me...
They're pretty much sold out everywhere online and in most Disney stores. I was lucky one of the Bay Area stores had quite a large stock of them. SO EXCITED!
Just watched this movie. Pretty standard story with some entertaining scenes. Watching this also made me think if we'll ever get a Disney movie where morality wasn't so black and white.
I'm not sure what morality here you're talking about? The moral of a story is quite ambiguous and full of second meanings and different perspectives. There's a lot of analysis and discussions about all that on imdb. Take a look, it's fascinating. And i do disagree that the story is standard, it's really isn't.Just watched this movie. Pretty standard story with some entertaining scenes. Watching this also made me think if we'll ever get a Disney movie where morality wasn't so black and white.
Seeing that they're directed towards kids (and it's an inherent part of the fantasy genre), probably not anytime soon. I'd agree that the CG market can use a bit more moral ambiguity though. It'd help to expand the genre passed its childish 'typecast'.
no, just thought it was cute and humorous. the twist just seemed really forced
I wonder though, would they really make less money if they made a more "serious" or "adult" film that was, say, rated PG-13 ? It can still be a family film, but it would be nice if it had less "kid stuff" and was more palatable to adults. I'm sure people would still flock to see; it would still have the Disney cachet attached to it.
Yeah, look at Atlantis and Titan A. E.
Adults and young adults, generally speaking, consider cartoons to be for kids. They won't go watch them on their own, or at least in numbers like Frozen is bringing in. They also won't go buying merchandise like kids will.
Is this really true, though ? Has a causation ever been established between a PG-13 rating and lower sales ? I thought Atlantis and Titan bombed because they were bad movies.
Really? That was the moment that made me go "uhhhh, trying too hard, maybe?"And made me suspicious of him
wasnt it her who said sandwiches? and of course they were trying to hard. young love - at first sight to boot! i would have been fine with them discovering they werent in love afterall, but the twist was goofy.
But they weren't $50 for me...
They're pretty much sold out everywhere online and in most Disney stores. I was lucky one of the Bay Area stores had quite a large stock of them. SO EXCITED!
I'll take a look but honestly, i think you're giving this movie way too much credit than it deserves. You could possibly try and put a spin on things and make it seem worthy of meaningful discussion but at the end of the day its just a popcorn flick for little girls, not 2001 a space odyssey.I'm not sure what morality here you're talking about? The moral of a story is quite ambiguous and full of second meanings and different perspectives. There's a lot of analysis and discussions about all that on imdb. Take a look, it's fascinating. And i do disagree that the story is standard, it's really isn't.
I'll take a look but honestly, i think you're giving this movie way too much credit than it deserves. You could possibly try and put a spin on things and make it seem worthy of meaningful discussion but at the end of the day its just a popcorn flick for little girls, not 2001 a space odyssey.
I'll take a look but honestly, i think you're giving this movie way too much credit than it deserves. You could possibly try and put a spin on things and make it seem worthy of meaningful discussion but at the end of the day its just a popcorn flick for little girls, not 2001 a space odyssey.
So I saw this movie last night and I have a couple of thoughts.
First: I appreciate that it set out to subvert a lot of old school Disney Princess standardsbut I also feel that it still fell victim to one of the oldest and worst Disney cliches out there:no true love's first kiss, no marrying a man you just met, the wicked witch wasn't really wicked etc.Hans being evil. If Hans had just not been the right guy for her, then the message could've actually had some real strength to it instead of "oh no he's not just not right for you, he's EVIL." It's like in the Lion King when Scar turns out to be a crappy king. It undermines the message because now instead of making a hard choice everything's been blasted into black and white. The struggle isn't to prove that a competent ruler did evil things in the past. Everybody's willing to hate Scar before they even find out he murdered Mufasa because he sucks anyway. That Hans isn't right for Ana no longer matters because he sucks anyway. Ana skirts the entire problem of having to choose between the men she knows because oops, Hans is evil.
This is a ridiculous statement. Even if this was just another Disney plot it would be worth a meaningful discussion on many aspects of it, and on Disney storytelling, musicals, in general. As it is it willingly subverts many of the formulaic elements of Disney storytelling, its 'main villain' is replaced by a grey zone family member and love at first sight is turned on its head. It's a very significant release in the history of Disney animation and popular culture in general, one that can be used to look at its past and future, and obviously a case for debate on gender and politics in entertainment consumed by kids as well as adults.
That's the OBVIOUS part, and there's a lot more to talk about, like the film or not.
Disney are also mostly the only ones making bid budget musicals these days so from a film geek perspective it's equally worthy of debate.
It never hit me, but you're right.
I guess this movie isn't perfect after all ! (oh wait, it already wasn't because of the stupid Summer song)
I don't think it's perfect, but it was still a fun movie.
So I saw this movie last night and I have a couple of thoughts.
This is a ridiculous statement. Even if this was just another Disney plot it would be worth a meaningful discussion on many aspects of it, and on Disney storytelling, musicals, in general. As it is it willingly subverts many of the formulaic elements of Disney storytelling, its 'main villain' is replaced by a grey zone family member and love at first sight is turned on its head. It's a very significant release in the history of Disney animation and popular culture in general, one that can be used to look at its past and future, and obviously a case for debate on gender and politics in entertainment consumed by kids as well as adults.
That's the OBVIOUS part, and there's a lot more to talk about, like the film or not.
Disney are also mostly the only ones making bid budget musicals these days so from a film geek perspective it's equally worthy of debate.
A work doesn't need to fall into a certain category in order to be analyzed and interpreted. A "popcorn flick for little girls", which this movie is certainly not, is not exempt from this. Do yourself a favor and sharpen your critical thinking.
The Frozen merchandise train has begun!
I took my son to see this movie today. It was his first time seeing a movie in a theater. He's only 2.5 years old. I think he liked it. He got really excited with Hans defeated the Snow Monster.
I thought it was a great movie.I went into it knowing zero about the plot. Olaf and the trolls were my favorite characters.
I find it odd you compare this movie negatively to Tangled when that movie was literally Shrek-lite for the first half before morphing into an actual Disney film.Initial thoughts: This was, easily, the 2nd least liked disney animated classic that I have seen in a decade, second only to Chicken Little. It was all over the place!
Like, a third of the songs felt shoe-horned, the writing was lacking, and the overall plot seemed weak to me. I can't call it a bad film, but after hearing so many things, not getting hyped by then, and now seeing it, I must say I found it quite disappointing, if even insulting when compared to the classic that is Tangled.
Get a Horse was amazing though; I NEVER stopped smiling. I need a couple hours to mull this all over.
There are also a few memorable songs - Tangled's are completely forgettable.I find it odd you compare this movie negatively to Tangled when that movie was literally Shrek-lite for the first half before morphing into an actual Disney film.
Not that Tangled is bad, it's just schizophrenic. Frozen felt more unified in that sense.