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Disney’s Frozen [OT] – They Pulled Another Tangled!


Have they released details on the Broadway adaptation of the film ? When is it supposed to happen ? Can I already buy tickets ? I want to be there for the premier.

I think it's still in the development process. It probably won't end up seeing the light of day till probably 2015/2016.
Just got back from seeing for the seventh time. Still great. There was a row of teenagers of whom several were audibly upset when Hans was revealed to be a villain. It made me smile. :)
Just got back from seeing for the seventh time. Still great. There was a row of teenagers of whom several were audibly upset when Hans was revealed to be a villain. It made me smile. :)

I'll be honest here and say as a 40 year old man I was fucking Pissed when Hans turned heel.

I actually liked Hans through out the movie because He seemed like a stand-up and Honorable guy. While I knew he and Anna weren't going to get together, I was starting to hope that Hans and Elsa would become a thing when he fought to protect her. When he finally showed he's true colors I felt as betrayed as Anna. I'm still not sure how i feel about it. It seems like almost like a cop out just in order to have a mustache twirling villain.


Kills Photobucket
Just got back from seeing for the seventh time. Still great. There was a row of teenagers of whom several were audibly upset when Hans was revealed to be a villain. It made me smile. :)

Pissed because she got played or pissed because it was a really stupid twist?
Pissed because she got played or pissed because it was a really stupid twist?

Pissed because he played and betrayed Anna. One of the girls said something to the effect of "Oh no the asshole !".

As for the twist itself, I'm aware it bothers some people, but I don't really have a problem with it. They could have telegraphed it some more, but I personally feel that they kinda did a little with the whole "You do not marry a complete stranger" morale from both Elsa and Kristoff. In the scene with the wolves, when Kristoff is insistingly berating Anna for wanting to marry a guy she just met, I joked: "Hans is going to be revealed as an asshole later on, just you wait."

Lo and behold how right I was.


It's a modern lesson/warning for girls/kids in general about how the bad guys can still be plenty pleasant. I liked it, just thought it needed a bit more fleshing out and less mustache-twirling.
Until the fire nation appeared...






Love this!
This is getting out of control. I am now considering buying Disney Infinity along with Elsa's, Anna's and Rapunzel's figures. The game looks good.

Guys. Tell me I'm making a mistake.


This is getting out of control. I am now considering buying Disney Infinity along with Elsa's, Anna's and Rapunzel's figures. The game looks good.

Guys. Tell me I'm making a mistake.

Wait, Infinity is slinging Elsa and Anna merch too?

Crap, now I have to buy Infinity.


I won't lie. When I caught Frozen again in theaters yesterday, I mouthed along the words to the entirety of Let It Go.

Afterwards I caught the Lego Movie... and everything was awesome!


My favorite thing about the movie was how
the act of true love that saved Anna came from Elsa instead of from Kristoff, it broke the total cliche showing sisterly love instead of romantic love,
I plenty liked the movie, the songs are great, I can't stop singing Let It Go.


Fafracer forever
Watched it over the weekend - enjoyed the musical bits and the snowman character, the rest fell mostly flat.

Particularly this:
hertog said:
- Elsa had a strong character
Disagree strongly here - she was easily the weakest character of the show - right down to obligatory one-second-"snap" I've learned to control my powers and the power of love because I saw my sister freeze in front of me. Even the cookie-cutter economy-villain was more convincing than her.
Anna was the only character to show real growth(with her villain boyfriend second, despite limited screen time as he got), but she wasn't enough to carry the entire show.
Frozen AMA now


Hello reddit! We are the team behind FROZEN. THANK YOU for all of your support!
Directors - Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee
Producer - Peter Del Vecho
Song Writers - Bobby Lopez, Kristen Lopez
Proof: http://i.imgur.com/HqwYoiO.jpg
Ask Us Anything!

-Question: Where were the King and Queen planning to go when they lost their lives out at sea?
-Jennifer: A wedding.



Finally picked up the pink Anna mug to go with the Elsa one I got a few weeks ago. 25% off today. The Disney Store actually had a ton this time so I imagine they aren't too hard to find anymore.
Finally picked up the pink Anna mug to go with the Elsa one I got a few weeks ago. 25% off today. The Disney Store actually had a ton this time so I imagine they aren't too hard to find anymore.

They are still listed as "sold out" on the Disney Store page. Surely they couldn't have been sold this fast again ? Could you link to the page where you bought it ?


They are still listed as "sold out" on the Disney Store page. Surely they couldn't have been sold this fast again ? Could you link to the page where you bought it ?

Oh really? I meant at a retail store, not online. Strange they would be so plentiful in-stores but remain sold out online.


I watched it about three days ago. I must have listened to Let It Go a couple dozen times since then. Love it. I really liked Tangled as a movie, but it's music didn't stand out nearly as much as Frozen's did.
Not sure why people continue to project their own interpretation (sexuality, mental illness...yes, really) on it.

If you cannot see the interpretations of Elsa's powers representing her sexuality, the only thing I can tell you is that your perception and critical senses are lacking. It's quite obvious. The entire Let It Go scene is one big celebration of female sexual emancipation.

It's already been talked enough in this thread so I don't feel like going into it again. A quick Google search will net tons of results and will help you understand.


Or are my "critical senses" compromised?

Personally I don't think your "critical senses" are compromised, you just don't seem too open to head canon or any of the sort of additional interpretation or ways that people relate words or visuals to themselves that tends to come naturally with the enjoyment of film or music.

For the purposes of the story Let it Go is exactly what Lee and Lopez said, but that doesn't discredit the fact that anyone can hear that song and be inspired by it as an anthem of self acceptance, freedom, etc.

The song inspired my best friend to stand up to her abusive father and move out, taking big strides towards the independence he tried vehemently to take from her. She didn't cause an eternal winter when she left, but she's happy and safe now. The song has an additional meaning to her and connotes a turning point in her adult life while at the same time having it's place and meaning in the film as originally intended.

There's nothing wrong with that, people will find importance in what they will, and as long as they aren't pushing that meaning on others it may not relate to, or otherwise projecting in a harmful way, I'm not going to stop them. I know of a lot of college aged women who think of the song as an acceptance of themselves sexually, after years of feeling ashamed of their sexuality, and without projecting that into the film. I think it's great that anyone can take something positive from these films at any stage of their lives if they are open to it, whether it was the intent of the filmmakers or not.
Your words, not theirs. Rapunzel makes cameo during Anna's For the first time in forever bit. Did Rapunzel get married at age 1?

Or are my "critical senses" compromised?
What? There were only 3 years between the parents' death and the main action of the movie. That lines up perfectly.

This is a kids movie. Not Shakespeare.
I just want to point out that most Shakespeare plays have stupid ass plots.


Great post. I want to be clear, I do not want to be dismissive of how people react to the experience, intended or not. That's a personal matter and that's how these mediums work, you're right. I look at it for what it is at face value. This is a kids movie. Not Shakespeare. Disney do not like multi layer story elements in 90 minute movies. Lee even spoke of this to a room of adults where I am sure they would feel comfortable talking about these interpretations if there were indeed some truth to them. But they don't.

There are two sides to the art form, the creators side and then what the audience does with the material once it's in their hands so to speak. I think you are merely highlighting to me the importance of the latter.

You're right, Disney films do tend to lay everything on the table at face value. But, to be fair, Disney films also never receive the sort of post-mortem or tell all director's commentary that other studios (even on family films) allow. It's very rare that you might hear a piece of behind the scenes trivia of the subtext of a scene in a Disney movie, or how cathartic it was for the filmmaker's to bring a certain scene to life because of a critical moment in the director's life or something similar. We get a little of it from Pixar occasionally, and it's always appreciated, but also never enough to influence our personal interpretations of their films.

I don't mean to say anything on behalf of Disney or the filmmakers, but I believe that is entirely a conscious decision not to divulge any of that sort of information, should it exist, simply because Disney films are as wide-reaching and, as largely considered, universal as they are. The studio are aware of people's reactions to their films, the "Disney Magic", and the way the films stay with people throughout their lives in various ways. It seems counter intuitive to share that kind of subtext beyond how it affects the story or the film itself because it would ruin people's personal interpretations of certain lines, scenes, messages, and arcs.

I guess what I mean to say is I would never expect the filmmakers from Disney to admit to any hidden meaning in any of their films for fear of diluting the story, or discrediting the audience's takeaway and/or enjoyment of the piece.

There ARE two sides to the art form, for sure, but as far as Disney goes, we rarely get much of the creators side beyond the technical aspects or clear story elements. Interpretation isn't usually discussed, but personally, with these films, I kind of enjoy that. We, as the audience, can put as much weight and depth into a Disney film as we want, and the filmmakers will rarely tell us if we're right or wrong.


Daughter wanted me to tag along to a sing along showing.

I still can't wrap my head around "Let it go" and how Elsa sounds like a twangy older lady than she is depicted. I love the song in of itself but in context to the movie, I struggle to suspend disbelief. I saw a special from the composer and the producers about how the song was put together and they discussed original message (villain turn) vs final and it was pretty straightforward (embodiement of ones true self, in this case a strong and poweerful woman). Not sure why people continue to project their own interpretation (sexuality, mental illness...yes, really) on it.

Demi Lavatos interpretation of the song would have worked better for the movie. Elsa's actress' high notes just kill me. Kristen Bell is one of my personal favorite young actresses today and I enjoy her stuff and she fits Anna perfectly.
The songwriters previously worked on Avenue Q and Book of Mormon, both of which have gay themes/plot points (and I know Book of Mormon specifically deals with repression to a small degree, haven't seen Avenue Q yet.) Reading Elsa's arc from emotional repression to exploding (and overdoing things) when she's free of the boundaries placed on her by society is not hard to interpret as a metaphor for sexual orientation or identity. It's not people projecting - her arc mirrors the real experiences many people have when growing up, where they'll do everything possible to blend in while living in fear of people finding out the truth. It can also be read other ways, of course, but that specific one isn't a stretch in the least.
There is nothing to understand. That is contrary to what Jennifer Lee and Robert Lopez have said. I am not interested in other people's ability to project their own thoughts on the matter. If you can provide me with a quote where the creators have confirmed this, that'll be fine. Additionally, Disney is a conservative company and a song about sexual emancipation is not what a company like Disney delievers to four year old girls.

Their intention does not matter. The intentions of the minds behind art can be used to support a theory, but cannot be used to completely invalide found arguments taken from the piece of art itself. Everything one needs to interpret a work of art is in the work itself. If it can be interpreted in a way unintended by the author(s), then so be it.

In the case of Frozen, much have been said about those interpretations (at least, the one wanting that Elsa's powers represent her sexuality) and the arguments are solid.

Concerning what the creators have said, they didn't really deny the interpretations as much as they dodged the question. And even if they had straight-up denied them, as Nolan did with the interpretation of The Dark Knight Rises being a struggle between the political right and left with the right being the just side, it wouldn't really matter. Companies have an interest in offending the least amount of people possible in order to increase revenues; if they have to ignore or deny some affirmations about their products, that's what they'll do, even if it's a bunch of lies.

Your words, not theirs. Rapunzel makes cameo during Anna's For the first time in forever bit. Did Rapunzel get married at age 1?

Or are my "critical senses" compromised?

That post was obviously made in jest. That being said, we don't have a timeline of the events of Tangled and Frozen. We know that Elsa's coronation takes place three years after her parents' deaths, but what year is that ? In what year did Rapunzel and Eugene get married ? We don't know, so we can't affirm that Elsa's parents were not going to that wedding.

But I like to think so though ! I like to believe that there is some sort of "Disneyverse" in which a bunch of their movies take place. :)

With that said, I have a preference for "this is what I, personally, took from the movie" and not confusing it for a factually incorrect "No, this what it's about...GOOGLE it". Ironically, the message for open interpretation also contradicts the above posters mindset, a mindset that is still very much a personal one and not that of the creator's.

I never said that the interpretation was the creators' intentions.
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