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Disney’s Frozen [OT] – They Pulled Another Tangled!

Could we please not rag on him/her for his opinion. Not like s/he was being a dick about it.

I think the film looks very beautiful for the most part and it may be the consensus but it is still a subjective thing.
I didn't "rag on him" for not liking the film, I just pointed out he is indeed in the minority, But about the quality of the animation itself, "dated"? Come on!


I didn't "rag on him" for not liking the film, I just pointed out he is indeed in the minority, But about the quality of the animation itself, "dated"? Come on!

Yeah, definitely not dated in the least. Frozen has some stellar character animation, as an animator I'm particularly fond of the facial animation in the film, on pretty much all of the characters. I'd love to be able to fiddle with Anna's rig and just see all the controls available, and the poses that can be accomplished.

The lighting is gorgeous, they really did an amazing job of keeping the film colorful and emotive while many other films would or have mainly shown snow and frost as a near pure white. With all the translucence of the ice and all of the reflective properties of both ice and snow, it must have been an incredible undertaking to keep the lighting under control while balancing all of the subsurface scattering in the close and mid shots, and compensating for other effects. There are so many elements at play in any one shot, whether or not they are immediately obvious. I will admit though, as much as I love the lighting in the film, I would give a slight edge to Monsters University in that department. Damn, that is some stellar lighting and some great storytelling via lighting. Though Frozen's lighting was definitely the bigger undertaking.

And of course there are all the effects and simulations. You've got fur, hair, various fabrics and drapery, every snowflake is unique, and the particles... and all of the snow tech for clumping, and collecting, and footprints, falling, and breaking. Much of it is a huge step forward for both the games and animation industry. Even some of my friends at VFX houses talked about how much they can't wait to be able to use the snow tech.

And the hair... Rapunzel was a massive undertaking, but Anna and Elsa each have hundreds of thousands more individual strands of hair on their heads than Rapunzel did. Then there are the braids, which are much more of a headache than you'd expect, taking a hair sim and putting a rigid body in the mix. I can't imagine the amount of breaks and glitches that arose during the rendering stages for their hair alone. It's exactly why Elsa's hair HAD to pass through her arm, and why it was an intentional solution to a technical problem, framed specifically to draw the eye away from the "cheat".

There was nothing dated about the visuals in that film, other than the time period it drew inspiration from. A tremendous amount of work went into that film... and when you look at each piece that had to come together, it's rather awe inspiring.


There's one thing I don't quite understand, Disney developed a new hair tech for Frozen, and Elsa have a lot more threads of hair than Rapunzel. Isn't that kind of an overkill? Hair is not Elsa's prime feature, why spend so much time on it?


OH GOD haha... I ... that didn't sound at all how I meant it to....

I think they probably put so much time in the hair because they'd been pretty vocal about not being 100% happy with what they achieved with Rapunzel. It may look good to the audience, but normally the artists who work on it can pick out all the flaws, and I think a little perfectionism kicks in. So while they may not have spent as much money on hair R&D for Frozen as they did for Rapunzel, they made improvements where they saw fit to achieve a better, more satisfying look and feel for the film, using the foundation they'd built in Tangled.

In my experience, having more strands of hair to work with allows for better manipulation and shape. It's not necessarily easier to work with... (though it may in fact actually be easier for Disney), but it achieves a better end result. Given the number of styles Anna and definitely Elsa have in the film, (particularly during her wardrobe change) the increase in actual volume, along with the rigid body systems in the braids, likely allowed for different shapes to be achieved without looking sparse or hollow, which was one of many problems the animators of Tangled complained about with Rapunzel's hair (especially when wet).

I dunno if that makes sense... or addresses the question...
Heads up everyone
Blu-ray came out last night (read between the lines please and do not ask for stuff that is against the ToS of gaf).

Quality is fantastic can not wait for my physical copy to ship from amazon uk.


No 3D Blu-Ray for US. Same shameless double dipping they did with Tangled - first release 2D Blu-Ray, then 8 - 10 months later release 3D Blu-Ray.

Thank Bezos, ordering 3D BluRay from Amazon UK is easy and painless.


I don't remember Disney doing a double dip for the US release of Tangled? I bought the 3D version the same day the 2D came out, I distinctly remember because I used a DMR coupon for it and it only listed pictured the 2D version, despite listing it could be used on "Any Tangled Blu-Ray Combo Pack", and it was the only time I've ever had a cashier try to argue about those coupons.

I believe the release was the end of March? I want to say the 29th or 30th.
The only time Disney pulled the double dip bullshit is with Oz: The Great and Powerful, there is no combo pack, the 3D and 2D version are sold separately.


The only time Disney pulled the double dip bullshit is with Oz: The Great and Powerful, there is no combo pack, the 3D and 2D version are sold separately.

At the very least, with Oz, the 2D combo pack has a slip inside to order a 3D disc for like $5. I don't think they're even offering THAT much for Frozen, otherwise you'd think they'd include information about that in response to all the complaints people have made to Disney Customer care. (Though I AM hoping for a surprise...)
At the very least, with Oz, the 2D combo pack has a slip inside to order a 3D disc for like $5. I don't think they're even offering THAT much for Frozen, otherwise you'd think they'd include information about that in response to all the complaints people have made to Disney Customer care. (Though I AM hoping for a surprise...)
Personally, I think Disney is experimenting with the digital distribution stuff.


Personally, I think Disney is experimenting with the digital distribution stuff.

Most definitely. But even for those that are totally on board switching from physical to digital, $34.99 for JUST the 3D digital file, with lower quality audio than physical, YMMV image quality, and no special features, is pretty steep when one could get a combo pack with 3D, 2D, DVD, and Digital HD for the same price or lower. I understand they want to experiment with digital distribution, but why do that with their most successful film in a long time? Do that with some catalog rereleases, or some lower profile titles.


I don't remember Disney doing a double dip for the US release of Tangled? I bought the 3D version the same day the 2D came out, I distinctly remember because I used a DMR coupon for it and it only listed pictured the 2D version, despite listing it could be used on "Any Tangled Blu-Ray Combo Pack", and it was the only time I've ever had a cashier try to argue about those coupons.

I believe the release was the end of March? I want to say the 29th or 30th.

Yes, my mistake, no idea why I typed Tangled, I was thinking of Oz...
Most definitely. But even for those that are totally on board switching from physical to digital, $34.99 for JUST the 3D digital file, with lower quality audio than physical, YMMV image quality, and no special features, is pretty steep when one could get a combo pack with 3D, 2D, DVD, and Digital HD for the same price or lower. I understand they want to experiment with digital distribution, but why do that with their most successful film in a long time? Do that with some catalog rereleases, or some lower profile titles.
Yeah, you have to pay more for the extras, think of Frozen as a console exclusive, a title that is well received that can help sell hardware/services, since 3D releases only account for about 5% of the total bluray sale, Disney is probably coming up ways to cut the cost.

Sucks that people in the US and Canada have to suffer.

Edit: I think Disney's plan would most likely backfire, people who cared enough to purchase the 3D version aren't going to shell out 35 bucks for an inferior version, you could import it yourself from various outlets for cheaper prices. And when the VUDU exclusive agreement with Disney ends, and Disney finally release the 3D combo pack in NA, people who wanted to own the 3D version would already have it, causing weaker sales number in NA.


Yeah, you have to pay more for the extras, think of Frozen as a console exclusive, a title that is well received that can help sell hardware/services, since 3D releases only account for about 5% of the total bluray sale, Disney is probably coming up ways to cut the cost.

Sucks that people in the US and Canada have to suffer.

Edit: I think Disney's plan would most likely backfire, people who cared enough to purchase the 3D version aren't going to shell out 35 bucks for an inferior version, you could import it yourself from various outlets for cheaper prices. And when the VUDU exclusive agreement with Disney ends, and Disney finally release the 3D combo pack in NA, people who wanted to own the 3D version would already have it, causing weaker sales number in NA.

Pretty much exactly how I see it going down as well. If I'm in a decent enough situation financially, I may double dip if a North American 3D release eventually comes out, just to show there IS demand (not that one sale will blow anyone away) and if there really isn't going to ever be a 3D release, I'll just import at that point. But for now I guess I'll just get the physical combo. Because I know I don't have the self control to not buy it...
Pretty much exactly how I see it going down as well. If I'm in a decent enough situation financially, I may double dip if a North American 3D release eventually comes out, just to show there IS demand (not that one sale will blow anyone away) and if there really isn't going to ever be a 3D release, I'll just import at that point. But for now I guess I'll just get the physical combo. Because I know I don't have the self control to not buy it...
Intially I preordered the 3D combo pack from Amazon UK, since there was no release information. I cancelled it right after the 3D version is announced here, Amazon UK had a better price, oh well, at least I don't have to wait for international shipping.


Im stereoblind so no 3d version means nothing to me lol. I cant see the effect anyway ;_;

That's unfortunate, personally I'm a fan of the depth and effects it can add to a film, particularly the way Disney and Pixar handle their 3D. But at least you're not missing anything important, and you're still getting every bit of the film. 3D is a fun bonus, but obviously not a necessity.


Even though I like 3D effects, I reeeally am not a fan of the surcharge you're made to pay to see films in 3D. In theatres it's the extra $3, and at home it's the $5-10 more for the 3D combo pack versus the 2D pack. I don't have a 3DTV anyway, but even if I did, I don't think I'll be buying into it until there's some price parity or the feature becomes standard to the point where all SKUs include a 3D version if it exists.



So I finally saw this the other day. The initial advertisements didn't really make it seem that interesting but when a movie grosses 1 BILLION dollars and the internet is flooded with renditions of "Let it Go" and Elsa fanart, its hard not to eventually take notice :p I don't know if I'd call the movie groundbreaking or anything but it certainly has been on my mind a lot for the past few days. The strong parts are clearly the characters - Anna and Elsa are just straight up awesome. Elsa's predicament isn't what I'd call particularly unique (a person who is "special" in some way and has to hide themselves for fear of rejection) but its such a common and REAL human condition that its instantly obvious why the character "spoke" to so many people from so many walks of life. I also didn't see the final "twist" coming until like just before it happened but it was a very pleasant surprise and an appropriate end to their character arcs. As always for a Disney film, the music selection was good (a few duds but overall good). Also the animation was just crazy good. The faces, the hair, the everything. They hit it out of the park in that regard.

So I don't think the narrative was particularity noteworthy or strong but the main heroines and the animation really sell this film. Who knew interesting, well written female characters could appeal to a wide range of audiences :p Maybe the rest of Hollywood should take a hint ;-) I look forward to the Frozen world in KH3 :)


Quoting so I find them more easily next time. I can't believe these are still sold out. Do you think Disney will produce more ? It wouldn't be like them to stop making merchandise. :/

I got 1 of mine at the Disney Store, they had a lot of Anna mugs but none of Elsa's. My sister knew how much I loved the movie and wanted the Elsa mug so she got it for me from Amazon for about $30.

Now I have both mugs and I got The Art of Frozen recently too.

Hmm...what else to get? :p
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