If you had bothered to read my previous reply in the thread where I explained how milestone payments allow a company to fund a game and adjust as necessary you'd understand that Disney would be well aware of how well the game was tracking its milestone quality objectives, at each financial investment point for them.
When a company has - lets take a random extrapolation - $20m invested by development of the Alpha version running, and that Alpha version is way off of contemporary AAA and AA visuals, having missed milestones along the way, and with feature creep - say for argument sake RT becomes a thing part way through development- and your intern projections of the game's final quality, versus asking price, versus sales expectations, versus further investment to reach beyond that, to top tier AAA quality and good critical reception and heavy marketing in the tens of millions of dollars, and the need for a sequel to turn the whole 7-9 investment it into a big financial win, sometimes it cheaper to cancel a game....or if someone steps in with $50m and an open cheque book to keep development and marketing going, let them have exclusive rights on their platforms of choice, even if for a userbase that want to rent rather than buy.
You'd have made back your losses and turned a profit, with the only risk being they might do amazing with it being a huge hit at a cheap budget, losing you 70% on difference in what you made from the $50m versus 70% of the total return... or they damage the IP with a stinker and you made $30m off $20m.
Even in the first scenario of a hit game you would still be there for the sequel's 70%, and would own the codebase and be able to do multiplatform on the sequel in all likelihood, so would still be a lower risk win.
If you think work-for-hire deals aren't subject to on going assessment on quality at milestones then you'd be very wrong. At the point Microsoft joined the deal and paid for exclusivity, Disney would have had a clear idea of what their own risk assessment said the quality of the end product for them would likely be, and would have been happy to make money and hope Microsoft proved them wrong for the sake of the IP and opportunity to make more money of follow up games.