I intend to crack this game like an egg. I'm talking maximum cheese. Teleporting everyone into lava, tossing heavy chests at people, stacking invincible bulbs on people with telekinesis, having NPCs kill my targets for me, the works.
I've already kind of mapped everything out in my head, and there are only 3 fights in the entire game where I can't use some manner of cheese:
Forced boat fight between chapter 1 and 2, Doll fight in the tomb, final fight (but I suspect if you kill things in a specific order you avoid the giant clusterfuck)
Lava and death fog trivialize act 2 if you really want to get down and dirty at low levels.
Sources of deathfog? I don't have an undead character to grab some during the tutorial.
The game prides itself on always giving you the freedom to kill whoever you want whenever you want, so why not?Can i kill all the magisters in Driftwood? They're the only ones still breathing, and I can't have that
The game prides itself on always giving you the freedom to kill whoever you want whenever you want, so why not?
Should I switch my sword-and-board warrior to a 2H? It's my MC and I envisioned him a traditional tank character. However, because of the interaction regarding taunt/CC with physical armor, he feels useless for half of the fight. On top of that enemy AI just seems to good to fall for any baiting (never attacks me when I'm reflecting damage). Should I just drop the tank archetype and go full damage dealer/harasser?
So, how do you deal with the cursed revenants?
The early game is pretty hard, it gets easier. I think I died the most in the first act. I didn't feel it was unfair though, why did you have that feeling?
Okay I am so lost in Act 2. None of the quests have markers and none of the new ones are getting markers.
I was lucky enough to find where theXDeggs were for that chicken
What general side is the main town?
Officially: They will respawn on any cursed surface near them, so you have to clear all cursed surfaces away and kill them.
Unofficially: You sneak by and just head to the portal behind them because it's tedious as shit to deal with them.
Just got to act 2, how do I get vendors on my ship post?ship fight
Officially: They will respawn on any cursed surface near them, so you have to clear all cursed surfaces away and kill them.
Unofficially: You sneak by and just head to the portal behind them because it's tedious as shit to deal with them.
Should I switch my sword-and-board warrior to a 2H? It's my MC and I envisioned him a traditional tank character. However, because of the interaction regarding taunt/CC with physical armor, he feels useless for half of the fight. On top of that enemy AI just seems to good to fall for any baiting (never attacks me when I'm reflecting damage). Should I just drop the tank archetype and go full damage dealer/harasser?
Is there a mod for taunt yet? I thought that would be one of the first ones made. It is completely useless as it is now.
Is there a mod for taunt yet? I thought that would be one of the first ones made. It is completely useless as it is now.
Makes taunt ignore both types of armor. No other changes.
There is.
Improved Taunt.
Sadly, mods disable achievements. I'll only use mods on my 2nd playthrough later.
I wonder if CC effects could have been better managed through an armor penetration system (where, for example, different abilities get to ignore some amount of armor) than the magic/physical armor split system we have here. You could in theory have just one armor type, but powerful effects like knockdown or charm would typically (but not always) be linked to low-penetration skills while moderate CC effects might penetrate easily, allowing for a wider range of opening gambits than "just do as much damage as possible to strip the armor, then use turn-stealing statuses to keep them down."
Then again I am only on Act 2. I can't claim to have fathomed the depths of D:OS2's combat yet. I suppose you can already get "cheap" status effects by using environmental effects, but mobility seems to beat out those effects until you get terrain transubstantiation.
Had to wimp out and lower difficulty to explorer which is pretty much... too easy, meanwhile on the next level I had to struggle with every single fight.
I'll see if I bump up the level after I have gotten a better hang of the systems again. Otherwise the game is just great, surprises around every corner!
Yeah this series really needs a difficulty level between Explorer and Classic.
So umm, is that Act 2 fight forthe "Love has a price" quest meant to be unwinnable? You're naked and have no armor/weapons vs like 5 enemies.
So umm, is that Act 2 fight forthe "Love has a price" quest meant to be unwinnable? You're naked and have no armor/weapons vs like 5 enemies.
You can use...your magic pockets
My advice for beginners is to play on explorer for the first Act, or maybe half of it to learn the ropes of the system.
After a while, most people would find the game becoming too easy. That's the time to switch to classic mode.
The game is perfectly balanced on Classic imho. Yes, some fights might still screw you up but nothing is impossible in this game.
So umm, is that Act 2 fight forthe "Love has a price" quest meant to be unwinnable? You're naked and have no armor/weapons vs like 5 enemies.
You can bring up the rest of your party as soon as the fight starts. However. saving theseems impossible.prostitute
So umm, is that Act 2 fight forthe "Love has a price" quest meant to be unwinnable? You're naked and have no armor/weapons vs like 5 enemies.
I just finished act 3. While it's the weakest so far in terms of questing and random enemy encounters I found it to be the most satisfying in terms story and general slaughter of whoever stood in my way.
The interaction betweenandLohseis quite clever. Even if you missedthe Sallow Manin act 2 you can still move along your personal quest because of this unavoidable* engagement.the demon's name
Can't express the satisfaction of puttingdown. I tried to avoid it but he left me no choice, I neededGareth "The Emo"alive to move Ifan's story along. He eventually also got what he deserved which was also pleasent.Alexander
But the most satisfying moment was by far killing. Enjoy death you backstabbing bastard.my bitch of a god
*It's avoidable if you find the back way into the academy which bypasses all the quests and combat.
when i start over i think i'm just going to skip Act 1 and just respec everyone to new things in Act 2 do the rest of the game that way
What exactly do you mean by this out of interest? Can you respec companions or are you speaking about when they first join your party and you are able to pick what they do.
Probably a silly question.
Just had a really long fight in the, such a slog.Blackpits
How do you have two source points? What level are you? I just reached this part last night and saved just before the battle. I'm thinking that I must have missed something since I'm only level 12 and the boss is level 14.
How do you have two source points? What level are you? I just reached this part last night and saved just before the battle. I'm thinking that I must have missed something since I'm only level 12 and the boss is level 14.