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Divinity: Original Sin 2 |OT| Dragons & Dungeon Mastering

I get the talk to them to distract but even with the other 3 talking to people there was still more than enough to cover them. The Silent Monks don't move at all. I probably just need a point or two in Sneaking but I haven't found any gear with it yet.

6 characters, later you can recruit characters you make to your party but you lose out on the stories from the others.
if you're going to steal when there's a lot of people around you need a lot more than 1 point in sneaking to reduce those dam cones. they aren't spaced on accident some places are spaced to make sure only those who put in sneaking can get things


End of act 1 questions

Outcomes of killling and not killing Gratiana? Does she continue to act 2? She had some good loot on her
2. Burning Pigs quest.
I blessed all the pigs and one is back at Amada's shrine. The water kills the pig though and I can't bless it. What are my options?
3. A fate worse than dead quest.
I got the three soul jars of the necro mancers. Killing them loots me a filthy key. Where is it used? What does absorbing the soul do? My source points didn't increase.
4. Source skills
Any other source skills to gain in Act one than Bless,Closed Circuit and the item ones?
5. Artefacts of the Tyrant quest and cursed ring quest.
I found all three pieces but I can't get the curse off. I dropped all items and blessed them and also tried equipping them and blessing the character. Same for the cursed ring. How do I remove the curse?

you have to speak with the statue of amada first so it will bless the water


what happens if you leave a battle? like if I ignore the adds, kill a boss and flee, is the boss still dead, loot there and just the mobs standing? I guess it's a complete respawn because that would make it far too easy. but what if you loot the boss before you leave, do you lose it?
You mean from the polymorpher skill? You'll get an extra ability added to your hotbar. Activate that and choose your destination to fly there.

Note that you'll need a clear line of sight to reach the location. So you can't fly over a high wall or anything like that, unless you can already see the other side.

Must have missed the ability. Wish there was a way to pause the game. It can be hard to find short term skills on a messy hotbar when you only have a couple of "turns" outside of turn based mode.


what happens if you leave a battle? like if I ignore the adds, kill a boss and flee, is the boss still dead, loot there and just the mobs standing? I guess it's a complete respawn because that would make it far too easy. but what if you loot the boss before you leave, do you lose it?

Nope, not a complete respawn. Let me blow your mind for a second.

Sneak up to encounter.
Trigger encounter.
Teleport target far away into the loving arms of the rest of your party.
Trigger pyramid to teleport to your party.
Gangbang the lone target you teleported away!
Flee combat or just walk away before the rest of the enemies get there.

Now the encounter has one fewer enemy. Rinse and repeat. Welcome to tactician mode. Bonus: teleport enemies to spaces they can't get away from, like inbetween crates, islands, or behind locked gates.


I have a few questions about the early game:

Seeing as the Red Prince is the first companion I've found, does i matter in any way if I let him be his natural fighter, or choose another class for him?
I'm wondering both in the sense of story and his effectivity.

How long after this till I can respec? I chose Knight, but I'm afraid it could be a bit boring..

Can I respec everything from when I created my Kilia?


damn, now I wish I never asked

Yeah if you cheese stuff it's really easy to break the game in multiple ways. Flee is especially broken, I've used it mostly to kill some NPCs but not the others because I wasn't sure they still had quests or whatever.

They also messed up a bunch of the balancing it seems, although it's not much of an issue if you don't abuse it too bad.
Some of these fights are fucking hard even on "normal" difficulty. How the fuck do people play on Very Hard??

Don't fight fair.

Class is meaningless to the story. You respec for free at the start of act 2: 15-25 hours away. You can choose knight as a base and branch out to other skills as you get higher level if you want more interesting abilities, but knights are pretty good.


Don't fight fair.

Class is meaningless to the story. You respec for free at the start of act 2: 15-25 hours away. You can choose knight as a base and branch out to other skills as you get higher level if you want more interesting abilities, but knights are pretty good.

Thank you. I'm more concerned about a fun class. If you're telling me it's not necessarily just hulk smash with a knight, I'll keep her. :)


I have a few questions about the early game:

Seeing as the Red Prince is the first companion I've found, does i matter in any way if I let him be his natural fighter, or choose another class for him?
I'm wondering both in the sense of story and his effectivity.

How long after this till I can respec? I chose Knight, but I'm afraid it could be a bit boring..

Can I respec everything from when I created my Kilia?


1. Classes don't matter for your party members story, you can spec them how you like.
2. You get full respec for both you and your party at the start of Act 2, so feel free to experiment and try out things.
Is there any 'hub' in or around Fort Joy where I can send unused companions to? Do we ever get one?

I've met 3 extra now, and they're all like 'Yea, well I'll be waiting here if you want me'.


Really damn happy with my party right now.

Only complaint is Fane needs better fashion.



on the boat
just after Act 1, and have found a
that allows me to respec, is this the only chance to respec in the game?


End of act 1 questions

Outcomes of killling and not killing Gratiana? Does she continue to act 2? She had some good loot on her
2. Burning Pigs quest.
I blessed all the pigs and one is back at Amada's shrine. The water kills the pig though and I can't bless it. What are my options?
3. A fate worse than dead quest.
I got the three soul jars of the necro mancers. Killing them loots me a filthy key. Where is it used? What does absorbing the soul do? My source points didn't increase.
4. Source skills
Any other source skills to gain in Act one than Bless,Closed Circuit and the item ones?
5. Artefacts of the Tyrant quest and cursed ring quest.
I found all three pieces but I can't get the curse off. I dropped all items and blessed them and also tried equipping them and blessing the character. Same for the cursed ring. How do I remove the curse?

There are 5 pieces to the armor set: Helm, Chest, Legs, Gloves,
Boots, you can only nullify the curse effects by wearing the full set.
on the boat
just after Act 1, and have found a
that allows me to respec, is this the only chance to respec in the game?

You get to keep that for Act 2, the whole time as far as I'm aware. Not in Act 3 yet so can't confirm it lasts beyond that.

Thank you. I'm more concerned about a fun class. If you're telling me it's not necessarily just hulk smash with a knight, I'll keep her. :)

For spicing things up a bit:
Option 1: Grab a point (or 2) of polymorph. Tentacle whip, bull horns, invisibility, flying, regenerating armor...
Option 2: Grab several points of necro. Any damage you deal heals you automatically (more points in necro, more heal), you can summon a nice little dead blob to help you fight (only 1 AP!) blood sucking ability to heal yourself a ton, bone cage that regens your physical armor
Option 3: A dip in hydro, aero, or geo. All 3 have spells at the first rank that don't care how bad your intellect is: regenning armor, blinding nearby opponents, setting down a layer of oil for your mages to explode, etc.
I didn't get to play much today, but I'm bummed about how some sidequest have turned out for me: (Late? act 1 sidequest spoilers)

No luck trying to get the doggie (emmie) to speak to me, not even with the red ball you get from the houndmaster and trying between my character and ifan, who both have pet pal.
Surprisingly, the dog in a cell you can convince to keep on living it isn't a part of a sidequest. I managed to convince him after save scumming and getting a persuasion check with finesse.
I didn't try to do the teleporter sidequest until now, mostly because the sorcerer ask if you are alone when I was with my party 100% of the time (and also doing this sidequest) Kind of a bummer you basically help him escape while he leaves you behind, was totally expecting that.

I am in a moment where I don't want to advance because I fear i missed something, but at the same time I'm failing hard in some of these quest.


I need some help for the end of the first act.

I think my party is as well equipped as possible and they are at level 7. The fight against Alexander just seems impossible. I also can't beat the dumb witch in the Dragon quest.

No idea if you still need help or not but I did find something that makes it a bit easier

If you have a necro with the raise bloated corpse skill, you can raise the corpse the witch is near before fighting her, makes you have to fight one less person


I need some help for the end of the first act.

I think my party is as well equipped as possible and they are at level 7. The fight against Alexander just seems impossible. I also can't beat the dumb witch in the Dragon quest.

For the Witch:
If you have a rogue you can stealth behind her and open on her with Rupture Tendons. She'll run a long distance to her little pedestal and nearly die from the rupture damage. Once she's dead focus on the bugs, they're the biggest threat in my experience.

For Alexander:
Pull the fight away from where they spawn up to the right side with all your party members lying in wait. By the time the worm shows up you'll barely have started fighting, then you can just run away and let Alexander's idiots fight the worm. He may teleport to you still, but this strategy made this fight a lot easier for me.


How important is the Crit Multiplier that comes with Two-Handed skill points? I've been throwing points to just Warfare on my 2-handed Red Prince due the extra spell benefeits as it still gives +damage, but I was wondering if I'm really missing something.

This free respec zone is hurting my brain. I really need to create a new build for Fane, didn't like his default.
For those farther in the game, how feasible is it to swap companions in and out of your party and still be able to see their quest lines through?

I'm probably 2/3 of the way through Act 1 and I'm wondering if its worth the effort to swap out the 2 members I haven't been using to be able to get their story beats for this act.


For those of you playing as Fane, how have you built your party around him? I'm trying to come up with a combo that focuses either on magic or phys with Fane as the summoner but it seems that phys would be better due to greater diversity (1 or 2 str, 1 finesse, 1 or 2 int; vs possibly 4 int chars as full magic group).

As much as I love the armor/magic armor mechanic for combat purposes it's absolutely killing me when it comes to coming up with an effective but diverse party.


Almost done with act 1 I think! If the end of act 1 is
fighting Alexsander and leaving the island with the seekers, that's the only thing I have left to do.
It took a little bit to find fights that I wasn't under leveled for, but going back through Fort Joy and laying waste to those magister bastards certainly helped! Feels great to have fights where it doesn't seem like I'm losing the entire time.


Done with the first area, man, the final fight was some bananas. The way enemies are set up, the armor system greatly benefits them and over the player.

Also this game has a lot of sad dogs. :(

When can I respec? I'm in Act 1 and Enchanter is boring as shit. Shoulda just went something that focuses on messing with statuses.

As soon you are done with the act.


When can I respec? I'm in Act 1 and Enchanter is boring as shit. Shoulda just went something that focuses on messing with statuses.

Yeah this is the problem I made by taking in Lohse as Enchanter. Enough points in Hydro for Restoration is all you really need, the rest is super boring.
Man that's kinda lame. What class should I play when I want to use the environment to my advantage. Laying down spell traps. teleporting them in bad places or on top of fire or something, etc. Sadly, my dumb ass went lone wolf but now I might need to restart.
For those farther in the game, how feasible is it to swap companions in and out of your party and still be able to see their quest lines through?

At the end of Act 1 you keep whoever is in your party. The remainder go off and do their own thing and can't join you later.

Man that's kinda lame. What class should I play when I want to use the environment to my advantage. Laying down spell traps. teleporting them in bad places or on top of fire or something, etc. Sadly, my dumb ass went lone wolf but now I might need to restart.

A wizard, Pyro/Geo does a lot of laying down ground effects such as oil and fire. They also synergize very well with explosions by mixing the two. They have buffs and can debuff with poison as well.

wait, does enchanter not do a lot of status/control? i chose one becaues i wanna fuck with thigns but this worries me. I'm not very far into the game though.. maybe I should remake

They very much do, they're dependent on magic armor going down though. They can stun, they can teleport friends and enemies, freeze and shocked water. They also synergize pretty well.


Running Witch in the 4 player multi game I'm in. Not really sure how to play the character especially since we already have a dex type character. Question for people in Act 2:
Does the respec let you redo *everything* or just do you only get to respec from the base. ie if you picked Witch you're stuck with sub/necro or can you completely change classes?


I have two questions:

1) How do you stealth/sneak in this game?

2) Void collar question:
I fought at the arena and the blacksmith wants to remove the collar, I did to test it out and all magisters attack me on sight. Should I just leave it on or is there a benefit to removing it?


Well, that's annoying: the game keep switching every 10 seconds to a completely black screen, I have to constantly alttab out and agin in on it, that's pretty much unplayable... Anyone else had this issue?

Anyways, how long is the game roughly? I started with Red Prince, but would like to play Fane's story too; if it's too long, I'll switch right away, as I don't think I'll have time to chain two full playthroughs...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Running Witch in the 4 player multi game I'm in. Not really sure how to play the character especially since we already have a dex type character. Question for people in Act 2:
Does the respec let you redo *everything* or just do you only get to respec from the base. ie if you picked Witch you're stuck with sub/necro or can you completely change classes?

Full respec, right down to your appearance.
Aww I'm kind of bummed, was hoping the game would account for it.

Late act 1 spoilers:
So Slane asked me to get the Purging Rod from Radeka to release him so for fun I tried pick pocketing her and you can steal the rod from her. I was hoping if I released him you could tell him she still lives and he'd come fight but one of the dialogue options was "watching her die was a pleasure" or something to that effect. Oh well.

Yeah, there's so much reactivity in the game that it's a bit disappointing when you run across dialogue where you can't say something like "But I already know this/Did this thing".

I ran into that towards the end of the opening stuff when
I found the camp of friendlies *after* beating Alexander and already finding out about the Godwoken stuff.
So it was weird that I had no dialogue options for "I know I'm Godwoken, and what that means" and instead essentially had to act like I hadn't already done that stuff.


When can I respec? I'm in Act 1 and Enchanter is boring as shit. Shoulda just went something that focuses on messing with statuses.

wait, does enchanter not do a lot of status/control? i chose one becaues i wanna fuck with thigns but this worries me. I'm not very far into the game though.. maybe I should remake


For those of you playing as Fane, how have you built your party around him? I'm trying to come up with a combo that focuses either on magic or phys with Fane as the summoner but it seems that phys would be better due to greater diversity (1 or 2 str, 1 finesse, 1 or 2 int; vs possibly 4 int chars as full magic group).

As much as I love the armor/magic armor mechanic for combat purposes it's absolutely killing me when it comes to coming up with an effective but diverse party.

I'm playing as Fane, I specced him as a melee fighter with some Geomancer abilities, mainly the poison ones which mesh great with him because poison heals undead, so I can go into melee combat and then cast them and heal myself.

Party Wise I went with Ifan as an archer and Loche as my mage, who I specced as a healer/geomancer so she can heal both my non-undead people + me. Kept the Red Prince as my tank while I went with DPS as fane.

The main thing is that I have to put some poison resist on the Red Prince so that my aoe poisons don't hit him or simply keep distance between them.


wait, does enchanter not do a lot of status/control? i chose one becaues i wanna fuck with thigns but this worries me. I'm not very far into the game though.. maybe I should remake
You can shock/stun and chill/freeze pretty well. And the schools synergize well. Create giant puddles and electrify everyone standing in them.

My opinion is that every party needs to at least have every elemental school covered for optimal fun/chaos.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
wait, does enchanter not do a lot of status/control? i chose one becaues i wanna fuck with thigns but this worries me. I'm not very far into the game though.. maybe I should remake

Keep in mind that the "classes" are just names for some default skill configurations. You can learn anything with anyone, you're not restricted in any way by being an "enchanter".


Yeah, there's so much reactivity in the game that it's a bit disappointing when you run across dialogue where you can't say something like "But I already know this/Did this thing".

I ran into that towards the end of the opening stuff when
I found the camp of friendlies *after* beating Alexander and already finding out about the Godwoken stuff.
So it was weird that I had no dialogue options for "I know I'm Godwoken, and what that means" and instead essentially had to act like I hadn't already done that stuff.

That's something else I found weird,
when NPCs explain Shriekers I feel like the character plays dumb to like 5 different people and you get to hear them explain what they are.
Okay, I can't really figure out what to do to finish out my party.

So far, My main character is Lohse as a dual wield rogue. As my leader, I gave her persuasion.

I just got Red Prince who I made an Inquisitor, 2h warfare/necro. He started with Telekinesis so I'll keep going with that.

I want to use Ifan and Sebille, but I have no idea what to make them to round out the party, any suggestions on classes/builds? I'm going to need to give one of them thievery, but how about the other? Lucky Charm? Loremaster?


Well, that's annoying: the game keep switching every 10 seconds to a completely black screen, I have to constantly alttab out and agin in on it, that's pretty much unplayable... Anyone else had this issue?

Anyways, how long is the game roughly? I started with Red Prince, but would like to play Fane's story too; if it's too long, I'll switch right away, as I don't think I'll have time to chain two full playthroughs...

Long enough that there is still no howlongtobeat.com entry.

60-80 hours, as I understand it. Obviously less if you know what you're doing/lower difficulties.
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