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Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter by Larian Studios [Complete, ~$1 million funded]


I'm also a big fan of Ultima (especially 7), so I really hope that Shroud turns out well. I just think it's a much more high-risk project than something like Divinity or Eternity.

That's why I pulled my pledge. I'll wait it out and see if it's any good before buying. I'll be even more careful than before when I back a crowdfunded game.


I'm also a big fan of Ultima (especially 7), so I really hope that Shroud turns out well. I just think it's a much more high-risk project than something like Divinity or Eternity.
Yeah, that's what was making me worried beyond the "he hasn't been active for awhile" fact that breeds skepticism (Warren Spector's dormant for years, comes back with Epic Mickey, WELL LOOK HOW THAT TURNED OUT.) It promises to be this DRM free single player RPG that's also an epic MMORPG, and this this could actually be pretty good if executed well the problem is will it? Then we have the anecdote from the person who professed to being ex-Origin/Destination staff.

If the promise was more just a return to games like Ultima 7 but made in modern times (sorta like Divinity really) I'd probably be eager to back because I like the SOUND of Ultima 7 but not sure I can really get into it now. The fact Exodus changes the balance sorta puts me off and I don't like what I saw of the shopping system, but the way people talk about it makes me want to try it or something very close to it.


One of the devs that post on RPG Codex said that their doing a gameplay vid with Totalbiscuit.
That's the media coverage it needs and deserves.

TB is an honest person, and I like that about him, even if I don't like his personality. I'm subbed because he does an awesome job at covering games.


IMO they should be spamming the demo to as many Youtube Celebs they can get. Shovel Knight did crazy amounts of money once they had a bunch of Youtube Celebs play their demo, they met all their goals with ease thanks to doing that.


Welp, just got back from Larian HQ. I expected some footage, but instead we got a PLAYABLE demo of an early early early early alpha version. Now, a lot of the game was (obviously) still missing, but what was there was pretty awesome.

Exploration is a big part in this game it seems. You can find hidden cities if you're someone who likes to explore beyond the main quest. I played at a starting area near a beach and apparently there's a hidden city under the beach. Pretty cool, man.

The editor is pretty insane as well. You can play it with four players together and you can make your own RPG. All the tools are there. You can make an entire game, it's pretty crazy and awesome at the same time.

The atmosphere in the HQ was pretty cool. The KS was actually at 498K when I started my demo session and afterwards it was just 499K. Everyone there was preparing for the inevitable 500K :D Pretty cool to see, although I had to leave right before they hit the target it seems!

I really hope they get their 1 million, for the day/night system and the NPC schedules. Especially night would have a special effect on npc's and enemies. You'd see skeletons roam the world and people would lock their houses. You can lockpick it and when you're inside, people wont be all skyrim "hi m8 wut r u doing here" but they'll be "oi m8 wot is this shit gtfo my house or ur ded".

Now about the 500K goal we just got, apparently there will be some kind of book in the homestead that lets you see in the future (10 years I believe). If you make choices in the game, you can then use the book and see what'll happen ten years later. Someone accused of murdering her husband? You say it's her (lots of evidence), use the book and find out it was someone else. You can then change the future by finding the real culprit. Pretty awesome.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited about this title. Definitely worth backing. I mean, heck, this was an alpha version and it looked pretty damn good already. A shame I didn't take any pics come to think 'bout it.

Ask them about the WereSheep.

I did. Nothing special of an answer though. Just that they're glad people like it and the fact it has become some sort of cult between fans, is the reason they've added it.

Ask them what town NPCs will be like without schedules if that stretch goal isn't met.

Well, they'd be like normal npc's. You know, just randomly walking around. With schedules however, they would do more things at specific timepoints. Like going to their house when it's getting dark, gathering their stuff and locking the door -> go to bed & sleep. It was pretty complex to implement that though, so that's why it's the final stretch goal, it's the most work out of them all I figure.

sven vincke (CEO) was pretty optimistic about the Kickstarter. He has a few tricks up his sleeve (He confirmed Totalbiscuit) and he hopes to reach 650K in a few days, because he's pretty confident about reaching the final target before it's over. I hope he does, this project deserves it.
New update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin/posts/454237


Edit: This sounds insanely cool

I really hope they get their 1 million, for the day/night system and the NPC schedules. Especially night would have a special effect on npc's and enemies. You'd see skeletons roam the world and people would lock their houses. You can lockpick it and when you're inside, people wont be all skyrim "hi m8 wut r u doing here" but they'll be "oi m8 wot is this shit gtfo my house or ur ded".


Thanks for the impressions Dawg, sounds awesome all around. I hope the youtube stuff gives some boost to the kickstarter.

In fact I hope it explodes somehow and reaches Eternity backer levels, at which point their dungeon stretch goal will backfire hilariously (60 level dungeon anyone? ;))


Ahhh yeah!
Expanding The Lair

From now on, for every 1000 backers that we gain, the lair of the monster beneath Phantom Forest will become deeper and deeper. (This means, we start counting at 10'000 backers.) Or in the words of Jan, our writer extraordinaire:

"As you travel onward beyond the woods of Luculla, it doesn't take long to reach the outskirts of Phantom Forest: a vast, towering woodland shunned by almost all that lives. Once entered, a few steps suffice to be engulfed in absolute nocturnal darkness that even the eyes of a cat would have great difficulty in piercing. Armed with a torch one might proceed, but it requires an iron will not to turn and run in fright when beholding the torturously contorted grimaces that seem to slither through every coarsely barked trunk. Dead bodies hang from twisted branches, silent and still, for not even the winds dare penetrate the foreboding canopy of Phantom Forest."

Phantom Forest, not for the weak of heart...

"Neither do the forces of evil that threaten our heroes, for it is said that deep within its reaches a creature lurks that is so cruel the world knows not its like - not even the sinister Engineer that shall plague the Marked One centuries later can compare with the shadow that stalks this distorted wood. And yet, it is there that the key can be found to unravel an essential piece of lore of infinite value to those who seek to control the Source..."

The lair of this nightmarish beast is a labyrinth riddled with death, puzzles and mystery. It's up to you however, to decide just how extensive this lair will be. For every thousand extra backers that pledge from here on out, a new level full of pitfalls, threats and riddles will be added!

Hyperion doesn't even come close - The lair of the unspeakable...

With your help, the depths of Phantom Forest will become the stage of an unforgettable adventure, and to those that walk in unprepared, certain grisly death!
I had no doubt this game would reach its goal, but I do doubt we'll see any of the good stretch goals..I really want to see unique companions and not just faceless henchmen.
I had no doubt this game would reach its goal, but I do doubt we'll see any of the good stretch goals..I really want to see unique companions and not just faceless henchmen.

I hope they at least reach the 650k stretch goal. If they don't reach the other stretch goals then I hope the game sells well and they add it after the release, I'd definitely do a replay :D


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I don't mind having henchmen with the plot and dialogues resting on the two real party members. More would be good but I think they'd still not be as developed anyway, since the game isn't just getting started.


Wish they would have had at least a basic day/night at an earlier stretch goal and kept schedules high up. Even if night is just lightning and perhaps more ambient music, it really makes for great atmosphere in some games.
Wish they would have had at least a basic day/night at an earlier stretch goal and kept schedules high up. Even if night is just lightning and perhaps more ambient music, it really makes for great atmosphere in some games.

From the wording on the stretch goal image I think the game already has a Day/Night cycle, but it doesn't affect NPC behaviour.


Also, don't know if I said it yet... but the map editor the game ships with is playable in multiplayer with 4 players together. That was pretty cool. You can create an entire world/game with your friends. And someone said they might up the cap to six players.

That still amazes me.

edit: oh damn, I did already say this in the post above. I feel silly now;

He also gave the example of: if you want to create Ultima 7 in our engine with multiplayer, you can.

Also played some DC. 2vs2 rts match and you when pressed "R" you transform into a dragon third person mode while other players continue playing rts-mode.


Doesn't always help too much (I remember the Interstellar Marines kickstarter)

Games that are interesting will draw in backers, given the limelight. Just having limelight doesn't make a bland, uninspired looking FPS (which is the most oversaturated genre out there) interesting out of the sudden tho.


Is DC good? I went for the $65 digital tier.

Honestly? (and I told this to Swen too :p)

I think DC is the better title. Gotta admit, this is because I'm not as much of an old school gamer and I prefer 3D rts/action gameplay over turn based isometric gameplay.

The game basically has three steps. You enter this large spaceship with advisors and commanders and you get a lot of choices. The undead advisor wanted to have more fish to eat while the lizard advisor didn't really want that. The elven advisor was neutral while the dwarf advisor always prefer the option with more money. You also have an imp advisor who is usually "bat shit crazy".

Every choice affects your standing with each faction and the help/cards they give you or something. You also have to pick a princess from the factions and yes there is a skeleton princess that wants to be alive again. (put her brains in a living girl or collect limbs from all kinds of different people lel).

The gameplay itself is a RTS map that looks like shogun. Very nicely detailed. You move units over parts of the map (divided like risk) and battles are played realtime via RTS. We tested multiplayer with four players and you actually play realtime RTS against eachother while you can summon a dragon in third person mode. The other players remain in rts-view but you're flying around with this big dragon and fucking shit up. I REALLY LIKED THAT.

I'd also like to add, once again, that I was really impressed with their engine. They're just a smaller European/Belgian dev for many and then their graphics are quite impressive to be honest.

I really wish I took a picture of the spaceship with the advisors etc. It looked a lot like Starcraft II in the bar etc
Honestly? (and I told this to Swen too :p)

I think DC is the better title. Gotta admit, this is because I'm not as much of an old school gamer and I prefer 3D rts/action gameplay over turn based isometric gameplay.

The game basically has three steps. You enter this large spaceship with advisors and commanders and you get a lot of choices. The undead advisor wanted to have more fish to eat while the lizard advisor didn't really want that. The elven advisor was neutral while the dwarf advisor always prefer the option with more money. You also have an imp advisor who is usually "bat shit crazy".

Every choice affects your standing with each faction and the help/cards they give you or something. You also have to pick a princess from the factions and yes there is a skeleton princess that wants to be alive again. (put her brains in a living girl or collect limbs from all kinds of different people lel).

The gameplay itself is a RTS map that looks like shogun. Very nicely detailed. You move units over parts of the map (divided like risk) and battles are played realtime via RTS. We tested multiplayer with four players and you actually play realtime RTS against eachother while you can summon a dragon in third person mode. The other players remain in rts-view but you're flying around with this big dragon and fucking shit up. I REALLY LIKED THAT.

I'd also like to add, once again, that I was really impressed with their engine. They're just a smaller European/Belgian dev for many and then their graphics are quite impressive to be honest.

I really wish I took a picture of the spaceship with the advisors etc. It looked a lot like Starcraft II in the bar etc



Commander looks too clustered with too many units. I prefer less units, but stronger ones that you need to micro, than just throwing in an aramda of pawns in bulks.


What I love about DC is its blatant disregard of genres. We used to get this quite often on PC, but these days most games seem to stick within the boundaries of one genre -- maybe adding in so-called "RPG elements" from time to time.
Commander looks too clustered with too many units. I prefer less units, but stronger ones that you need to micro, than just throwing in an aramda of pawns in bulks.

I like it. Most RTS games nowadays are on a smaller scale, so DC's RTS battles sound refreshing to me.
This goal will see us introduce traits and talents that further define your party members. They will help you in combat, in dialogues with NPCs, and in all kinds of other interactions. You get to choose some at character creation, by exploring the world, and occasionally through leveling up. For instance, Animal Empathy allows you to talk to animals. Slippery Eel allows you to evade attacks of opportunity. Interdimensional Touch lets you send items to far away party members but also to your Homestead on the Shelter Plane At The End Of Time. And like this, there will be many more. Essential stuff really, so please help us out.

Sounds great.

I really like the update song.

Edit: Just noticed that they have something planned for 666k.


It's a shame this isn't getting more press and backers.

I really hope this makes the $1m tier. NPC scheduling added so much to Ultima VII.


Afraid it's unlikely. It would be already exceptional to reach 800k $; I suppose the kickstarter might hit the next stretch goal, 650k $, with a bit of luck.
Shame, because it's possibly one of the most worthwhile final stretch goals I've seen, I can go without Torment's, but this sounds like it'd make a world of difference even if it meant we had to wait that much longer. I'd like it if we at least reach 800k though, I doubt it's really THAT important but I'd like to have more distinct party characters rather than just the two leads.



Then again, I hope TB will have a positive influence. I hope he likes the game, as I'm sure this game is not everyone.


I wonder if there is any chance of getting those last two stretch goals in the game if DC does exceptionally well? (assuming that its going to miss the $1million target)

I just feel like you can't make a U7 successor without a day night cycle + scheduled NPC's. Some of my fondest gaming memories involve U7 and those features alone.


I wonder if there is any chance of getting those last two stretch goals in the game if DC does exceptionally well? (assuming that its going to miss the $1million target)

I just feel like you can't make a U7 successor without a day night cycle + scheduled NPC's. Some of my fondest gaming memories involve U7 and those features alone.

I feel the same re: scheduled NPCs. I had great fun robbing the jewelry shop and the bank in Britain thanks to the NPC schedules.

The start of a lifetime of videogame kleptomania!
I wonder if there is any chance of getting those last two stretch goals in the game if DC does exceptionally well? (assuming that its going to miss the $1million target)

I just feel like you can't make a U7 successor without a day night cycle + scheduled NPC's. Some of my fondest gaming memories involve U7 and those features alone.

Maybe they can patch those features into the game if it's successful, I'd definitely replay it.
Someone convince to up my pledge to $65. Dragon Commander sounds absurdly interesting.

Fantasy RPG / RTS with hardcore modern political themes with a dash of dating sim?


I'd wish they would do a 45-50$ tier that includes Divinity and Dragon Commander as digital. =/ 65$ is just out of my budget I have set myself for kickstarters.
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