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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Finished the Lighthouse quest? Leave from the west gate, near the harbour that leads on a path along the beach.

Definitely do this. It's not really required or even encouraged to go there on the main line, but it's a cool area and has some good rewards. I ended up realizing I'd missed it when I was level 8 or 9, breezed through the whole area.

It was kind of fun being an Unstoppable Monster for a while though.


Which are good classes to start with, I'm thinking knight and ranger or should I go with a wizard/mage type?

edit: I should really read the O.P.


Late game question about Starstones/Bloodstones:

While the Homestead was under attack, I discovered/used several Bloodstones, which did not unlock any portals during this time since I diod not know about the Blood Stone Obelisk in Northern Luculla that I was supposed to destroy. I have found several other Bloodstones throughout the game, and with the last one I used, I was able to unlock the last Elemental Merchant in the Homestead, and am aware of two other Bloodstones that I have not gotten yet (One near Cassandra, and one in the Source Temple).

From what I understand, there is a point very soon from where I am at in the game where I will have had to acquire a certain amount of Blood Stones in order to progess. AM I screwed since I possibly missed out of those Blood Stones that I used while the Homestead was under attack?


Yep, as a rule you'll be even or just under enemy levels. They don't scale, so you can use enemies as a proxy for "am I pursuing the right thread right now?". Lighthouse at 4 is just fine.

Oh wow, that is great to hear.

This game is truly open world, right? You're not picking spots on a map to travel to?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I started getting a freeze/lockup last night while playing in my friend's game. The screen locks up, but I can still interact with everything. It will show on his end that I'm moving around and interacting with things, but on my end the display is just static.
This will seemingly happen at random while playing, and it will persist after every load attempt after that.

Are there any of you that have experienced this, and if so did you find a way to solve it?
Oh wow, that is great to hear.

This game is truly open world, right? You're not picking spots on a map to travel to?

I guess you could call it a "truly" open world. The game is split up into areas, but they're all connected together in a way that makes them a real world, such as it is. There are also waypoints that you can travel to at will. (Without those waypoints, backtracking would be maddening.)

It's more like Skyrim's large continuous world than it is like Baldur's Gate 2's big map o' areas.


I guess you could call it a "truly" open world. The game is split up into areas, but they're all connected together in a way that makes them a real world, such as it is. There are also waypoints that you can travel to at will. (Without those waypoints, backtracking would be maddening.)

It's more like Skyrim's large continuous world than it is like Baldur's Gate 2's big map o' areas.

Perfect. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger and buy it.


just started it and already like it, went with 2 females, a fighter and a wizard, used stuff in the OP to customize some stuff.


That's required to finish the game so I think you'll be OK.

I was hoping to use it for healing that injured creature in the forest but apparently it just uses the stone automatically when you use it. I have three more, but I have no idea what they are good for anyway.


Back on top.



Late game question about Starstones/Bloodstones:

While the Homestead was under attack, I discovered/used several Bloodstones, which did not unlock any portals during this time since I diod not know about the Blood Stone Obelisk in Northern Luculla that I was supposed to destroy. I have found several other Bloodstones throughout the game, and with the last one I used, I was able to unlock the last Elemental Merchant in the Homestead, and am aware of two other Bloodstones that I have not gotten yet (One near Cassandra, and one in the Source Temple).

From what I understand, there is a point very soon from where I am at in the game where I will have had to acquire a certain amount of Blood Stones in order to progess. AM I screwed since I possibly missed out of those Blood Stones that I used while the Homestead was under attack?
Just warp out and come back, I did the same thing. It was a little finicky at first, but seemed to work. Have to warp to a different zone and go back to homestead for it to update each time.


Stuck in the church. Can't remove the force field. I have the
amulet from evyllin
, which is supposed to open it, but when I try to use it - "path is blocked". Any ideas? I tried teleporting and throwing the pyramid through the field, but that doesn't work.


Stuck in the church. Can't remove the force field. I have the
amulet from evyllin
, which is supposed to open it, but when I try to use it - "path is blocked". Any ideas? I tried teleporting and throwing the pyramid through the field, but that doesn't work.

There is a little stand in that room near the barrier with a square hole that looks like you plug in the
Did you click on the stand?


Yes I clicked on it. Also tried to put it in manually.
Edit: Clicked with the wrong character, now it works. :) I reminded my of the quest with the 4 secret chests, where you have similar amulets and you have to put them on the stand.
I was away for 2 weeks and just downloaded a huge update, was there anything worthwile in it?

Companion AI is the most noteworthy new feature, but there were also a handful of smaller changes/additions and bug fixes to the game.

is this game supposed to be hard? cause am getting wrecked..either that or i just suck lol. i am a little confused.

It can be tough when you start out, especially if you don't have a full party.

The only non-spoilery tip I can give you is, before you leave town, make sure that you have a full party. There are two companions (currently) in the game, and a plethora of henchmen available all available before you leave Cyseal's doors. All you need to do is poke around a bit, maybe work on the main quest for a while, and then it should all open up for you. If you want to know exactly where, here you go (early game spoilers)
The two henchmen are Madora, a fighter, and Jachan(?), a mage. The former is in the Cyseal Inn, and the latter is in the Cyseal library (above the Mayor's house). Henchmen are available from outside of Cyseal, but you can get there without ever leaving Cyseal's gates. Access to henchmen will take two inert stones, which you will stumble upon in Cyseal during the Cyseal main quest.
Basically, fully adventure through Cyseal and everything will be revealed to you.

If you want to know some easier enemies to fight, then I'll tell you: (first area location spoilers)
Go West, but not to the beach; the other West gate is what you seek. Battles will be tough but survivable.
One final tip, there is also a spot in Cyseal city itself that you can adventure in, but you have a grave chance of finding it without proper hints.

Good luck, Source Hunter.
Quick Silverglen question:

Following the White Witch questline has led me into Hiberheim, the snow area. Is this the third area of the game? Should I go back and hit up the goblin / troll in Silverglen before I proceed?


Gonna wait to start a plythrough once they iron out the bugs (the incredibly low framerate drives me nuts when starting the game) and also wait for more characters...the first woman you meet in the bar sounds like a Hillbilly.


Quick Silverglen question:

Following the White Witch questline has led me into Hiberheim, the snow area. Is this the third area of the game? Should I go back and hit up the goblin / troll in Silverglen before I proceed?

You're in the right place if you want to do it in the "right" order. Hiberheim is technically the second area in the game (in terms of enemy levels anyway), while the Silverglen surrounding region is the third area. If you explore Silverglen and progress in the quests available, you'll notice a substantial level bump.
You're in the right place if you want to do it in the "right" order. Hiberheim is technically the second area in the game (in terms of enemy levels anyway), while the Silverglen surrounding region is the third area. If you explore Silverglen and progress in the quests available, you'll notice a substantial level bump.

Cool thanks! I will press on then. This game is huge.

Ploid 3.0

Every since I started playing this game I've been looking for another PC RPG. I haven't even finished the game, not even past the first map or over level 7, I keep restarting to try another build even though the previous character wasn't having problems.

Looked into a bit of Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. Plays something like Dragon Age Origins, but the whole Dungeon's and Dragon's system seem intimidating (have to study a bit of how D&D second edition 2.729's rules work) and limiting. One use spells, relearn them and take a rest to use it again for example. Add to that Enhanced Edition seem to be full of bugs.
played a bit and liking it a lot! i guess my only complaint is i wish there were an option to skip the CPU's battle stuff or speed it up like in fire emblem. not that big of a deal though


Could anyone please tell me how to get in the door in the
Source Temple? The quest log says to get star stones, I think I have 12 in total now (8 inert + 4 blood), do I need more? Do they just have to be in my inventory?


Could anyone please tell me how to get in the door in the
Source Temple? The quest log says to get star stones, I think I have 12 in total now (8 inert + 4 blood), do I need more? Do they just have to be in my inventory?

You have to use Bloodstones. That transmutes them into Starstones, which are auto-used.

In short, Intert Stones = Used Star Stones. So as long as you picked them up every time, you should have a count.


You have to use Bloodstones. That transmutes them into Starstones, which are auto-used.

In short, Intert Stones = Used Star Stones. So as long as you picked them up every time, you should have a count.

Oh my god. I didn't know using bloodstones caused
all sorts of shit to happen in the End of Time.

My next stupid question is how do you get to the chests in the
Knight's Tomb? I followed the orc footprints to the end, talked to the imp hunter guys, but can't find a way to the two chests. Tried throwing my teleport stone to beside them which just killed me, can't see any footprints leading to them either.
]blacky[;122784235 said:
When can I level up my pyro-skills? What is the requirement?

There's no need to level them up, their power is directly based on the caster's intelligence attribute.

To learn new pyro skills, you'll need to craft, find, or buy a Pyromancy skillbook. These skillbooks are restricted solely by level. Unfortunately, I can't recall who sells pyro books in Cyseal - perhaps Arhu.


Question on the whole church area

So I went through that burning/poison/trap house, found the undertaker's cabin, killed the guy in the crypt area with the woman and guitar guy, then I cleared the whole big burning place with the Twins-Joined-By-Fire or whatever, and out of that whole thing I just got some loot? Did I miss picking up quests to do these things?


Question on the whole church area

So I went through that burning/poison/trap house, found the undertaker's cabin, killed the guy in the crypt area with the woman and guitar guy, then I cleared the whole big burning place with the Twins-Joined-By-Fire or whatever, and out of that whole thing I just got some loot? Did I miss picking up quests to do these things?

Those guys are related to the Undead Scourge quest.


Bracchus Rex
on the first try. After his first barrage of fireballs I thought I was fucked, and then he
spawned the others
...man, I wasn't prepared for that. I don't know how I managed to eke that fight out. Thanks, crowd control!
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