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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Man, the final boss is kicking my ass. I'm on the defensive after like two turns and I just can't deal enough damage to get in a comfortable spot in the fight.
Man, the final boss is kicking my ass. I'm on the defensive after like two turns and I just can't deal enough damage to get in a comfortable spot in the fight.
Do it like me and some other guys on here. Cheap as shit though:
drop a lava scroll on him if you have one.


Do it like me and some other guys on here. Cheap as shit though:
drop a lava scroll on him if you have one.
Lol I do have one and considered doing that, but I already cheeses the Death Lord and Guardian fight by doing that. I'll do that as an absolute last resort
Just beat this at around 80 hours. Incredible game! It is still amazing me that I played a brand new CRPG of this quality in 2014. It is high up on my goty list for sure.

Last boss stuff:
He had tons more HP than I expected, and it really was an endurance fight. The low hit chance on him was the real killer, and even with blessed I would end up missing most of my hits I could make. Still, a good tough end to a huge long journey that really felt cathartic.
jesus i am getting fucking worked early game. i walked out of the city and fight a goblin, zombie and knight and they have wrecked me 5 straight times. is there a "defend" command or when you end the turn do you pretty much defend regardless?


jesus i am getting fucking worked early game. i walked out of the city and fight a goblin, zombie and knight and they have wrecked me 5 straight times. is there a "defend" command or when you end the turn do you pretty much defend regardless?

Make sure you are going out one of the exits with enemies near your level (within 1 level of you). There is a mini-dungeon in the first town to help you level up some in the graveyard.

Best thing you can do early on is get a summon spell (spider for the win) and throw him out in front of you every battle to use as a tank/damage sponge. Failing that, stun, freeze, and otherwise incapacitate as many as you can while you whittle them down.

There is no defend command but there are buffs that help boost you defense a huge amount. If enemies try to walk by your characters they'll automatically get an attack of opportunity and swing at them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
1) Levels matter a lot
2) Make good use of spells and items in your inventory
3) Look around town for people you can bring with you on your adventure, there are
two people you can talk to to get them into your party, Madora and Jahann, you can also unlock a recruiter at the End of Time, which is a kind of homebase you unlock in one of the Cysael questlines
jesus i am getting fucking worked early game. i walked out of the city and fight a goblin, zombie and knight and they have wrecked me 5 straight times. is there a "defend" command or when you end the turn do you pretty much defend regardless?

for early game Fire will solve everything everything else is hardcore mode if you don't out level them or have a 2 hander with good speed


is it okay to be level 7 in silverglen? I dont think so lol.

fuck man, I don't know what im supposed to be doing now -_-


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
is it okay to be level 7 in silverglen? I dont think so lol.

fuck man, I don't know what im supposed to be doing now -_-

You better start doing more quests in Cyseal. Gotta be at least level 10 before you go down that road.


jesus i am getting fucking worked early game. i walked out of the city and fight a goblin, zombie and knight and they have wrecked me 5 straight times. is there a "defend" command or when you end the turn do you pretty much defend regardless?

No defend command. I got wrekt a lot early game too. Do not be afraid to use consumables (you will not need them later) and have Jahan heal your tank/tanks up. As soon as I hit level 10ish, I never lost a fight again. Final boss? 2ez. Your party starts weak then becomes REALLY powerful. Hang in there man.

My wife and I just started and jesus fuck this game is a JERK.

See above. It gets substantially easier. I was legit frustrated with some of the early fights, but your party really become powerhouses as you level up and get gear.

Man, the final boss is kicking my ass. I'm on the defensive after like two turns and I just can't deal enough damage to get in a comfortable spot in the fight.

Blind him with Jahan then have Madora wreck his face. He takes plenty of damage when blinded.
Never played a game of this genre before, just played for 2 and a half hours, absolutely loving it. Just finished the conversation with
the 2 drunk guards after the tutorial

Having a bit of trouble with the camera and need to figure out how to control it most efficiently. You can do most things with the mouse, so I only really need character-switching and item-viewing on the keyboard. Wish you could just toggle the item-viewing on. I get that they don't want to make it too easy to see everything without looking for it, but it's a bit pointless if you just have to hold a button to do it

Made my woman a Ranger and guy a Knight, kind of winging it with the stat and equipment stuff which I've heard may well fuck me over later on. Can easily see myself pouring dozens of hours into this if the content is there

How long do consumables like the seashells effect your stats for? It doesn't say in the item description and I didn't see a cooldown timer
"How long do consumables like the seashells effect your stats for? It doesn't say in the item description and I didn't see a cooldown timer"

Usually like 3 or so turns.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Man, the final boss is kicking my ass. I'm on the defensive after like two turns and I just can't deal enough damage to get in a comfortable spot in the fight.

The way I did it was as follows. I had my main tank get right up in his face and position him AWAY from the party so his flame breathes don't hit them. I grouped everyone else around Astarte and dealt with the summons with chain charms, knockdowns, blinds and weakness. There is no point in killing summons since he just resummons them very quickly. The only summons that have to die IMMEDIATELY are the air elemental types because of their annoying debuffs. The spider and ghoul barely do any damage. My main tank and archer destroyed the void dragon while my mage and 2H knight + summon dealt with the minions. Pretty easy fight once you figure it out.
this is such bs, ever since i got one of my guys with 100% Ten resistance mobs have been straight up ignoring attacking it, highly annoying. More so when the
Death Knights
hasn't touched it in the last 6 i fought


Killed the final boss:

...with the lava scroll lol


I was fighting him and had all four of my characters call in summons (used leftover ability points to give one of my main guys and Madora a point in Witchcraft to spawn Undead Decapitators as well of my fiore and earth elemental and Jahan and my other main. The majority of the damage I did to him was with meteor shower (scrolls and skills) + posion and two death punches. I had his health down to 350, and then he goes apeshit on Astarte, whom had a little over half health, and kills her, ending the fight.

I was not going to go through the entire fight again, so I just cheesed it with a lava core.


So I think I finally got the swing of things. Played for about 11 hours and my group was level 4 and i was having trouble with larger level 5 groups. Decided that I didn't really like my group set up, and that I didn't want to use henchmen so I rerolled my knight to a ranger with the nasty deeds traits. Another 11 hours(all of today) laterand I got past the cave with the sparkmaster and got the staff too. The larger groups were still pretty rough but after finding some charm arrows and giving my wizard summon spider it became a lot easier to cc. This game is so good. I've honestly had trouble getting into games lately and would only play for like an hour max, but this game... I can't get enough. I wanted to keep playing but its 1 here.


Any Rogue players out there? I usually roll the Assassin type characters if I get the chance.

Rogue gets strong later on. One problem is, that positioning for backstabing can be a bit tricky in some situation. Don't forget that you can use shields with enough +str from gear, but this is clearly not intended by Larian. The dagger looks like a sword when you do it and when you die, shield is removed from the slot.

I'm trying to get Int up to 7 or 8 with gear, so I can use some Airspells (2nd invisibillity spell and that half damage spell) Putting a lot of points into constitution right now, because I want take glascannon. I recommend to put 1 point in witchcraft to get the +50% damage oath, which is one of the best spells in the game.


Anyone know where I can get a lava scroll?

Anyway I've had one go at the final boss, got stomped, want to level up but I've basically run out of things to kill.
Have killed everyone in Sacred Stone, all the Immaculates I could think of, Hunter's Edge is completely empty after the Blood Stones quest, I'm down to having to just murder people in Cyseal and Silverglen which I'd rather not do. I need 60k XP :(
If I have a mage as one character, 2nd character is Rogue/Shadowblade or Ranger better?

Also, I am confused on the original attributes/abilities customization, should I undo the defaults or just roll with it?
If I have a mage as one character, 2nd character is Rogue/Shadowblade or Ranger better?

Also, I am confused on the original attributes/abilities customization, should I undo the defaults or just roll with it?

I'm currently playing Rogue/Mage and works fine, however you kinda need to be mindful of what you're doing with your mage since aoes and stuff will hit your rogue if you're hugging whatever you're nuking. This is especially important for earth/fire as far as I can tell as those have a lot of aoes and poison+fire makes big explosions. I generally have my rogue jump into the backlines(1pt marksmanship Retreat spell or whatever, great for moving around past obstacles and stuff) then stealth and pick off the casters/rangers with backstabs while my mage summons a tank and aoe/zone control all the melee mobs(they all go for the summon or the mage if the summon is dead because I always end my turn in sneak with my rogue so he never takes aggro). Note that I play with double Lone Wolf though, so those 2 are all my group.

One issue with ranger along with a mage is some spell combos will generate smoke/steam and when that happens it blocks vision, preventing you from attacking with your ranger(maybe if you use explosive arrows and ground target not sure). Even if you don't do the combos yourself, mobs exploding on death or whatever will sometimes generate them. Shouldn't be too much of an issue though just something to remember.
So, can't resist a good RPG.

Picked this game up and started putting some hours into it yesterday. Had the day to myself so took advantage.

First run lasted about 2 hours. Built my character, wasn't really paying attention to too much. Got to the first section of the storyline ... was just lost in all the text and stats and the sheer amount of shit thrown in your face early on with new little sidequests and journal entries. One of my pet peeves with RPG's is when you first start and just because you like talking to people, you suddenly have 30 things to do. Before walking out of town I believe I had 6 missions. Something like that. ( speaking of ... am I missing something or do the missions not create waypoints? )

I head north as lv. 3 I believe. Run into a pack of undead. Die. Hmmm ok. Head north again, fight a little differently. Die. Not feeling my characters.

Head west, actually killed a small group of Orcs. Run into a much larger pack of orcs. Dead. Hmmm ok. Tried it again. Dead.

Alright, now I am really not feeling my characters at all. So, 2 hours in, I remake.

This time, I go for Fighter / Cleric. And this time, I pay attention to the finer details of the skills I am going to have and whatnot. 2 hours in. I am back at my original area I was before but this time after exploring around the opening beach I came across a starter dungeon. Oh how much this shit helped. Now I know what to do with barrels, oil barrels, water barrels, how to push away poison clouds, how to do this and that. And got some useful new gear and things. So, in a much better starting position. This time I also got Madura(?) the 2H wielding chick.

And well.. this is pathetic but after 4 hours I finally noticed the Trade icon on each character's portrait you speak with lmao. So now, after seeing that, I unload absolutely everything except potions and spells and got a new set of gear for my main Fighter. And then got a few things for the Cleric. Boy what a difference that shit made. I had no idea the starter gear was 3x worse then even " old worn " type shit. I also figured out how to get a shovel and a repair hammer. Still haven't figured out alchemy / cooking / crafting but that will come with time.

So now I head around town looking for shit to dig up, find more items to sell and gather more gear together and potions. And NOW I'm ready.

Only lv. 3 still though.

Head west this time first. Kill those orcs, so easy. Run into the larger group of lv. 6 orcs. Dead. Mother.Fucker.

Ok, lets try that again. Dead. Oooo you sonsabitches.

Ok ....

Head north. Kill those initial lv. 3 undead easy. Sweet.
Head east a bit, run into a rabid undead dog that summons like 60 other enemies. Dead. Mainly due to everyone on my team being Frozen. Ok what? Wet. Frozen. Poisoned. Knocked down. Tripped. WTF!

You fucking game. I WILL defeat you. Oh yes. I will figure it out.
"How long do consumables like the seashells effect your stats for? It doesn't say in the item description and I didn't see a cooldown timer"

Usually like 3 or so turns.


Any idea if I can consume it at any time when walking around, and the effect will carry on until the next battle, so I don't have to spend AP consuming them? Or if the effects stack? Guessing the answer to that one is no

What did the Kickstarter code guys get? I feel kinda bad only paying £16 for this, hope the right amount of that went to the devs


How are people playing this game without the companions?? Some fights are hard even with a full 4 character party, I can't imagine how it is possible just with 2.



Any idea if I can consume it at any time when walking around, and the effect will carry on until the next battle, so I don't have to spend AP consuming them? Or if the effects stack? Guessing the answer to that one is no

One turn is kinda short in real time, and that time passes outside of combat. Unless you pop the consumable right before the battle, it will probably run out before the battle.
One turn is kinda short in real time, and that time passes
outside of combat. Unless you pop the consumable right before the battle, it will probably run out before the battle.

Thanks :)

Kinda confused about how death works. Didn't realise how fragile my main female was and she died in the tutorial. Assumed that since she's a main character, she'd automatically be revived when the battle was over, but nope, had to use the Resurrection spell.

Is it only game over if everyone in the party/both main characters dies?
Would her body have remained there for the entire game, or until I went back to revive her?

What happens if you enter combat when your guys are unlinked?

(Sorry for asking so many questions btw :p)


How are people playing this game without the companions?? Some fights are hard even with a full 4 character party, I can't imagine how it is possible just with 2.

I don't know how but co-op with just 2 characters has been the most fun multiplayer experience I've had in years.
How are people playing this game without the companions?? Some fights are hard even with a full 4 character party, I can't imagine how it is possible just with 2.

Learning that pretty quickly. Especially since you seem to always be up against 4+ enemies also.

My first party had no ranged combatant, which was bad. My next fight will see me bullrushing the ranged enemies and especially those damned mages. Kept freezing me or crippling me or whatever. Whatever they could do to make me lose a turn they did it.
How are people playing this game without the companions?? Some fights are hard even with a full 4 character party, I can't imagine how it is possible just with 2.

Careful planning, mix of control(stuns, knockdowns etc) and zone denying(mobs often dislike running through burning ground and such) as well as summoning "decoys". As long as one of the 2 chars is a mage it shouldn't be too hard, make sure to get Lone Wolf though so you can level all your magic schools at a decent pace. Having 2 or 3 different summons to rotate them as well as access to elemental combos(poison ground > fireball or rain > lightning bolts for example), stuff like that. Probably doable without but you'll need to be inventive on how you handle certain fights, kiting, fighting in chokepoints(and making them, you can move stuff around to create artificial chokepoints before fights), using various consumables and spellscrolls etc.

Also want Leadership on both chars so you have a high initiative score, you need to play before the enemies do otherwise there's too much of a chance of getting hit by a CC right from the start and that's pretty much game if that happens.
Every since I started playing this game I've been looking for another PC RPG. I haven't even finished the game, not even past the first map or over level 7, I keep restarting to try another build even though the previous character wasn't having problems.

Looked into a bit of Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. Plays something like Dragon Age Origins, but the whole Dungeon's and Dragon's system seem intimidating (have to study a bit of how D&D second edition 2.729's rules work) and limiting. One use spells, relearn them and take a rest to use it again for example. Add to that Enhanced Edition seem to be full of bugs.

I'm 60 hours into a playthrough of the EE and haven't encountered a single bug that wasn't already in the main game. Also Sorcerers can cast the same spells multiple times. Or you can put the same spell in your spell book multiple times.


I like the Sorcerer class in Baldur's Gate as well. The biggest problem is that you have to have a decent understanding of the magic system to play one since your spell choices are so restricted. Or just read a guide.

I'd suggest Torment to those new to CRPGs. It uses AD&D 2nd Edition as well but it's easy to brute force your way through the combat, unlike the other Infinity Engine games.


Restarted the game. This time with two mages. Will take the one NPC mage. Not sure if I will keep madora, or whether I will take a rogue/ranger NPC.

Stupid question: Is it not possible to close doors?


Just finished the game, took me 67 hours, was level 22 fighting the last boss.

Really struggled with him initially but I
respecced Rodderick to bump up my elemental resistance as high as possible (including fire to 105%, just put him behind the dragon, and his breath attacks did little or no damage from then on. Was just a matter of wearing him down after that. The adds were annoying but summons took care of them, they also didn't do very much damage.

There were a couple of things I didn't like, number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was the inventory. Once it got relatively full I found things like crafting to be an absolute pain in the arse. They need some sort of dedicated crafting window. When you go to your ingredients section and then find the empty potion bottles are in a different section and stuff like that, blargh. I would have loved to be able to save armour sets too like you can in (for example) FFXIV, so I could easily switch to my high barter/smith/perception/etc gear quickly and then switch back to my normal combat gear.

Sixth, I didn't really like the way you had to rely on the luck of the draw with the spells vendors carried. I didn't get some good spells for Madora because they were just never on sale. I think that's kinda dumb tbh.

Finally, and this is minor enough, hiding obscure switches about the place covered in cobwebs or vines, it's just frustrating.

Those are my main complaints, this is the best game I have played in many many years. I can't name another RPG that I've sunk nearly 70 hours into in a fairly short space of time. The combat is just amazing, I loved the way you were rewarded for exploring with new quests/enemies/items/chests/etc, I enjoyed the story, overall it just had some fantastic intangible feel to it. Really hope Larian give us an expansion at some point. I will be buying more Larian games in the future for sure, and I'm delighted this game has sold so well.
So Mage doesn't get any heal spells at the start?

What class gets heals + mage like spells at start?

You can customize classes entirely, including which spells you start with. Pretty sure the heal spell is one of the starters, it's a water spell(hydrowhatever). Just drop one point from Willpower or Charisma or whatever the preset trains, those are fairly useless, and grab various schools of magic.

Fire 1pt for Wildfire, Water 1pt for Rain and Lesser Heal, Earth 1pt for the Spider summon and Fortify, Witchcraft 1pt for Oath of Desecration and Air for Teleportation(lets you thow barrels at stuff and what not), can't go wrong with 1pt in everything.

After that you kinda want to focus on one or two schools to increase but the 1pt spells I listed are all very strong and very worth having, some aren't starters though so you'll need to buy the books, and Oath of Desecration is only useful on physical damage classes I believe so not worth it if you make a full caster party.


Anyone starting out: Get the spider. Seriously, just get the damn spider. He is amazingly helpful.
Yeah this is one of the things I got for my wizard after a while and it made a huge difference. I didn't think they would have as much hp as one of your members so it's great purely for tanking. Right before the sparkmaster cave there's a rather large group of undead to take out and having the spider helped immensely.


Anyone starting out: Get the spider. Seriously, just get the damn spider. He is amazingly helpful.

Seriously, I shed a tear when I replaced her with a different geomancer summon. She's even a dumb summon for the start (her hits causes poison, which undead resist; I guess her poison immunity is good though) but boy is she helpful.


Seriously, I shed a tear when I replaced her with a different geomancer summon. She's even a dumb summon for the start (her hits causes poison, which undead resist; I guess her poison immunity is good though) but boy is she helpful.

If Spidey is taking hits, Spidey is doing his job. Never really relied on him for dealing damage.
Hit 3 semi-dead ends on the sidequests

Need a collar for Unsinkable Sam, no clue where it is aside from allusion to water

Need to fina a sailor called Dietmar, no clue where he could be

Need to figure out who killed a sheep, no clue whatsoever aside from a grave that exploded when I dug it up


So I think I finally got the swing of things. Played for about 11 hours and my group was level 4 and i was having trouble with larger level 5 groups. Decided that I didn't really like my group set up, and that I didn't want to use henchmen so I rerolled my knight to a ranger with the nasty deeds traits. Another 11 hours(all of today) laterand I got past the cave with the sparkmaster and got the staff too. The larger groups were still pretty rough but after finding some charm arrows and giving my wizard summon spider it became a lot easier to cc. This game is so good. I've honestly had trouble getting into games lately and would only play for like an hour max, but this game... I can't get enough. I wanted to keep playing but its 1 here.

I appreciate all the things the game does right from aesthetics to the more involved and open ended quests, but really I think it boils down to one thing:

Balance. This game is balanced to where (for most player) every fight feels like a victory you must earn and think on your feet to achieve. If this game were significantly easier, I think it would honestly be way, way less involving. It's the fact that none of the battles feel brainless and repetitive that keeps it feeling so rewarding.

Whoever balanced this game's difficulty at Larian deserves huge credit.
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