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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


So, asking again because I guess not many people were that far in last time I did... Map 2 (Lucalla Forest) Immaculate initiation quest spoilers:

How do you kill Loic? Every time I get him below half health he heals for 300, and I can't do enough to take him out from half to nothing in one turn.
My current party is:

- Started with Ranger, with a bit of Geomancy.
- Started with Knight, but added Witchcraft for the debuffs.
- Jahan is basically as is, but added one point into Pyro.
- Majora, switched her to one-handed/shield and she's just a tank.


So we are making our way slowly to the north
(Evelyn hideout)
and we stumble upon a
chest on fire
so I used rain spell on it and we ended up
running after a chest that was yelling insults at us

This game is so good


Don't leave your fire elementals next to important NPCs! I came back and I'm wondering why this guy is dead on the ground surrounded by fire?
So, an enemy just dropped a health potion on death... and another enemy ran up to it, picked it up, and then used the potion. This game, man, this game.


For everyone not reading the manual, you should at least read the foreword:

Dear Player,

My name is Swen Vincke, and I’m the founder of Larian Studios. It’s a tradition that I write the foreword to our games, and I have to tell you, in this particular case I feel very honored to do just that. Divinity: Original Sin is the type of RPG for which Larian Studios was created, and its release feels, for me, momentous.

It’s an RPG that mixes narrative with sandbox mechanics, offers a varied environment to explore, and continously motivates you to develop your character. It features tactical combat and interesting situations, both of which constantly challenge you to think. Hopefully, it also makes you smile. You can play it with a friend, a loved one, or even a stranger, and because it runs well on laptops, you can play it pretty much anywhere. In short, it offers you the experience you get when playing a pen & paper RPG in the hands of a good dungeon master, and that’s exactly what I was hoping for when we embarked on the adventure that was the development of this game.

It’s fair to say that we probably wouldn’t have managed to fulfill my ambition if it weren’t for the 70,000 people who have been giving us feedback, criticism and moral support via Kickstarter and Steam Early Access.

So if you are one of our backers, thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t say it enough. Your support has been nothing short of phenomenal and we count ourselves very blessed to have such dedicated and vocal fans. We included with the game the Divinity Engine toolset, which we used to make Divinity: Original Sin. Our hope is that among you are dungeon masters who’ll use it to craft new RPG adventures. Because it’s the same toolset we used, you’ll be able to rework any mechanics, art, or assets you saw in-game into your own adventures, and I honestly can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with.

One of the things for which I’ve silently been hoping since we started development on this game is that my wife and I would eventually be able to play new stories with unknown endings. I’ve seen other couples play our game and was slightly jealous of them having so much fun as they discovered Rivellon’s secrets.

I’m extremely proud of the team that made Divinity: Original Sin. They put their hearts and souls into this game, and it shows. There’s much more in this game than one would expect considering the small size of our team. Personally, I think this is the best RPG we’ve created so far. On behalf of our entire team, I want to thank you for buying our game. You are supporting us in doing the job we love, and we hope you’ll have loads of fun playing
Divinity: Original Sin. We certainly had fun making it.

Do let us know what you think on our forums at www.larian.com/forums
I assure you, we read it all.

Warm regards,
Swen Vincke


Specialize in elemental schools that compliment each other. So, Fire and Earth go well together because Earth has spells that affect the enemies and additionally set up combos for Fire. Also, the undead aren't immune to burning.

That's not always ideal. All of the schools complement each other and can be self sufficient. There are literally a hundred + ways to set an oil patch on fire. The easiest being a fire staff. Concersely fire Burns away poison patches so isn't ideal with all earth spells. Air can electrocute blood pools made by witchcraft. Also lighting oil on fire has a high chance to make archers untargetablr by you but able to shoot you; it not always a good tactic. In fact the slow from oil is usually superior to the burning effect.

This game rewards you for strong tactics moreso than strong planning.


So, an enemy just dropped a health potion on death... and another enemy ran up to it, picked it up, and then used the potion. This game, man, this game.

I poisoned the initial orc shaman before Cyseal and his first action was to chug a poison resistance potion. I was sad because I know he would have dropped it otherwise; happy because he was smart as poison is deadly.
A little bird told me a new patch is incoming; fixing the voices (constantly looping, playing during dialogs and combat), stuttering cutscenes, some crashes and more!


I absolutely wrecked (first boss spoilers)
and I was one level lower than him/her, the stun area arrows are amazing. This game has the best combat ever!
My two casters scorch the earth so bad, that I can't get my melee characters in to deal damage without them taking tons of burning and poison damage. I'm only level 5, the fire/poison resistance potions I'm finding only seem to mitigate damage by about 15%. I've gotta figure out how to craft that stuff!

Loving this game


I absolutely wrecked (first boss spoilers)
and I was one level lower than him/her, the stun area arrows are amazing. This game has the best combat ever!
I wouldn't call that the first boss, though maybe it was supposed to be. Mine was
the undead by the lighthouse.
The enemy archers initially made me regret not having a ranger, as I'm going 2 warrior 2 mage, but I've been making it work out so far.
A little bird told me a new patch is incoming; fixing the voices (constantly looping, playing during dialogs and combat), stuttering cutscenes, some crashes and more!
And who told the little bird? Some crazy cat mage? People will believe anything these days!
Is the mobile kitchen bugged? I crafed one but I can't place it on the ground.
Have you tried combining it with things you want to cook? Maybe you don't have to place it.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I don't think so. One of the loading screen tips actually talks about this.

it does. it says something like "there is no way to nullify lava. do not enter lava. if you are already in lava you want to... be somewhere else."
Started with a Cleric and Back-stabby rogue. I feel like I've made a mistake and I will run into a brick wall soon. I don't really have any great synergy at the minute, and they are both relatively squishy.


I wouldn't call that the first boss, though maybe it was supposed to be. Mine was
the undead by the lighthouse.
The enemy archers initially made me regret not having a ranger, as I'm going 2 warrior 2 mage, but I've been making it work out so far.

Have you tried combining it with things you want to cook? Maybe you don't have to place it.

Element arrows are sooo good, you should try a ranger henchman for a while.
I'll try combining the kitchen in my inventory when I play again.


No bald cap? Lies!
I kind of regret going Shadowblade/Knight. I think Wayfarer/Knight would have been better but I've committed, at least for now, to single handed and backstabbing, but I think I would have been better served putting those points into Bows since ranged is so great and specialty arrows are pretty awesome. Is there a ranged companion early in the game?
Well now on Larianvault it says "This Steam key can be destroyed" and gives some numbers afterwards. Not exactly sure how to go about destroying the alpha/beta converted to release keys to get the gog key.


I kind of regret going Shadowblade/Knight. I think Wayfarer/Knight would have been better but I've committed, at least for now, to single handed and backstabbing, but I think I would have been better served putting those points into Bows since ranged is so great and specialty arrows are pretty awesome. Is there a ranged companion early in the game?

No but you can hire a mercenary of any class.


Started with a Cleric and Back-stabby rogue. I feel like I've made a mistake and I will run into a brick wall soon. I don't really have any great synergy at the minute, and they are both relatively squishy.

Cleric can't reallt end up too squishy. All clericy abilities are in the man-at-arms tree which is also the warrior tree. The default cleric starts out as a hybrid with some int/water spells but if you develop him focused towards strength and take the defensive man-at-arms talents he's fundamentally no weaker than a pure warrior.

Backstabbing is probably the most challenging way to play especially early. It's very rewarding however; highest risk/reward tactic in the game.


I wouldn't call that the first boss, though maybe it was supposed to be. Mine was
the undead by the lighthouse.
The enemy archers initially made me regret not having a ranger, as I'm going 2 warrior 2 mage, but I've been making it work out so far.
There was something I was wondering about that fight. So when the
undead gate keeper starts reviving the dogs, they would start exploding whenever I stabbed them. Was that just a special trait from this boss or did I miss something? It was not...pleasant when I started bashing them near my party.


I started with a Warrior/Cleric combo, did I totally fuck myself? Should I just reroll now and get it over with?

in my singleplayer game, I'm role playing two rogues and I'm about 15 hours in. Not having too much trouble. If you play well, there is no reason to have to restart.


There was something I was wondering about that fight. So when the
undead gate keeper starts reviving the dogs, they would start exploding whenever I stabbed them. Was that just a special trait from this boss or did I miss something? It was not...pleasant when I started bashing them near my party.

I haven't tested this, so treat it as hypothesis --- Do enemies who spray poison on death combust if the killing blow is fire-based? If so, were you using a fire-based melee weapon on one of your characters? (Or, heck, were nearby members of your party on fire?)


There was something I was wondering about that fight. So when the
undead gate keeper starts reviving the dogs, they would start exploding whenever I stabbed them. Was that just a special trait from this boss or did I miss something? It was not...pleasant when I started bashing them near my party.
I had the same thing happen.
I think it's from attacking a poisoned enemy (or an enemy that bleeds poison) with a weapon that does fire damage, or attacking a burning enemy with an earth damage weapon. It was, indeed, very nasty.


whew...I'm not really enjoying my enchanter/battlemage combo but I kinda don't want to reroll either.

Double mage is a very snowbally playstyle. Does battlemage as a default even have earth? Early on earth is far and away the most tactical of the trees because of oil slick. If you're going double mage without earth you have no way to aoe peel or get a summon (starting summon is also earth only). You're relying on low % chances to actually protect yourself from high damage melee and you absolutely need to kill archers immediately or you will die. Use scrolls liberally till you get to town then build up your wealth/get some henchmen.

It will be very powerful much, much later. Getting two man-at-arms henchmen as early as possible would help you out a ton.


I started with a Warrior/Cleric combo, did I totally fuck myself? Should I just reroll now and get it over with?

There is no way to fuck yourself in this game. None.
You can get 2 companions (warrior & mage) and without having to do any battles outside the tutorial area you can unlock the ability to hire henchmen of any class. so if you ever get into a fight where for some reason you just can't seem to figure out a way to progress with your current skills/party setup,you can get the classes you want/need to progress.

Play how you want to play and you can make it work.


One of my characters refuses to accept one of the companions
the one in the library
because my char is too pragmatic.



Explosive arrowheads = Fire rez + arrowheads? Finally worked out something useful.

On the other hand: Ale + Dinner = Stew! BITCHES I BE COOKING.
I just got another patch. Hopefully it will fix the combat log reverting to the default position every time you quick save.

EDIT: Nope, that still happens :(


I haven't tested this, so treat it as hypothesis --- Do enemies who spray poison on death combust if the killing blow is fire-based? If so, were you using a fire-based melee weapon on one of your characters? (Or, heck, were nearby members of your party on fire?)

I had the same thing happen.
I think it's from attacking a poisoned enemy (or an enemy that bleeds poison) with a weapon that does fire damage, or attacking a burning enemy with an earth damage weapon. It was, indeed, very nasty.
I suppose that could be it (I did have fire weapons) although either it happens by chance or I'm completely missing the tells of when I should be not hitting them. I did however on an attempt managed set a large part of the field (and people) on fire by charging through an oil barrel right beside a torch. I thought that was hilarious.
Love how the game lets you craft normal arrows and then in the item description basically says in no uncertain terms "You already have infinite arrows, what's wrong with you? Try again!"


I'm looking at this one feat that says "fuck companies" pretty much. Do companies add much to the game? I mean is there dialogue or interesting ones like Minsc? Would I be missing out on much?
Today's update contains a number of hot fixes for the biggest issues you've been reporting. Your DLC problems should all be sorted out now too.

-Zandalor's Trunks will now talk
-Fixed the repeating voice problem that drove everybody bananas
-Muted banter voices while in dialog or trade
-Fixed crash with open inventory/skill tree on level swap
-Removed Intro Movie loading jitter
-Disabled saving to Steam Cloud again because its size is too small for our save games. We are going to compress the save games first and then reactivate it.
-Fixed problem with UI and save games
-Fixed Silverglen bad script crash
-Fixed problems with preview window in editor
-Fixed problems with game not starting after changing main campaign data with editor

Have fun! And thanks again for spreading the word about Divinity:Original Sin!
I'm looking at this one feat that says "fuck companies" pretty much. Do companies add much to the game? I mean is there dialogue or interesting ones like Minsc? Would I be missing out on much?

The companions are pretty boring personality wise, though I believe that they do have quests you'll miss out on.


I'm looking at this one feat that says "fuck companies" pretty much. Do companies add much to the game? I mean is there dialogue or interesting ones like Minsc? Would I be missing out on much?

Lone Wolf is a difficulty increase slider. That character can't have henchmen either. It does not replace the power of a full additional character.

Encounter sizes are balanced for four person teams so keep that in mind.
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