Chance Hale
Is there a reason there isn't full camera tilt? Some areas are a bit awkward to maneuver in.
Is there a reason there isn't full camera tilt? Some areas are a bit awkward to maneuver in.
My coop partner and I have been stuck there for an hour. Tips?
Recently bought Divinity 2 and Dragon Commander on Steam. Gameplay-wise are there any similarities?
Is there a reason there isn't full camera tilt? Some areas are a bit awkward to maneuver in.
2nd floor Inn lady: Witchcraft + ScoundrelSo aside from the potion merchant in the market, Arhu, and the lady above the inn that sells witchcraft spells, who else sells skill books around town for magic?
2nd floor Inn lady: Witchcraft + Scoundrel
Captain of the Legonaires: Man-at-arms
Above him: Arthu: Fire + Earth
Market Flechter: Ranger
Market Potion Lady: Air + Water
that are all skills.
You can enable full camera rotation in the options. Please note that the main game isn't designed with this in mind so walls/areas that would normally be off-camera are not nearly as polished as everything else. You can also press B to toggle the tactical camera which gives you a pure overhead view.
One of my mains is a witchcraft + Geo but I added Pyro as my main source of damage with her.Has anyone else been playing a witch? I'm only level 4 but I feel pretty useless right now, and I was wondering If sticking with witchcraft and geomancer gets better.
Witchcraft is mainly for buffs and debuffs. I haven't found anything worthwhile so far other than the level 1 +50% damage buff tho. Even the summonings are trash compared to other schools so far. At level 10 I can summon an armored elite undead knight tho, maybe that will make it worthwhile, I dunno. Gemonancer has early AoE spells and a nice early summon. It lacks in the damage department otherwise. Poison is pretty useless, since you fight undeads most of the time. Air + Hydro seems like the best mix. Hydro has heal, best, cheap, single target CC (in combination with Rain) and Air has great damage and side effects. Didn't dabble into pyro much, but it seems to have the best aoe in form of fireball early on. That comes with friendly fire tho.Has anyone else been playing a witch? I'm only level 4 but I feel pretty useless right now, and I was wondering If sticking with witchcraft and geomancer gets better.
Enfeeble and, later on, mass weakness are total lifesavers. Absorb the elements is the same for a lot of later boss fights that have enemies of multiple elements, which happens quite a bit. And, of course, ressurect eventually, because fuck scrolls. I could see the fear scream being useful too, saves you from burning teleport to get melee away, but I haven't used it yet.Has anyone else been playing a witch? I'm only level 4 but I feel pretty useless right now, and I was wondering If sticking with witchcraft and geomancer gets better.
Just hit that 20-hour mark and there still seems to be so much to do in the first area goddamn.
Kind of feeling lost though trying to find theand I somehow stumbled upon a area with a [/spoiler]big-ass skeleton boss[/spoiler] in the east.white witch
I'm surprised that D:OS was the no.1 seller for any amount of time since the average steam user(going by the forums) is about as intelligent as a potato.
Find Happiness FACE:
Okay, Black Cove. I give up:What do I have to do?The ghost with the booby trapped room.
The interactions don't happen too often. Even with another AI (playing with loyal here), you need to select the answer of both your characters anyway when talking to your companion for instance.Has there been any word on the Personality AI? They said soon... but I'm seriously considering just waiting to play.
How do you use Hair? I assume it's used for bows somehow..
It's always terrifying when DLC is in the top sellers list. (And not even on sale, to boot.)
My ranger henchman has is and I've found it invaluable, those arrows are expensive and rare, so recovering 1 or 2 per fight is great.
I find it very useful with my Archer. Those arrows don't come cheap.
Everyone wants to be magical.I was wondering how to use starfish...what.
I have a dumb question. If I can't put an attribute point into a stat, does that mean I need two or more for the next level up, or does it mean I'm capped until I level up further?
You need "x" points for "x" level. So you need to bank points.
It's always terrifying when DLC is in the top sellers list. (And not even on sale, to boot.)
Find Happiness FACE:[IMG][/QUOTE]
When it comes to top sellers on Steam I'm never fully happy, only slightly less grumpy.
Neither, but out of the two definitely Dragon Age 1.Is this game more Diablo or Dragon Age?
I use it to make special arrows a bunch. Without it, I wouldn't be able to rely on them nearly as much as I have.
Mostly just arrows here, with some of the writing/scroll/book base stuff I'm still figuring out, as well as some others like making lockpicks with nails. Not doing a lot of smithing or food cooking.
Is this game more Diablo or Dragon Age?
My characters Sebbeth and Lemuria.
Can't wait to see what trouble they get into.
You can change the appearance/portraits later.I hate you for having character appareances that match the portraits you god damn bastard
I have two people with teleport and it does a lot of damage and it's a lot of fun to put enemies where they shouldn't be![]()
You can change the appearance/portraits later.
Where can I find this game the cheapest?
I have two people with teleport and it does a lot of damage and it's a lot of fun to put enemies where they shouldn't be![]()
oh my GOD
This (early game puzzle). I've found two similar rooms.