Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


I even have the week this comes out off. But I'll be playing the whole thing start to finish coop with a bud, so I'll be sitting there staring at it in my steam list waiting for him to get home from work all day.
Oh god.

Oh god.

I didn't even think of that. I mean, I get home from work just an hour or so earlier than my coop partner, but I still see myself looking like this for that hour:
For the Giant Bomb followers, I wonder if Dave Snider would consider visiting the offices and driving a quick look, blind if necessary. He certainly loves his old CRPGs. Just having a video with Dave in it would be enough to pull in many viewers who otherwise would gloss over Divinity I think. The ingredients are there in the game for a lot of GB's typical dumb, emergent, poison-okay-oh-shit-i-just-exploded-my-whole-party-now-everyone's-on-fire style of content.

Dave was the driving force in getting Giant Bomb to cover a lot of (great) games. His love of PC-exclusives is still unparalleled in the Giant Bomb offices.

During one of their livestreams, I've asked them if they were Quick Looking DOS, but they never responded. DOS does seems like the sort of game they'd cover - even without Dave - so hope remains.

It's too bad Vinny is no longer at the San Francisco office, he would have been a perfect co-op partner for the QL.

I know just the way to help out that dog.


I really enjoyed the writing in Dragon Commander. Is this writing in this as good or better? I am quite excited for the 30th.


No bald cap? Lies!
Actually, Brian Fargo is pretty good at playing the (American) media game. Wasteland 2 certainly got a good deal more coverage than Divinity: OS, even though it's farther from release
and a much less ambitious or polished game

I could die happy if Wasteland 2 was able to achieve half the progress OS showed in these last couple of months. I know it will still be a really fun game from the beta, but man is W2 rough around the edges and at parts of the center, but that's still two months away, it's all about OS for now.
I really enjoyed the writing in Dragon Commander. Is this writing in this as good or better? I am quite excited for the 30th.

I think that style of wacky writing is a Larian/Divinity franchise specialty. At least, the little I've played of DOS reminded me why Divinity 2 was such a blast.

(note: I haven't played Dragon Commander.)


Actually, Brian Fargo is pretty good at playing the (American) media game. Wasteland 2 certainly got a good deal more coverage than Divinity: OS, even though it's farther from release
and a much less ambitious or polished game

Both Wasteland 2 and PoE are getting more coverage, but sadly, I think none of these games will get the critical acclaim they deserve. :/


How large is the map going to be? Will there be multiple towns? Game looks awesome.
Don't quote me on this but in the most recent Larian livestream I think Swen said that there are ten maps in total, four of them being huge and dense like the beta area of Cyseal and surroundings, one of them being a huge dungeon and the rest of middling size/type. Again though, not entirely sure I'm remembering that correctly.


Both Wasteland 2 and PoE are getting more coverage, but sadly, I think none of these games will get the critical acclaim they deserve. :/
I'll be more than content with a lack of critical acclaim if Divinity:OS sells well enough for Larian to continue operating and working on games like it.

Historically, companies releasing landmark CRPGs die shortly afterwards.


I really enjoyed the writing in Dragon Commander. Is this writing in this as good or better? I am quite excited for the 30th.
From what I've played of it, it's at least as good as Dragon Commander's.

I think that style of wacky writing is a Larian/Divinity franchise specialty. At least, the little I've played of DOS reminded me why Divinity 2 was such a blast.

(note: I haven't played Dragon Commander.)
You should and I personally felt that Dragon Commander's writing was a step up from Larian's previous games (which weren't bad by any measure).


Neo Member
Been looking forward to this since I first played the beta in March!
I hope the actor that voiced Edmund in Dragon Commander is in OS he was quite funny :)
I'll be more than content with a lack of critical acclaim if Divinity:OS sells well enough for Larian to continue operating.

Historically, companies releasing landmark CRPGs die shortly afterwards.

RIP Obsidian, dunno how you survived as long as you have.

Though, in all seriousness, the rise of digital distribution should allow these more niche products to reach their full audience. I think there is at least precedent for this, because a game like Crusader Kings 2 (grand strategy) wouldn't have been nearly the success it was without digital distribution.

From what I've played of it, it's at least as good as Dragon Commander's.

You should and I personally felt that Dragon Commander's writing was a step up from Larian's previous games (which weren't bad by any measure).
Just waiting for it to be featured in the Steam Summer Sale. :D!
Damn I wish this thread existed a few days ago. If I knew this game was getting this much love I might have picked it up when it was on sale. Now I'm gonna have to wait for a potential rerun or the 30th to grab it.


I'm so happy this got funded and is now coming to fruition. I can't wait to get my box in the mail and begin playing. They have done a fantastic job with the game and exceeded what I could of hoped for.
I'll be more than content with a lack of critical acclaim if Divinity:OS sells well enough for Larian to continue operating and working on games like it.

Historically, companies releasing landmark CRPGs die shortly afterwards.

Most of those companies were relying heavily on publisher goodwill, were they not?


Great OT. I can't believe this game is almost out. I've only put an hour or two into the early access because I wanted to avoid spoiling myself. This is easily one of my most anticipated games of the year, and it looks like it'll likely exceed my expectations.

Both Wasteland 2 and PoE are getting more coverage, but sadly, I think none of these games will get the critical acclaim they deserve. :/

The people with opinions that matter will know the difference. Major video game publications will likely completely forget about these games when it comes to GOTY awards. These games are PC exclusive, they're not "AAA" material with cinematic or flashy elements, and do not cater to an "expanded" audience.


Most of those companies were relying heavily on publisher goodwill, were they not?
They did. But often, publisher goodwill dries up as sales dry up, and even without publishers, if your game doesn't sell you're screwed.

I don't have any insider information, but I really think Larian needs this game to do well. They put everything they had into it.


Seek victory, not fairness
Picked it up on the daily sale, just seeing it for the first time on the Steam page. I probably would have bought in earlier if I had seen the Kickstarter. Hopefully they do a repeat at the end of the summer Steam sale so people who missed it can catch it.

Ultima VII was one of my favourite games.


They did. But often, publisher goodwill dries up as sales dry up, and even without publishers, if your game doesn't sell you're screwed.

I don't have any insider information, but I really think Larian needs this game to do well. They put everything they had into it.
Well seeing how they already had an almost finished game ready to release before the kickstarter happned, i think they got most of it covered already. The KS gave them time to polish it and finish things up. That money doesn't has to be returned, so that helps a lot. I also think they receive a big chunk of the revenue the game generates themselves. I sure hope the game sells great so we have possible sequels. It certainly needs more coverage. Crappy games get featured like mad, and such a gem barely gets mentioned.


Origin, Sir-Tech, and Interplay had long, healthy runs, ended by industry changing shifts in hardware, software development practices, market practices, and consumer interests. Newer studios, by Origin standards, like Bioware and Obsidian had to swim in shark filled waters to get their work done, and were eaten away by modern publisher practices.

I'm hopeful that Larian, with today's direct funding model, can stay profitable by appealing directly to the disenfranchised cRPG fanbase. When the fanbase holds the purse strings, not the publisher, it changes everything.


I just checked the videos of the beta and God damn, the game looks awesome.
I also notice when zoomed in, the characters looks like a miniature from a pen and paper rpg.
They did. But often, publisher goodwill dries up as sales dry up, and even without publishers, if your game doesn't sell you're screwed.

I don't have any insider information, but I really think Larian needs this game to do well. They put everything they had into it.

Well, iirc Swen Vincke has said they're already eating the budget of their next game, since the Kickstarter funds have been burned for a couple of months (in March) already.

So, yeah there's some risk of it ending up sour.

But they also do some other stuff like educational and kids games which I guess help them keep the boat afloat.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Yea Larian is hedging all their bets on this game, which is why they've constantly delayed it to make sure it's of the highest quality. They absolutely can't have bad word of mouth about a buggy game kill the sales of this.


What time is it?
Yea Larian is hedging all their bets on this game, which is why they've constantly delayed it to make sure it's of the highest quality. They absolutely can't have bad word of mouth about a buggy game kill the sales of this.

Buggy was my take away when a buddy and I played mid-May. Beyond the quirks of setting up a game, constant crashes made us give up fairly quickly. Hopefully that's been ironed out. What we did play was a lot of fun.


Holy shit, you can distract an npc by talking to him/her with a character and sneak around with the others to steal all their crap. haha this game is amazing


I bought early access. IN the first tutorial dungeon and the mechanics are outstanding. Little details, like being able to smash locked chests, then your perception score determining how much loot you can see, these things make the game seem very high quality so far.

I should have gotten this when it was a daily, shouldn't I?

You can get it cheaper than the daily.

It's trading for 10 TF2 keys at the moment.

Buy 10 keys from the marketplaace for £13-14 (around £1.30 each atm).

Trade for it.


No bald cap? Lies!
It's a good thing D:OS is the first of the big cRPGs to come out this year if Larian really needs it to be a hit. It's releasing at a time now where it's got some lead time and cushioning within the genre so it will hopefully gain momentum before something else overshadows it. Wasteland 2 only has a soft date of August, so who knows how definitive that is, but it's still a good month or more. Most people are assuming PoE will delay till 2015 so that's even better for them. Other than that there's only DAI in October which is definite, but it's still plenty far off.


Bought two copies, one for my GF and one for myself to co-op.

We played for about 25 minutes to get the hang of things and had absolutely no bugs or errors. We could immediately connect to each other in the chracter creator maing our characters, jumped into the game without a hitch, we could quicksave/quick load and nothing ever bugged out.

The game is incredible and being able to completely split up wih one person being in combat on the other end of the map while you yourself are sneaking aroudn dressed like a rock stealing fish out of an orcs pants is absolutely great.

Also I could not imagine playing this game without having at least 1 character with "Pet Pal".


Holy shit, you can distract an npc by talking to him/her with a character and sneak around with the others to steal all their crap. haha this game is amazing

Yeah, I've been really impressed with all the little details and nuance that have gone into the design of this game. It's really astounding what they've managed to do and I can't wait to get my hands on that editor.


I just bought a merchant empty for no cost by having my one character talk to him and buy all his stuff and then my second character at basically the same time pickpocketed all my money back.



I think it's really great progress over most RPGs to be able to have only one character engage in a conversation and others doing something different at the same time. It's a common annoyance of mine in IE games, particularly in MP.


Nice OT! Happy to see how much this game has grown since the Kickstarter. They've been really good at listening to alpha/beta feedback. Definitely going to dive into this as soon as I can after release.


I just bought a merchant empty for no cost by having my one character talk to him and buy all his stuff and then my second character at basically the same time pickpocketed all my money back.


That's crazy. Are NPCs totally unaware of anything while you're talking to them?
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