Don't worry everyone hates them.Speaking of things being done disservices, man do I dislike color-coded enemies.
Don't worry everyone hates them.Speaking of things being done disservices, man do I dislike color-coded enemies.
It's an understatement how much a solid 60fps helps this game. From the 60fps videos that were floating around, it almost seemed as if the game looked slower, but in actual play it's anything but. Every cancel and strike is responsive as hell, and the game plays veeery fast.
Max's final battle with -END BOSS SPOILER-
He gave the game a 9/10 in his review. #insertdoritosjokehere*
For anyone that's having screen tearing issues, disable v-sync and then enable it again afterwards. It says it's on by default, but for some reason you have to reset it.
Whether it does or not, better than dealing with all the horrendous vertical tearing.Playing this game with v-sync seems like a bad idea, though. Wouldn't it ruin inputs?
Playing this game with v-sync seems like a bad idea, though. Wouldn't it ruin inputs?
You may be right, but from what I've played so far it doesn't seem like the frame window on any attack is small enough for that to really affect anything.
The amount of tearing I was getting during cutscenes was ridiculous, the warp transitions in Chapter 2 split the screen into 5 pieces...
I think my biggest problem with the game is that it's just good as Bayonetta. And you might say, yeah, Bayonetta's the best action game of the generation, but it's also several years old now. Why shouldn't this game be as good as Bayonetta? Why shouldn't it be better? Why could they not have made a game that feels that good, that gives you momentum when you have to do platforming?
This game isn't a trainwreck, but I find a lot of the high praise it's getting to not ring true with my experiences, and definitely not the best action game in recent memory.
Capcpom was right the whole time after all. Admit your defeat, Internet.
Hmm, this is the same Max that played through half of DMC4 with Automatic Mode on without realizing it. I appreciate him playing through the whole series, though.
You crazy, yo.I'll add a bit more to your theory. I tried Bayonetta for the first time back in November while my video card was out for a RMA.
I 100% loathed it. Possibly my worst game of the year (that I played).
I think my biggest problem with the game is that it's just good as Bayonetta. And you might say, yeah, Bayonetta's the best action game of the generation, but it's also several years old now.
He said of the generation and yea Bayonetta is the best action game of the generation.First off, by Bayonetta you mean DMC3. And yeah, shame no game surpassed it and it's been almost 7 years now.
Is there a way to make the game skip the company logos in the beginning?. I mainly want to get rid of the amd one. 45 second logo can eat my asshole
Is there a way to make the game skip the company logos in the beginning?. I mainly want to get rid of the amd one. 45 second logo can eat my asshole
Remember the argument we've been having for awhile now Guardian? How hardcore DMC fans at neogaf/gamefaqs represent a subgroup, withing a subgroup, within a subgroup. That 99% of the gaming population would naturally perfer something like DmC, over the 1% (us hardcore DMC fans) that wouldn't.
Here is Maxamillian, a competitive fighting game player. In a genre that's generally more complex and agressive than most. By no means a casual gamer. But, watch him play DMC1 - 4. Enemy Step, Jump Cancels, and basic understanding of any intermediate concepts are beyond him. He approaches the game like one would approach DmC. He couldn't even figure out how to use Yamato in DMC4.
But that's how gamers are. They want the launch command to be dedicated to a button. They want evade to be dedicated to a button. They DON'T want to press and navigate three different commands simultaneously to do a launcher, or an evade. That's just too complex for them.
I'm glad you actually called out Max, because when I was watching him play it made me realize a lot too. About how the very aspect that makes the 1% - ers appreciate DMC is the very element holding the franchise back from ever appealing to the larger, "god of war" crowd.
I commend Ninja Theory for doing just that, but at the same time creating something with far more depth, than a God of War game. That's something not easy to do.
Loving this game so far, just beatAnybody wanna tell me how much more I have left?The news guy, which was an awesome fight, albeit a bit confusing at first
Halfway there.
Select button and Dpad unused. DMC4 had you using those as well!It's strange using every button on the controller for an action game. Loving the silkiness of the pc version.
There are stuff that I don't know or was told about later like the fact that you can parry all of Bob's laser box attacks.
Like I said before I have only beaten the game on consoles on Nephilim and played a bit of SOS. My PC version is still downloading. I have seen ample footage of DMD though plus seen my friend play it. Bosses are still relatively easy in DMD but enemy encounters are definitely a step up and keep you on your toes. You should definitely play on harder difficulties, this is what DMC is all about. Just don't bother with stuff after DMD unless you are into achievement hunting.Hey Dahbomb, you're obviously going through the game. Are Son of Sparda and DMD worth going through? I was thoroughly disappointed with the games challenge, particularly the final boss. Do those difficulties crank it up to something more familiar?
He said of the generation and yea Bayonetta is the best action game of the generation.
The combat of DMC3 has been surpassed by both DMC4 and Bayonetta. DMC3 however gets massive credit for providing a combat engine that indepth on inferior hardware. So it's a harder comparison to make. And then you have to factor in NGB.
Like I said before I have only beaten the game on consoles on Nephilim and played a bit of SOS. My PC version is still downloading. I have seen ample footage of DMD though plus seen my friend play it. Bosses are still relatively easy in DMD but enemy encounters are definitely a step up and keep you on your toes. You should definitely play on harder difficulties, this is what DMC is all about. Just don't bother with stuff after DMD unless you are into achievement hunting.
I would like to play this on consoles so the rest of the family can see it. But PC has 60fps (rig is good enough for that), but my controller sucks.
Decisions, decisions.
But DMC4 has OTF style switch, a huge break through for the series. And fighting the enemies in DMC4 is a more enjoyable experience because all of them can be juggled and are better designed for the combo system. DMC3 had a crap load of enemies that were designed around certain Styles which made them boring/tedious to fight with using other Styles. You really see the difference when you play Bloody Palace on both.Mechanics-wise, DMC4 is better than DMC3SE (even though I miss the hell out of Crazy Combos and DTE), but DMC3 still wins on bosses and its Devil Arms are *much* better. Lucifer is so boring compared to Nevan, A&R, or Cerberus.
DMC4 wins on fodder enemies too, though, I'll concede that.
Make up your mind already jeez.I think this game not having a good soundtrack is an ENORMOUS missed opportunity.
Very disappointing.![]()
The battle theme is good, as I said, but other than that it's total shit, dubstep, and mostly silence. I hate silence.Make up your mind already jeez.
You're worse than Jett lol.
I think this game not having a good soundtrack is an ENORMOUS missed opportunity.
Very disappointing.
Still better than DMC4 (blah blah blah YOUR VERY LAST BREATH *vomit*)
My Nephilim run through was about 10 hours, and I only did like 5 of the secret missions. It doesn't drag, but isn't too short either.Game seems to be a pretty decent length. I've been playing for about the last 3 1/2 hours or so and I'm about to finish Mission 8 on Nephilim.
Nothing I hate more than when a game drags on in self-masturbatory excess. Like Resident Evil 6.