picked up the PC version and started yesterday, just finished Chapter 5 (When you get to Virility), and holy fuck this game is good.
Background: Never cared for the DMC games, only ever played half way through the first and never picked it back up because it never resonated with me. I've never much liked character action games in general. God of War, Ninja Gaiden, etc. The most I've enjoyed of that genre are games that include elements of the genre but focus on other things entirely, like Amalur and Darksiders.
I also LOVE Ninja Theory, with Enslaved being my favorite game of 2010 next to Bad Company 2. So you can imagine my reaction to the announcement of NT doing the new DmC reboot and the new Dante and all that, as well as the resulting controversy. Basically I was excited for a new NT game and didn't care about all the hate.
And, well, I feel I was justified in that. Not sure how this game stands up as an action game and how well it holds up to the gameplay of the original series, and I'll admit that if it's poor in that regard, it kind of sucks for the fans, but I'm loving the shit out of the story. Playing on the medium difficulty and I've yet to die to enemies, though I've died to a few environmental hazards.