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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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Did you read the lawsuit? There are contracts to be upheld regardless of dumb things. You just can't pull the plug. SMH.

Also interest of note in the lawsuit is this tidbit of info regarding a similar circumstance in 2008.

Was Hillary's campaign blacklisted? Nope. The Democratic National Committee is fucking insane. They are not purveyors of equal justice.

The plot thickens


They've literally done both of these. Uretsky has been fired and the Sanders campaign insists they don't have the data any more.

What about the three other accounts involved? And the Sanders campaign initially claimed (lied) they didn't take any data to begin with, so do you expect the DNC to take them at their word now with no investigation?
And the punishment should be...? End his campaign? Jail time? Take him out of the Senate? How Republican do you want to get with this? Would you be cool with them killing Clinton's campaign if the shoe was on the other foot? Should the DNC not be getting hell for continuously compromising this data for some strange fucking reason?

Read the lawsuit...it was on other other foot in 2008(see a few posts up). Hillary's punishment? NOTHING!
His campaign is a hot fucking mess. I can't believe they're actually filing suit, like I said he had to have hired these clowns after a city council election in Vermont.
They need access to their data, don't they?

Seems like the Sanders campaign fucked up, but cutting them off from their own voting data is extreme isn't it?

Read the lawsuit...it was on other other foot in 2008(see a few posts up). Hillary's punishment? NOTHING!
I was wondering if there was precedent.

What the fuck is really going on here?


I think it's a calculated strategic move to try to whip up his supporters into a frenzy. Their persecution complex already predisposes them to believe in conspiracy theories, so trying to muddy the waters like this is smart, if cynical. The message is that unless the DNC makes this all go away Bernie will turn his fans against the Democratic Party.

You could call it the Trump strategy.

You're awfully hostile in this thread... but then again,


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
What about the three other accounts involved? And the Sanders campaign initially claimed (lied) they didn't take any data to begin with, so do you expect the DNC to take them at their word now with no investigation?

Uretsky claimed he was the one using all three accounts. Two of them were created during the breach, so that seems plausible. The Sanders campaign can't tell if one of their staffers took data because they can't conduct their own audit because they no longer have access to the systems, and they said said nothing had been saved because VAN told them that.


Read the lawsuit...it was on other other foot in 2008(see a few posts up). Hillary's punishment? NOTHING!
That lawsuit says nothing about Hillary's campaign actively stealing as Bernie's did. It says unintentional. You guys are turning into Gumby with all this stretching you're doing.And in the end, it's gonna kill Bernie's chances.


Read the lawsuit...it was on other other foot in 2008(see a few posts up). Hillary's punishment? NOTHING!

There is a big difference between an unintentional transmission of data and spending 40 minutes using 4 different accounts to copy data you shouldn't have access to.


No Scrubs
Uretsky claimed he was the one using all three accounts. Two of them were created during the breach, so that seems plausible. The Sanders campaign can't tell if one of their staffers took data because they can't conduct their own audit because they no longer have access to the systems, and they said said nothing had been saved because VAN told them that.

Except the guy literally went on TV and said he saved stuff.

The Sanders campaign needs access to their own data. While a lawsuit being filed sounds superficially petty (considering the fault was on Sanders' campaign), I don't see how the alternative of sitting on their asses and just waiting for the DNC to re-grant access is any better.


That lawsuit says nothing about Hillary's campaign actively stealing as Bernie's did. It says unintentional. You guys are turning into Gumby with all this stretching you're doing.And in the end, it's gonna kill Bernie's chances.

Real talk: how do you "unintentionally" get information about a competing candidate on a database? It's corporate/political speak, more than anything.

It was probably less egregious than this, hence the wording that passes it off.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Except the guy literally went on TV and said he saved stuff.

yes, after the Sanders press release.

In other news, the suit is claiming for $600,000 in damages per day in which they do not have access to data.
I'm beginning to think 2016 is going to give us a level of Republican dominance in government we haven't seen in a long time.

I believe Sanders is an honorable man but the people he has brought on for this campaign are not doing him justice with their actions.

The DNC is also moronically doing everything they can to dissuade anyone who bought into Sanders message from voting for them. The same people that need to turnout to counter the Republican voters that always vote.

What a massive disaster this political season has been for all sides. As if people needed more evidence to give up on voting or caring about what the government is doing. All while we're talking about banning religions from entering the country and deporting people. It's legitimately scary right now.
That lawsuit says nothing about Hillary's campaign actively stealing as Bernie's did. It says unintentional. You guys are turning into Gumby with all this stretching you're doing.And in the end, it's gonna kill Bernie's chances.

Stretching? Read the damn lawsuit! The DNC has no right to terminate Bernie's access. It's spelled out point after point in a FUCKING CONTRACT!!



yes, after the Sanders press release.

In other news, the suit is claiming for $600,000 in damages per day in which they do not have access to data.

It's all a well planned campaign for the DNC to become Sander's biggest individual donor


Meh. This is such a non-issue. The staffer was fired, as he should have been. The lawsuit is about gaining access to data all campaigns are entitled but that was cut off by the DNC as punishment.

I'm not surprised the guy with the Hillary Clinton avatar pounced on this though. I thought Sanders supporters were supposed to be the fanatical ones ......

In other news, Sanders just secured the endorsement of the Communications Workers of America (an important Union) and Democracy for America (an important grassroots group).

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm beginning to think 2016 is going to give us a level of Republican dominance in government we haven't seen in a long time.

I believe Sanders is an honorable man but the people he has brought on for this campaign are not doing him justice with their actions.

The DNC is also moronically doing everything they can to dissuade anyone who bought into Sanders message from voting for them. The same people that need to turnout to counter the Republican voters that always vote.

What a massive disaster this political season has been for all sides. As if people needed more evidence to give up on voting or caring about what the government is doing.

Yes. I want Sanders to win, but ultimately I want any Democrat to win. The immediate consequence of severing Sanders' access to data has been to alienate all of Sanders' supporters from the DNC, and with it from a potential Clinton presidential campaign. Sanders was very unlikely to ever win, but given he was pulling in about a third of Democrats nationally, the decision to alienate them rather than comprise with them was unbelievably stupid. If the Democrats lose the presidency, this day will have played an enormous part, and DWS absolutely cannot remain in her position.
I thought this thread would die down and then ErasureAcer showed up to give it life again.

I'm beginning to think 2016 is going to give us a level of Republican dominance in government we haven't seen in a long time.

I believe Sanders is an honorable man but the people he has brought on for this campaign are not doing him justice with their actions.

The DNC is also moronically doing everything they can to dissuade anyone who bought into Sanders message from voting for them. The same people that need to turnout to counter the Republican voters that always vote.

What a massive disaster this political season has been for all sides. As if people needed more evidence to give up on voting or caring about what the government is doing. All while we're talking about banning religions from entering the country and deporting people. It's legitimately scary right now.

A Trump GOP nomincation or 3rd party run ... well ... its trumps this IMO


Real talk: how do you "unintentionally" get information about a competing candidate on a database? It's corporate/political speak, more than anything.

It was probably less egregious than this, hence the wording that passes it off.

That sounds like you trying to make excuses rather than real talk. Unless someone presents solid information otherwise, interpreting 'unintentional' as 'intentional, but less egregious than what Bernie did' is simply trying to support the claim that the DNC is unfairly targeting Bernie when Clinton when Clinton did similar shit.

Could the DNC be unfairly targeting? That is possible, but I really don't see the point or motivation if they want Clinton to win because Clinton doesnt need any help, and any dramatic change could possibly rebound on Clinton. You magically turning unintentional to intentional with no evidence besides your gut feeling certainly isnt any sort of proof though.
I'm not surprised the guy with the Hillary Clinton avatar pounced on this though. I thought Sanders supporters were supposed to be the fanatical ones ......

The funny thing is that every time we have a Sanders thread on GAF, it's immediately shut down by Hilary supporters. This is right now the biggest Sanders thread on Neogaf.
By this time tomorrow it will all be settled and Bernie will be back in the same position he's been in this entire time. Losing, but pushing the front-runner to the left.


Real talk: how do you "unintentionally" get information about a competing candidate on a database? It's corporate/political speak, more than anything.

It was probably less egregious than this, hence the wording that passes it off.
Wasn't Bernie's campaign just yakking about how shitty the system is? That you'd think your head canon is somehow more truthful says it all.
I'm beginning to think 2016 is going to give us a level of Republican dominance in government we haven't seen in a long time.

I believe Sanders is an honorable man but the people he has brought on for this campaign are not doing him justice with their actions.

The DNC is also moronically doing everything they can to dissuade anyone who bought into Sanders message from voting for them. The same people that need to turnout to counter the Republican voters that always vote.

What a massive disaster this political season has been for all sides. As if people needed more evidence to give up on voting or caring about what the government is doing. All while we're talking about banning religions from entering the country and deporting people. It's legitimately scary right now.
Yeah, this a massive clusterfuck and this is coming from huge Bernie fan who has lost more and more enthusiasm in the idea of voting for Hillary. Right now it feels more like left wingers are up against the Democratic establishment than a Republican party off it's rocker. Well, at least we'll have entertaining and terrifying stories to tell our grandkids.
Example Votebuilder pages for people to see how one can copy the data without using export functions:

(yes, their page designs have like not changed since 2001)

The information in those pictures is completely useless in the context of a campaign in the forms provided.

Exhibit A: Login screen.

Exhibit B: Adding an activist code is essentially a way to tag voters with various tags, i.e. issues they support, volunteer status, yard sign, etc. This screen is for bulk marking people, save/search just means you are saving the activist code to them and running a new search with the queries marked.

Exhibit C: Depending on how that list was compiled, it is likely completely useless. Unless it came from a search titled 'Hilary Supporters X County' or 'Targets in X County' and not just 'Voters in X County' it is useless, especially without the additional data such as activist codes, contact history, etc. which is obtained by checking individual profiles. Clicking print will compile a PDF of the people, usually for canvassing or phone banking and leaves a paper trail a mile and a half long.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Yes. I want Sanders to win, but ultimately I want any Democrat to win. The immediate consequence of severing Sanders' access to data has been to alienate all of Sanders' supporters from the DNC, and with it from a potential Clinton presidential campaign. Sanders was very unlikely to ever win, but given he was pulling in about a third of Democrats nationally, the decision to alienate them rather than comprise with them was unbelievably stupid. If the Democrats lose the presidency, this day will have played an enormous part, and DWS absolutely cannot remain in her position.

Also, if the staffers report of this security issue being a repetitive one is true, that's an extremely bad look. If I'm the DNC, there's no way in hell I let this out to the media. Fix your shit internally. You think Republicans are going to let this die with Bernie? Clinton fans, of all people, should know better than that by now.


The funny thing is that every time we have a Sanders thread on GAF, it's immediately shut down by Hilary supporters. This is right now the biggest Sanders thread on Neogaf.

A thread about Sanders Campaign stealing Clinton's data is a thread only about Sanders? Okay...
The DNC is also moronically doing everything they can to dissuade anyone who bought into Sanders message from voting for them. The same people that need to turnout to counter the Republican voters that always vote.

Yup. The DNC is stupid. Bernie is right, Democrats only win when their is massive turnout and Hillary Clinton is not inspiring me to go to the polls. I'm sure I'll vote. I won't be voting for Clinton however. She has done nothing throughout her pathetic life to make me want to vote for her. She is an opportunist who has no spine. Wal-Mart Board of Directors? Puke. Giving an impassioned speech on the Senate floor against gay marriage? Puke. Voting for the Iraq war? Puke. Continuing til this day to support the death penalty? Get the fuck out.


The petition for the DNC to return access of the voter file to Bernie's campaign has exceeded 200,000 signatures.

I was reading about petition and how DNC suspended Sanders previously today, but those article glazed over the fact that Sanders staff breached and saved Clintons data. In fact; i dont remember this was mentioned at all... to me impression was that there was some bug and that now DNC is again targeting Sanders.

So yeah, definitely dont like the lies.


Yup. The DNC is stupid. Bernie is right, Democrats only win when their is massive turnout and Hillary Clinton is not inspiring me to go to the polls. I'm sure I'll vote. I won't be voting for Clinton however. She has done nothing throughout her pathetic life to make me want to vote for her. She is an opportunist who has no spine. Wal-Mart Board of Directors? Puke. Giving an impassioned speech on the Senate floor against gay marriage? Puke. Voting for the Iraq war? Puke. Continuing til this day to support the death penalty? Get the fuck out.

If I didn't know better I'd think you were describing a Republican


Also, Bernie's campaign manager was straight up taking from trump with his constant repeating of how great the grassroots campaign was. Then he demagogues about how they're just the little old outsider trying to abide by the rules. Fucking pathetic.


Can see it now..

Trump: "if Bernie Sanders can't manage and lead his own political campaign and advisors, how do you expect him to run the most powerful country in the world."

And he wouldn't be entirely wrong. Bernie has done a terrible job in the selections of his closest campaign Chiefs.
Yup. The DNC is stupid. Bernie is right, Democrats only win when their is massive turnout and Hillary Clinton is not inspiring me to go to the polls. I'm sure I'll vote. I won't be voting for Clinton however. She has done nothing throughout her pathetic life to make me want to vote for her. She is an opportunist who has no spine. Wal-Mart Board of Directors? Puke. Giving an impassioned speech on the Senate floor against gay marriage? Puke. Voting for the Iraq war? Puke. Continuing til this day to support the death penalty? Get the fuck out.

Way to go ignore my entire post and just focus on the bullshit that reaffirms your views. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Sanders is still responsible for the people he chooses to run his campaign just like he would be responsible for people he would put in an administration. This whole episode screams of politics as usual from a guy who was supposed to be above that stuff. No one has the high ground to stand on in this election season. Not a single candidate.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
13) Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event that the other party breaches this Agreement; the non-breaching party sends written notice to the breaching party describing the breach; and the breaching party does not cure the breach to the satisfaction of the non-breaching party within ten (10) calendar days following its receipt of such notice.

14) The Agreement does not permit either Party to suspend its performance of the Agreement prior to terminating the Agreement in accordance with the provision above.

15) The Agreement does not permit either Party to terminate or suspend the Agreement without notice, or without providing the breaching Party with the requisite opportunity to cure.

I'm actually pretty sure Sanders will win his case, these terms seem pretty clear.


The funny thing is that every time we have a Sanders thread on GAF, it's immediately shut down by Hilary supporters. This is right now the biggest Sanders thread on Neogaf.

I've noticed that too. I'll admit Bernie is a longshot, but there is a far more interesting discussion to be had regarding his campaign than the discourse about it on GAF generally covers.

Oh well, it can be found in other places.


Also, Bernie's campaign manager was straight up taking from trump with his constant repeating of how great the grassroots campaign was. Then he demagogues about how they're just the little old outsider trying to abide by the rules. Fucking pathetic.

Sanders 2016: The Buck Stops Somewhere Else, Probably At The DNC.

Presidential. Powerful. Inspiring.


I've noticed that too. I'll admit Bernie is a longshot, but there is a far more interesting discussion to be had regarding his campaign than the discourse about it on GAF generally covers.

Oh well, it can be found in other places.

I don't think that's true at all. If anything, this feels like one of the few progressive spaces on the internet with fans of both.

It's good to have your views questioned and most online spaces I visit are decisively Bernie. More is good.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yes. I want Sanders to win, but ultimately I want any Democrat to win. The immediate consequence of severing Sanders' access to data has been to alienate all of Sanders' supporters from the DNC, and with it from a potential Clinton presidential campaign. Sanders was very unlikely to ever win, but given he was pulling in about a third of Democrats nationally, the decision to alienate them rather than comprise with them was unbelievably stupid. If the Democrats lose the presidency, this day will have played an enormous part, and DWS absolutely cannot remain in her position.
Prior to this happening 59% of Bernie supporters would be okay if (when) Hillary wins the nomination. If you take that as they would vote for Hillary, and knowing Bernie currently has 26% support nationwide, that means 15% additional Democrats and Democrat-leaning would vote Hillary and 11% who would not. If that percentage drops to 55% or lower, who knows if it would make a difference in the general election. I bet it's really higher than 59% though, but it's hard to say because Bernie is not a Democrat so party loyalty might not be as strong.


Yup. The DNC is stupid. Bernie is right, Democrats only win when their is massive turnout and Hillary Clinton is not inspiring me to go to the polls. I'm sure I'll vote. I won't be voting for Clinton however. She has done nothing throughout her pathetic life to make me want to vote for her. She is an opportunist who has no spine. Wal-Mart Board of Directors? Puke. Giving an impassioned speech on the Senate floor against gay marriage? Puke. Voting for the Iraq war? Puke. Continuing til this day to support the death penalty? Get the fuck out.

Thankfully you live in Minnesota so your vote isn't going to make a difference but people who are Bernie supporters (that live in states that electorally matter) who say they refuse to vote for Hillary really need to understand they are voting for the Republican nominee if they vote 3rd party. As much as y'all hate Hilary, can you really imagine what a Republican administration would look like?


Stretching? Read the damn lawsuit! The DNC has no right to terminate Bernie's access. It's spelled out point after point in a FUCKING CONTRACT!!

I'm actually pretty sure Sanders will win his case, these terms seem pretty clear.

Section 6a of Exhibit A seems to indicate that the DNC is in the right, no?

The DNC agrees that it shall take all measures necessary to protect the secrecy of, and to avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information. Without limiting the foregoing, the DNC shall take at least those measures that the DNC takes to protect its own most highly confidential information...

Whereas 6 defines Confidential Information as
all information disclosed by the Campaign to the DNC ... and all information genereated by the DNC, whether by itself or through or in conjunction with third parties ... Confidential information may also information disclosed to the DNC by third parties.


Thankfully you live in Minnesota so your vote isn't going to make a difference but people who are Bernie supporters (that live in states that electorally matter) who say they refuse to vote for Hillary really need to understand they are voting for the Republican nominee if they vote 3rd party. As much as y'all hate Hilary, can you really imagine what a Republican administration would look like?
They don't care. They think if the world burns they can point to it and say told ya so, like America isn't acting like slavery was volunteer work.
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