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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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So the company that actually maintains and fixes these databases is lying? Read the post, "saving" data means a different thing here.

Read your own link from VAN:

We immediately began an audit to determine if any users had intentionally or unintentionally gained access to data they normally would not have access to within the limited timeframe when the bug was live. Our team removed access to the affected data, and determined that only one campaign took actions that could possibly have led to it retaining data to which it should not have had access.


Read your own link from VAN:

Furthermore the articles I linked in the OP state that Bernie's goons created the lists from scratch using information they gathered during the breach. But they didn't "export" the lists wholesale so apparently that's alright? He's arguing semantics when we have the director's confession on tape. It's fucking mindblowing!
This is an obvious fuckup by Uretsky and anyone trying to argue otherwise is absolutely fooling themselves. It was not his call to investigate the extent of the vulnerability, it was VAN's IT. Even if he conducted the unauthorized access in good faith, it's a fuckup through and through and he should've known better than to stick his nose into data that he clearly is not allowed to access.

The campaign is unfortunately going to suffer between Uretsky's genius idea and everyone else spinning it in the worst possible way (the GOP will undoubtedly barf out some dumb statement about how "Bernie himself will do this with his socialist commie for EVERYONE's information" or some shit). It's not Bernie's fault other than hiring someone who would later have gigantic lapses in judgment, but at the same time campaign fuckups always look bad on the head honcho even if it wasn't his/her fault at the end of the day.

EDIT: And the people using this to sneak in some half-witted conspiracy theories to shit on Clinton yet again for the 89 millionth time is beyond laughable. (the people who are serious, not the troll/joke posts)
I don't know why I even bother. You could probably get Bernie to admit to murder on tape and his stans won't believe it.

Don't you think the swiftness in them coming out and then this interview w/ MSNBC (of all networks, easily the most left-leaning) is a bit suspect? I mean this is like some inverse Star Wars thing, Bernie's playing the role of Darth Vader in rewind type of shit. It's so ironically swift this whole thing it's actually hilarious.

Doesn't make any of it better though.

Does Sanders have a record of putting together a presidential campaign staff that goes back decades too?

No. He just has a record of staying consistent on his views and ideologies for that length of time.

Unlike Hilary.
Well off the top of my head there was the build up to the last debate, the black lives matter stuff (before they got it straight and fixed the issue), Bernie recently revealing he's already writing his inauguration speech (his staff should know better than to put that out there) and some other minor ones. Bernie is good, but his staff can't seem to get their shit together.

And he sucks on gun control.
I don't know why I even bother. You could probably get Bernie to admit to murder on tape and his stans won't believe it.

Instead of acting all arrogant you could listen to your oh so holy video. If you actually listened to it yourself instead of just angrily screaming about it because it's in the OP in bright red letters, you would have heard:

The systems were all within the Votebuilder VAN system, the Votebuilder DNC system, it was all within their custodianship....so we didn't, at least to my knowledge, we did not export any records of voter file data

Which is why I pointed you to the official VAN blog where they explain this Votebuilder system and what took place, so, again:

First, a one page-style report containing summary data on a list was saved out of VoteBuilder by one Sanders user. This is what some people have referred to as the “export” from VoteBuilder. As noted below, users were unable to export lists of people.

Read your own link from VAN:

Again, read the update at the top of the page, where they explain what "data" means in this context. No data was exported. They stored something they shouldn't have been able to store within the VAN system, not outside of it. They claim to have done this to prove a bug and if that is actually true (which time will tell) then this was all a nonsense issue.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
It's weird how being pragmatic on other issues, such as education, means you're a neoliberal corporate sellout to Bernie supporters, though.

And it's weird how being pragmatic on this issue is a huge sin to those who try to paint their cynicism on pretty much every other issue as pragmatism. It's almost like it's complete bullshit or something.

In other words, the campaign didn't use the VAN's function to export data, but they could copy and save the data through other means. Which is what they admitted.

Oh no. The guy that did this should be fired.


Instead of acting all arrogant you could listen to your oh so holy video. If you actually listened to it yourself instead of just angrily screaming about it because it's in the OP in bright red letters, you would have heard:

Which is why I pointed you to the official VAN blog where they explain this Votebuilder system and what took place, so, again:
You don't get it. The Bernie staffer didn't use the function in the VAN to export the data.

I've used it before, and it basically pulls up a long list in a browser. It's not software, it's a web application. In other words, you can just easily use "Save Page" to get the data. As long as you don't refresh the results page and you don't close your browser or computer, you'll have it on your pc. You can copy and paste the text from the served-up webpage with Hillary campaign data into Excel. You can save the page. You can print screen the whole list.

In other words, the campaign didn't use the VAN's function to export data, but they could copy and save the data through other means. Which is what they admitted.

Again, read the update at the top of the page, where they explain what "data" means in this context. No data was exported. They stored something they shouldn't have been able to store within the VAN system, not outside of it. They claim to have done this to prove a bug and if that is actually true (which time will tell) then this was all a nonsense issue.
You don't use 5 different accounts and query 24 lists from Hillary campaign data to prove a bug. You don't start giving 4 accounts additional permissions so they can test a bug. If that's the case why didn't they try querying O'Malley's data?


Man I so dont get the devotion to Hillary from people. She's flopped on big issues and her main opponent is a guy with an honorable history. I mean how does she inspire such blind devotion? She's got the appeal of a piece of wet cardboard, yet people are in here all to happy to denounce Bernie and remind everyone that he's lower in some polls.

I dont get it.


According to an ABC News poll taken this afternoon, Hillary leads Bernie 59% to 28%, so keep that in mind before going too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole.


I honestly can't believe that some people would rather believe that VAN, the DNC and the fired staffer are all lying rather than accept that Bernie's campaign fucked up.


Man I so don't get the devotion to Hillary from people. She's flopped on big issues and her main opponent is a guy with an honorable history. I mean how does she inspire such blind devotion? She's got the appeal of a piece of wet cardboard, yet people are in here all to happy to denounce Bernie and remind everyone that he's lower in some polls.

I dont get it.

First step would be to realize that being able to admit that a guy in Bernies camp doing something stupid != "Devotion to Hillary".

The only relevance Hillary has to this story at all is that someone was stealing something that belonged to her. Beyond that she is completely irrelevant to this specific issue.

is this the preview of what happens to Bernie supporters when he loses the nom?

It will be great for everyone no matter who gets the nom. This shit is starting to grate. I cant take the lunacy anymore. Thank god this shit is almost over and we will be able to focus on the general.


At least if Hillary gets the nom I can stop donating because I know Wall St. and the banks got her covered and she doesnt need my money, unlike Sanders.


this is like

Veep come to life.

That's what I thought when I woke up and saw this thread

And it's weird how being pragmatic on this issue is a huge sin to those who try to paint their cynicism on pretty much every other issue as pragmatism. It's almost like it's complete bullshit or something.

Oh no. The guy that did this should be fired.
Oh no, you've already lost all hope and made some revisionist history about how you won all your arguments!

At least if Hillary gets the nom I can stop donating because I know Wall St. and the banks got her covered and she doesnt need my money, unlike Sanders.
Check out your local candidates and donate your time or money to them instead.


At least if Hillary gets the nom I can stop donating because I know Wall St. and the banks got her covered and she doesnt need my money, unlike Sanders.

Your two posts in this topic about Bernie's campaign's fuck up are about Hillary. Something on your mind?


If you want to document the depth of the breach, why would you have four different accounts all logging into the opposing side's database and copying as much information as possible in the time that it was down.

Get the fuck outta here.

If you were truly upset that it kept happening over and over, go to the media and make a big stink about it.

Very disappointed considering I was planning on voting Bernie in the democratic primaries, but it seems that his campaign is no better than the rest of them. Ultimately unsurprising though.
If you want to document the depth of the breach, why would you have four different accounts all logging into the opposing side's database and copying as much information as possible in the time that it was down.

Get the fuck outta here.

If you were truly upset that it kept happening over and over, go to the media and make a big stink about it.

Very disappointed considering I was planning on voting Bernie in the democratic primaries, but it seems that his campaign is no better than the rest of them. Ultimately unsurprising though.

Let's be fair, this is one guy acting like a dumbass upon realizing there was an issue. It's really not representative of Bernie or his platform.


Man I so dont get the devotion to Hillary from people. She's flopped on big issues and her main opponent is a guy with an honorable history. I mean how does she inspire such blind devotion? She's got the appeal of a piece of wet cardboard, yet people are in here all to happy to denounce Bernie and remind everyone that he's lower in some polls.

I dont get it.

We don't get you guys either. Would it literally kill you to admit your boy fucked up?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Oh no, you've already lost all hope and made some revisionist history about how you won all your arguments!

Say what? Not sure which part of my post you're addressing.

Clinton supporters are generally hypocrites with regard to "pragmatism"

The guy who did the deed deserved to be fired, as he promptly was.

Not sure how I'm revising history with those opinions...


Lawsuit: Bernie 2016, Inc. vs DNC Services Corporation. More in the link.


WHEREFORE Plaintiff Bernie 2016, Inc. respectfully requests that judgment be entered
against Defendant DNC Services Corporation:
A. Mandating Defendant’s specific performance of the Parties’ Agreement, and
Defendant’s immediate restoration of Plaintiff’s access to the Voter Data system;
B. On the second and third causes of action, for damages in an amount determined to
be at trial, but presently known to exceed $75,000.00; and
C. For such other, further and different relief as the Court deems just and proper.


Let's be fair, this is one guy acting like a dumbass upon realizing there was an issue. It's really not representative of Bernie or his platform.

But we're pretty far past that now. The way Bernie's campaign has handled this is atrocious. Saying no data was copied, saying they're going to sue the DNC, like seriously? This is the worst way they could go about this.


Wonder if this will come up in the debate tomorrow. Btw, I find it hilarious that the Dem debate is once again happening on Saturday. Tomorrow night it is competing against an NFL football game even. Lol, great job DNC.


The delusions, vitriol, and conspiracy theories erupting up from the cult-ier circles of the Sanders devotees over this are pretty crazy. Reddit is hilarious right now. Might as well be on Trump's team.

I'm one of the people who likes Bernie but knows he's a pipe dream, and also likes Hillary. The basic facts of this "scandal" aren't even that big of a deal IMO but the reactions....yikes.

Of course the Hillary camp went after Obama in 2008 too, but nothing like this. The Wrestlemania-ization of our political process is insane.

edit: now I'm seeing tons of love and "true american hero :)" "always a trustworthy, honorable dude" comments about Jim Webb because he attacked Hillary. When they all considered him to be a conservative, crazy, asshole until yesterday. Lol.
Very disappointed considering I was planning on voting Bernie in the democratic primaries, but it seems that his campaign is no better than the rest of them. Ultimately unsurprising though.

Sorry marijuana users. No federal repeal because Vire is upset the DNC and its vendor did nothing in 2 months to sure up their data system. You think you have your priorities straight?
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