Punished Miku
Human Rights Subscription Service
Nope, but she used to play softball and can throw some shit for sure.Can she palm a basketball?
Nope, but she used to play softball and can throw some shit for sure.Can she palm a basketball?
i've been told by everyone who's seen my dick that it's huge.
im just happy my dick is straight. i fuckin lol so hard at pornos where guys have banana dicks
My girlfriend of 4 years is 6 ft tall actually. That's all I'm saying.
Mind you it's a little chilly out so not fully accuratei have an idea...
everyone draw an outline of your junk on a piece of paper and post it ITT
All tall men have to live with this crux, unless you have a damn anaconda between your legs...It's average but I'm tall (6'2 - 1,89m), so... it looks rather small and I've seen my fair share of disappointed faces when I first drop the pants.
It does the job, though... I do wish I had a fucking huge dong, though, one of those that look heavy, you drop it and it has its own center of gravity, know what I mean?
If you junk is small, get a tiny little girlfriend, makes your junk look huge.
Or a for a fortune cookie message."My dick is average and I like tall women."
Hmm... Sounds like a book title.
I'm more known my other ass_et.What a shame.
They say women love a man with a sense of humor. It’s all I have. Every women I’ve taken home has laughed uncontrollably then left. Feels bad man... more like can’t feel at all
insert craig.jpg
<fuck you craig, you’re probably hung like a horse>
B-b-but the womanz all act like I’m trolling them when I drop mah drawers. ‘Member that scene in The Hangover 2 where they show that guy’s itty bitty nub? I’m 25% of that!Well that's the problem right there. That's not what Craigs are for. That's what your peepee is for.
B-b-but the womanz all act like I’m trolling them when I drop mah drawers. ‘Member that scene in The Hangover 2 where they show that guy’s itty bitty nub? I’m 25% of that!
This sounds like something she told you to get you to leave her alone during one of your manic penis insecurity episodes.Average... My ex said it's just right TO OTHER women.
Yes... Apparently..
According to Gaf...
Ah so porn dicks are just clever camera work.Porn dicks aren't actually as big as they appear to you. All you have to judge are relative sizes. It's not like you ever see them bust out a ruler.
There's a reason why so many petite girls are in porn. It makes the guy's dick look that much larger relatively.
They're actually objectively big, like around 7-8 inches on average, I'm guessing. You got extreme outliers in the 8+ range like Lexington and others but those guys are the exception and not the norm, even in the porno world. The "OMG porno guys are impossibly huge" idea is the product of several different factors.Ah so porn dicks are just clever camera work.
B-b-but the womanz all act like I’m trolling them when I drop mah drawers. ‘Member that scene in The Hangover 2 where they show that guy’s itty bitty nub? I’m 25% of that!
Being a grower sucks in the locker room. You have to give it a few wake-up thwacks before hopping in the group shower.The women I've been with haven't complained. To me anyways, and most of them have come back for 2nds, 3rds, and 4ths. So I think I'm doing alright. I'm definitely a grower not a shower, though. Shit looks dinky unless I'm turned on. Then you better watch out.![]()
Oh your girlfriend is a resetera girl...
Trump, is that you?Its alright, I like it. I also like my mushroom head
No no. Bigger than thatTrump, is that you?