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Do you ever play video games while at work?

Do you ever play video games at work?

  • Yes, during my lunch break

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • Yes, when I'm clocked in

    Votes: 49 29.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 87 53.0%

  • Total voters


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I run a music and gaming festival, so the answer is yes during events. And sometimes when I’m visiting the warehouse.


Nah, got too much to do and not enough time, lol. However I have seen couple folks on my team do some gaming during lunch break or something.

I don’t care as long as they deliver their work at good level and on time.


Remote work here.

I used to have these mandatory meetings that were almost 2 hours longs every 2 weeks, and they were usually all exposition. They could have definitely been an email. So I took the chance to run the MSQ roulette in FFXIV. 2 long expositions for the time of 1.


I work from home, so I sometimes play Dragon Quest X while at lunch or some shit.
I don't like multiplayer games but I played X a bit via VPN just to check out how the environments look. Dear God what a beautiful game.

It's the last mainline Dragon Quest game where they have those beautiful hand-painted textures. It basically looks like VIII but on a much bigger scale and with sharper textures. It's a shame we never got this in the West but all the free-to-play mobile garbage gets a release.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I don't like multiplayer games but I played X a bit via VPN just to check out how the environments look. Dear God what a beautiful game.

It's the last mainline Dragon Quest game where they have those beautiful hand-painted textures. It basically looks like VIII but on a much bigger scale and with sharper textures. It's a shame we never got this in the West but all the free-to-play mobile garbage gets a release.

I got news for you my brother. There is a fan translation that is current up through Version 7.1 (the current version). It's very good.

Also if you live in the US, you don't need a VPN anymore to play.

I'm going to be making a big thread about my experiences with DQ once I'm caught up. But over all, DQX is excellent. Especially Versions 2 and 4. 4 is peak Dragon Quest. Some of the best story


Gold Member
I WFH and normally no. Sometimes I have my Switch on hand if I am doing things with a lot of downtime or waiting around and nothing else to do but that's about it.


Gold Member
Yep, screw not having fun when I can. I've been doing it for 25 years. I look forward to work this way while others dread it. I can play more there than at home. When off of work I need hours to lift and walk/jog spend time with kids, walk the dog, etc.


The nicest person on this forum
No, because I want to enjoy games properly, I dont like playing games at work or outside.

I love gaming but I'm not that obsesses with it that I need to play games every were I go.


My job is 90% reactionary so if nothing is going on I'll pull on my Deck and play with it until something work related requires my attention.


I'm sure the WFH haters are going to lap this up.

Meanwhile at the office:


I think this is the real reason Solitaire is no longer included with Windows. It's a productivity product that came bundled with an anti-productivity software.

Back on 7 I had to find some buried way to "turn it on" and I think maybe required the install disk.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
wfh but nah, I'd rather browse the web while waiting for some build to complete and deploy or some shit like that.

I could play games, but I wouldn't enjoy them as much having the work stuff on the back of my mind while doing so.
My unit at work is shutting down almost all operations for two weeks (yearly summer break). I’ll be there manning a skeleton crew for emergencies. I bought a Nintendo Switch carrying case and the game Live A Live just for this situation.


Gold Member
Back in the day when I worked at a large IT service delivery management team, I would game almost every day during my on-call home office shifts, in between calls and reports.

Nowadays, I run a company and am way too busy. I have a Steam Deck that I always take with me on work travels, but I guess that doesn't count.


Youtube/Reddit/Wordle for me.

I'm in a management position, so I'm mostly on autopilot making sure my crew gets their work done. I should take more walks/get more steps in. Thankfully I only have to work out of the office 2 days per week.


I was gonna say not when I'm physically at the office, but then I remembered I literally played a couple days worth of KOTOR when the office was empty during the summer, lol. That was a one-time thing though, so generally speaking no.

When working remotely from home though, that's another matter entirely. I think I legit play about an hour or two every workday. Luckily I don't have a micro-managing manager demanding to know my every move every hour, and as long as I do my work (which I always do), my hyperfocus makes sure I get my 8 hours worth of work done in a day.


When homeworking yes (PC), when in office yes (steam deck). But I get my job done, it just leaves me with free time.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
You should probably find another job if you are that disinterested in your current one that your playing video games when you are supposed to be working tbh
You are a "semi slave" if you don't have some idle time in your job.

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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
It's not really slavery to expect your staff to be working when they are at work is it
Read the thread, many people have jobs with downtimes.

It's cool to be motivated and to look for the best job possible, but imo it's also perfectly fine to settle with something fine enough that also comfortable enough to carry a happy life.
Idk why I didn't post this originally but I have played pinball during lunch in our back lounge area but that's pretty rare. I don't normally have the time to commit to a full session. Usually the only people that play these are guests or my boss.

I took this photo from my desk, they are distracting sometimes lol

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
I recently played loads of Slice & Dice on my phone when not much samples were coming in. Also had an obsessive Downwell phase 3 years ago.


Not at my current job but my at my previous job I had a 1hr lunch and would sometimes play a bit on the Switch.
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