The famed "Daredevil" and "Scarlet" team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev will collaborate on "Infamous Iron Man," CBR can exclusively confirm, a fall-debuting series starring Victor Von Doom -- best known as iconic supervillain Doctor Doom -- as the new Iron Man. "Infamous Iron Man" will take the place of current series "International Iron Man" in Marvel's publishing schedule, also from Bendis and Maleev.
This move is an extension of storylines in the current Bendis-written "Invincible Iron Man" series, which has seen Von Doom seek rehabilitation, following his physical transformation at the end of the 2015 "Secret Wars" event series. It also raises plenty of questions -- like how will "Infamous Iron Man" interact with Bendis and artist Stefano Caselil's new "Invincible Iron Man" series, announced earlier this week and starring Riri Williams, a new character recently introduced by Bendis and Mike Deodato. "Infamous Iron Man" also pays off part of the Deodato-illustrated "Divided We Stand" teaser, which included Von Doom holding an Iron Man helmet.