Regulus Tera said:
Steven Moffat wrote a Doctor Who episode about Christmas, not a Doctor Who episode set on Christmas. I love how seemingly random ideas that lesser people would only put in because "they seem cool" actually play out during the finale, creating some really memorable story elements.
Fuck the haters, this was amazing.
Like I say, I loved it. It was a different tone and style to the others, and one thing I'm truly happy with is the setting. While I do understand the temptation to set Christmas Episodes on modern-day earth to make it more accessible, I think the worst thing about both The Runaway Bride and The Christmas Invasion were all those damn scenes set outside in the glaring summer sunlight. I always find it impossible to believe it's Christmas day.
Especially in The Runaway Bride, where there's huge segments (TARDIS chase, bank stuff) set outside.
So, good on Moffat for setting it in a place where they could avoid that pitfall. In general, I loved the episode, and I loved the tone - but I think a lot of the family/kids audience would rather have something more action-packed and trashy. Voyage of the Damned was very successful in both critically and in ratings for that very reason coupled with the Kylie celeb factor and better schedule timing - it aired a little later if I remember correctly. That said, this episode has been hugely successful in the ratings and I'm sure the AI will be massive. It's a great episode, but I actually felt like this might've been more appropriate, in terms of positioning, as a regular episode rather than the 'tentpeg' Christmas episode. I think that slot is meant to be loud and shouty. I feel the same way about The Unquiet Dead, which is set at Christmas, and Planet of the Dead, which is stupidly tenuously linked to Easter.