It's Clara's since she lead the first Doctor to the right Tardis.It's the Doctor's. If he hadn't given Ashildr the chip, she would've been long dead and this story would've never happened.
It's Clara's since she lead the first Doctor to the right Tardis.It's the Doctor's. If he hadn't given Ashildr the chip, she would've been long dead and this story would've never happened.
It's Clara's since she lead the first Doctor to the right Tardis.
It's the Doctor's. If he hadn't given Ashildr the chip, she would've been long dead and this story would've never happened.
It's the Doctor's. If he hadn't given Ashildr the chip, she would've been long dead and this story would've never happened.
It's Clara's since she lead the first Doctor to the right Tardis.
The Governess Clara from The Snowmen was originally meant to be the companion, but Moffat decided against the idea of a period-piece companion at the last minute and went with a modern Clara instead.
What Blader said, plus the Victorian era would have worked as a kind of "hub" that they'd keep coming back at the end of episodes, with the kids from The Snowmen making more appearances. Neil Gaiman wrote Nightmare in Silver with that in mind, which is why Angie and Artie are awkwardly inserted in that episode. They had to come up with changes for present day Clara at the last minute and it seemingly stunted some of the developments they had planned initially.
Is it not kosher to blame Rigsy? He handed his death sentence over to Clara willingly.
Sure, he didn't want to die, but that's no excuse. It was a cowardly move.
Is it not kosher to blame Rigsy? He handed his death sentence over to Clara willingly.
Sure, he didn't want to die, but that's no excuse. It was a cowardly move.
Yeah and Rigsy wasn't given a new Retcon either, or he wouldn't have done the Clara tribute on the TARDIS at the end.
edit: beaten by Razmos
I'm not arguing that Ashildr wasn't stupid as shit, but Clara trying to be the Doctor is what got her killed. Part of the reason it was Rigsy and not anyone else in this situation because in Flatline she was the Doctor and Rigsy was her companion. The Doctor didn't turn her into a weapon like everyone else, he turned her into himself.No, it's Ashildr's.
Threaten someone's life to trap the Doctor with the assumption that A) he'll find out in time and B)figure it out in time so you can C) undo the death sentence in time is some fucked up planning.
What would she have done if it failed? Find another of the Doctor's acquaintances, and rinse and repeat until the Doctor actually saved someone?
No, it's Ashildr's.
Threaten someone's life to trap the Doctor with the assumption that A) he'll find out in time and B)figure it out in time so you can C) undo the death sentence in time is some fucked up planning.
What would she have done if it failed? Find another of the Doctor's acquaintances, and rinse and repeat until the Doctor actually saved someone?
It's the Doctor's. If he hadn't given Ashildr the chip, she would've been long dead and this story would've never happened.
It's Clara's since she lead the first Doctor to the right Tardis.
It's Missy's because she gave Clara the Tardis phone number
NuWho takes place in the Internet era though, where every fan can converge online and obsessively rank and re-rank the companions from best to worst, so I think it's hard to avoid any of them being "big central part of lore" at this point, even if the plot itself doesn't revolve around in the old Serials... this doesn't mean that companions can't argue with the Doctor, or call him out, or even assist him.. it just means that they don't have to be some big central part of the lore or some important plot device.
Watched the episode, I'm sad they have basically ruined "Me" as a character. I don't see The Doctor ever wanting anything to do with her now.
Just decided this morning to finally jump in on the Big Finish audio dramas. I thought somebody here said the old ones were quite cheap? Was that a temporary deal? Because right now it's $9/hr for the Eight doctor stuff.
I'm going to buy the season 1 bundle of him which is 8 episodes for $40, but for some reason I expected it to be even cheaper than that.
I think I would enjoy having two companions again. I enjoyed it when Amy and Rory were both in the Tardis and I also enjoyed it when Captain Jack was a second companion.
I decided to jump in last night.
I found some of the older 8th Doctor stuff at $2.99 Canadian. There is a Big Finish app on iOS (I assume android as well) to play the stuff on your phone.
Search for Storm Warning. I hear that one is good. I picked it up.
We still need a proper listening guide.
Ahhh I messed up. Looked up Eighth Doctor Adventures instead of Main Range. Oh well, $40 for 8 hours isn't so bad.
My admiration for the Eighth Doctor and his continuing adventures over in Big Finish Land can never be overstated. Anyone who is considering giving the Eighth Doctor a really should do that. All Big Finish is great, but Eight's stuff is particularly inspired for some reason. Maybe it's just because McGann is so awesome as the Doctor.
When you all get there eventually the end of To the Death and the beginning of Dark Eyes just...ugh, they just kill me. I was completely heartbroken right along with the Eighth Doctor.
What really makes this scene poignant was the speech the 9th gave to Rose about what to do with the TARDIS if he were to die or not be able to reach it ever again.
I had just watched it before this.
Well, that rather depends who it is who's putting the screws to her.What confuses me is why Ashildir took the actions she took. She had a situation where the people she protected were being threatened unless she delivered the Doctor to them. She knows what the Doctor is capable of and what he's willing to do. All she had to do was get him there (She could easily use the same method or hell just ask Rigsy to phone him for her) and then tell him what was going on and he would have spent the rest of the episode sorting it the hell out.
For someone who claims she's really smart she certainly did take the dumb as shit way out. Mind you she wasn't acting too clever when she let Lenny the Lion trick her last time either.
If someone had said to say Clara (or indeed any companion). "Hey. Unless you deliver us the Doctor we're gonna murder your gran" the very next thing you do is say "Hey Doctor. Can you deal with this crazy person please"
Well, that rather depends who it is who's putting the screws to her.
As it's almost certainly the Time Lords, I can see why she might want to avoid pissing off the universe's most powerful civilisation.
This is great, Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat & Mark Gatiss take part in a Doctor Who pub quiz.
Oh my god, one part into Storm Warning. This is wonderful. The conversation between Eight and Charley when she's running away... he's just so interested while at the same time entirely at ease.
So excited.
*edit* I feel like beginning the audio dramas has moved me from "keeps up with the show" to "diehard fan" territory, though.
Nah. I don't care who it is. Not telling him is the Doctor Who equivalent of heading off by yourself in a horror movie to investigate a noise and as Ashely would tell you in my first playthrough of Until Dawn that's not a good idea
He's the Doctor. Just ask everyone who's ever stopped him how effective he is![]()
One of us! One of us!
Asheilr clearly has a chip on her shoulder where it comes to the Doctor and, despite having all the facts about him, does not seem to understand him at all. I don't think she's aware that if she wanted to lure the Doctor into a situation where she teleports him away like that, all she'd have to do is ask for his help. He'd put the damn thing on himself.
One of us! One of us!
Asheilr clearly has a chip on her shoulder where it comes to the Doctor and, despite having all the facts about him, does not seem to understand him at all. I don't think she's aware that if she wanted to lure the Doctor into a situation where she teleports him away like that, all she'd have to do is ask for his help. He'd put the damn thing on himself.
That's pretty fucking hardcore and I'm a little shocked and even a bit uncomfortable. I had no idea her issues were that extreme. Damn, poor Clara.
So Clara's speech at the end was pretty interesting. I knew she was getting a little wreckless but I didn't truly know how messed up she was.
Friends and associates of people who commit suicide frequently make similar comments. She hid it fairly well, but there were certainly signs as far back as the Christmas special. The Doctor saw it too. He just didn't want to admit what he was looking at I think.
They kind of allude to how fucked up she is and how the doctor knows this early in the episode when she almost falls out of the TARDIS and the kid says something to the doc about how crazy and reckless she's being and how she enjoyed almost falling which the doc replies (paraphrasing) "I know and I don't like the way she's been acting..."
The GIF is even better.
The GIF is even better.
The video's even more funny:
They forgot the number on Rivers envelope in the impossible team won and my friend fell off her chair...Amazing
The GIF is even better.
Friends and associates of people who commit suicide frequently make similar comments. She hid it fairly well, but there were certainly signs as far back as the Christmas special. The Doctor saw it too. He just didn't want to admit what he was looking at I think.
Oh my god, one part into Storm Warning. This is wonderful. The conversation between Eight and Charley when she's running away... he's just so interested while at the same time entirely at ease.
So excited.
*edit* I feel like beginning the audio dramas has moved me from "keeps up with the show" to "diehard fan" territory, though.
Which is the reason I don't get people saying Clara didn't have development or an arc this season. It was pretty obvious to me, but I guess it was subtle enough for people to miss. Clara was reckless as hell and had a death wish.
That's pretty fucking hardcore and I'm a little shocked and even a bit uncomfortable. I had no idea her issues were that extreme. Damn, poor Clara.