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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


I still think it's possible Ashildir could be the new Companion, with the Doctor seeing the need to keep an eye on her now.

I disagree. For one thing, I think Ashildir will be lucky to survive the season. For another, the Doctor has been known to hold a grudge and he has no drive to give a shit about Ashildir at this point. I think he'd be more likely to Family of Blood her than give her a spot in the TARDIS.


I don't think the diamond-not-diamond wall is a plot hole. It's the exit, part of the "real" world, but obviously they can't reset the "real" world, so they put the universe's hardest material in front of it to stop anyone getting out without confessing. That's how I looked at it.

And sure, there would be millions of skulls in the sea, but they would also erode/turn to dust eventually, so no "mountain of skulls" is plausible.

Yep that's how I see it. I can't really blame whoever set it up really. They reasonably wouldn't expect the Doctor to punch a wall for two billion years. Plus maybe the Doctor would have indeed broken if it wasn't for Clara recently dying and the memory of her pushing him on.
The next companion needs to be a type we haven't seen in Nu-Who. A completely average person with no romantic feelings for the doctor, no prophecy destining them for greatness, no big mystery surrounding them, and no having them save the world in the finale. They should just be a regular person.

What we know so far from comments is:

  • It's considered a reboot point and it'll be something very tonally different (Moffat)
  • There's a strong chance it'll be a more working class companion like Rose, because he's been pushing for that (Capaldi)
  • It's going to be a woman, because in both instances Moffat and Capaldi have referred to the new companion as she and talked about searching for an actress.

I think these are both promising points. We haven't had a really working class companion in a decade, really - Martha and Donna were both, to varying degrees far better off than Rose, even if they weren't posh, and then Amy and Clara both were both very much middle England companions. To the first point, I hope they go all the way with it and Series 3 it, where there's no pre-credits sequence and it's just right in with the credits then opening ON the companion, and tell it from her perspective.


I miss the more out-there companions but I don't expect we'll ever see them come back. I think that's because my first chunk of Old Who was Five's run where he had Adric/Nyssa/Tegan/Turlough following him around.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The next companion needs to be a type we haven't seen in Nu-Who. A completely average person with no romantic feelings for the doctor, no prophecy destining them for greatness, no big mystery surrounding them, and no having them save the world in the finale. They should just be a regular person.

that was basically donna tbh


Oh I missed that Heaven Sent only got an AI of 80, which is near the bottom since the show came back: http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2015/11/heaven-sent-ai80.html

Not surprising to me tbh. It's one of the best episodes in the history of Doctor Who but to any casual fan they probably hate how experimental it was plus it was the least family friendly episode I can think of in recent times.

It gets balanced out by the critical acclaim and it'll hopefully win a ton of awards too, to encourage Moffat to keep experimenting and trying new things.
So I watched it twice and maybe I missed it, but what was that hexagonal spot with all the arrows pointing to it? Was it ever explained?

I still haven't worked that out. Maybe it was Moffat's little joke. "Plot holes? Now _this_ is what a plot hole looks like!"
The next companion needs to be a type we haven't seen in Nu-Who. A completely average person with no romantic feelings for the doctor, no prophecy destining them for greatness, no big mystery surrounding them, and no having them save the world in the finale. They should just be a regular person.

So you miss Handles. Bless.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Except it doesn't reset consistently or else he never would have seen bird because he sees it after he leaves the room and comes back.

it's behind him and to the right when he walks out of the teleporter - it is there, he just misses it the first time.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
So I watched it twice and maybe I missed it, but what was that hexagonal spot with all the arrows pointing to it? Was it ever explained?

It's how the Veil managed to come out of the earth in the garden - there's no other way that can be explained. It's left to the viewer to figure out, though.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
About room 12..

...could someone explain to me please why the diamond wall isn't reset at each iteration too, allowing the doctor to do what he does ?

The way that I see it, or interpret the episode is that the doctor dying in each iteration was only metaphorical, in his head. Each time the doctor tells the truth, the interrogation machine was one step closer to releasing the doctor, but the room where he fails the interrogation doesn't fit the dynamics of the castle, which is meant to torture him, so everything resets in the castle except the room.

As a form of torture, it forces him to replay the sequence of events over and over until they get the answer of the "hybrid." Since he "dies" in the same room over and over, I imagine that this sequence stands still and doesn't change, because the the Time Lords wanted the doctor to reveal the final truth in that room with the diamond exit.

At least, that is how I see it. I am clearly in the minority since no one else has such a crazy theory.
Christmas is called The Husbands of River Song
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from carols and comedy antlers. But when the Time Lord’s help is requested he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy! King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious and his giant robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and at a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time…


Part of that synopsis makes me want to throw something though. If we're back to them giving him missions fuck everything about that.

There does appear to be a new Sonic, though.


The 2015 Doctor Who Christmas Special is called:
The Husbands of River Song
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from carols and comedy antlers. But when the Time Lord’s help is requested he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy! King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious and his giant robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and at a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time…
APZ nooo


Why is River Song flirting with other men when she should still at least know the Eleventh is out there? What a cheat.

Also yeah that synopsis. Looks like he's not that angry with the Time Lords after the next ep if he's willing to help them by Christmas time.


Well, this sounds quite terrible! I'm fully onboard with a seemingly lighter plot, it's a good time to switch tone a bit. But man, I'm not eager to have River Song back. And that episode title. Christ.
Oh good, he gets the sonic back.

Also, nothing about that sounds appealing, but Moffat did just write the best episode in a long time, so...

nope, still sounds awful.

And I think people are reading that wrong. I think "The Time Lord's help" is just referring to The Doctor's help being requested.
Sounds like a lot of fun, and a good tonic to the grimness we've had since The Girl Who Died.

Preferred the rumoured title of Mr. and Mrs. Who, though.
So I watched it twice and maybe I missed it, but what was that hexagonal spot with all the arrows pointing to it? Was it ever explained?

I was initially wondering that too but apparently it's the stone that the Doctor digs up in the grave with 'I am in 12' written on it. That's why there's a flashback when he first discovers it, and also you can briefly see it in his notebook later on.

Clara was middle-class and a full-time teacher but still could only afford the same-quality flat as Rose. Comment on the property market right there...

She's also by far the best dressed companion so maybe she just prefers to look good rather than have a swanky place. Plus I doubt Coal Hill pays that much, particularly to someone who's barely there half the time.
new sonic looks nice.

blogtor has a slightly different synopsis:

"But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy."

compared to:

"But when the Time Lord’s help is requested he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy! "


Last week episode was pretty good, quite interesting to see how the Doctor's mind works.

Christmas is called The Husbands of River Song
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from carols and comedy antlers. But when the Time Lord’s help is requested he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy! King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious and his giant robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and at a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time…


Part of that synopsis makes me want to throw something though. If we're back to them giving him missions fuck everything about that.

There does appear to be a new Sonic, though.

Ysssss, he get his Sonic Screwdriver back. Fuck the Sonicglasses they were dumb.
new sonic looks nice.

blogtor has a slightly different synopsis:

"But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy."

compared to:

"But when the Time Lord’s help is requested he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy! "

This sounds like the BBC changed their mind about mentioning the Time Lords and thus suggesting events of this week's show too late and somebody didn't get the memo, as the official site has the Time Lords line but I can confirm that yes, the press release that went out has this different wording.

You sure it's his and not hers? As in that becomes the one she had later (which is earlier?)

If you look at the full res version of the picture she has some device (probably Sonic) that isn't the 'red settings' screwdriver, not yet, and he has an all-new screwdriver that appears to have the upper body of the 11th model (or a very similar body, at least) and an all-new shape lower body.
Ok, I did a rewatch of the last episode and I change my stance on it. Definitely better on a second viewing where you can pick up on the subtle workings
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