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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


The Husbands of River Songs?


Looks really bad and cheap, but i'm sure some could say that about Doctor who.
Is that Superman? talk about a career nose dive.

Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.


Looks really bad and cheap, but i'm sure some could say that about Doctor who.
Is that Superman? talk about a career nose dive.

Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.

I would argue Tennant probably. He's at least the most critically acclaimed actor post Who.
Looks really bad and cheap, but i'm sure some could say that about Doctor who.
Is that Superman? talk about a career nose dive.

Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.

Probably Catherine Tate, honestly, even if most of her work won't be as widely known as Gillan's.

Honestly, Agyeman hasn't done too badly for herself either.


I was just thinking that when Moffat does leave he should really do what RTD did and have his Doctor visiting his companions one last time before leaving.

Maybe he walks through a park with a gallery of Rigsy paintings, including a huge one of Clara, waves at Craig who's fumbling with an over enthused kid. Sees Me walking along the street and gives her the "I'm watching you look" (if she survives next Saturday). Visits Victorian London, they obviously know something is up with him and bid him farewell one last time, never to see them again. Then of course it ends with New York, 1997 and he walks in, holds an elderly woman's hand as she's fading from the world. "Are you my Doctor?" "Always." She fades out, whispering "good bye raggedy man..."


Arthur Darvill's playing a time traveller too.

Darvill's kept himself mostly in theatre post-Doctor Who, but I'd like to see him crack into more mainstream stuff like Karen Gillian.

Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.

I'd also say Karen Gillan's having the best Post-Who career so far.

Guardians of the Galaxy was a huge movie for her, especially with the dedication she put into the role (shaving her head). I'm pretty sure she's back for GOTG Vol. 2, as well.

While Selfie didn't really go so well, she did still star in a US network show. The show was pretty funny, too.

Can't forget about Oculus, for sure.

She's also in a couple of big movies in supporting roles: The Big Short and The Circle.


Arthur Darvill's playing a time traveller too.

Darvill's kept himself mostly in theatre post-Doctor Who, but I'd like to see him crack into more mainstream stuff like Karen Gillian.

Darvill's a good actor, haven't seen him anything post-Doctor Who except for Broadchurch, so would love to see more of him.

I really wish for Matt Smith to get some better work. He's only been getting shit, whether it's small shit (Lost River) or big shit (Terminator Genisys). The role of Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them would've fit him perfectly, but alas it was not meant to be.


Yeah, Doctor Who fans of the current season do NOT get to judge Legends of Tomorrow, sorry. A trailer of that show had more fun than half the season of S9.... :(

But at least the pain is over, Gallifray is back, we might actually have a conversation where the Doctor is not the only clever man in the room. Maybe.


I really wish for Matt Smith to get some better work. He's only been getting shit, whether it's small shit (Lost River) or big shit (Terminator Genisys). The role of Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them would've fit him perfectly, but alas it was not meant to be.

Matt Smith looks like he's trying to climb the Hollywood ladder by way of supporting or small roles in, so far, okay/bad movies. I haven't seen Terminator Genisys, so I can't quite judge.

But he's in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies coming up, and he's starring in Patient Zero (zombie movie) in 2016.

Well, depending on what you actually count as a companion, I think this young lady is in with a shout:


Don't forget this guy:


Then she dated TheBeef.

Seriously, what's she up to lately?

She's been back to doing smaller movies since The Great Gatsby.
Just saw the last 3 episiodes in a row. Holy molly, those 2 last ones were freaking amazing.
Best doctor who in a while, and I say this liking the rest of the season.
BYW the music from that last epeisode was amazing all through out the episode.

The christmas episode talked here though... WTF.
Zero desire of watching it. Fuck River Song. Thankfully is a fun totally detached christmas romp.


Peter Jackson confirms he's directing an episode of Doctor Who!

He's a very fun video where he confirms it, with a cameo by Capaldi (as the Doctor):


Some pretty funny lines in that video.

This is pretty big guys. I'm not the biggest Peter Jackson fan (especially not Hobbit, but I was never big into LOTR either), but I really like the guy as a person, and it'd give us a very interesting episode at the very least.
Don't give a shit that The Hobbit was shit, I'm excited for this.
I love 'em too. I think they're a nice time capsule of era, and they go some way towards giving a flavour to the year's programming. And there's a great rush of nostalgia when looking back over old ones. Plus it's delightful when they really do something special, like the line of unique Wallace & Gromit ones from 2008

They did overuse those damn penguins, though.


Now this is what I'm talking about!


Since we're posting stuff like this, I now must post my favourite piece of extracurricular Who stuff, The Ballad of Russell and Julie, produced as a surprise for RTD & Gardner's leaving party:

Still love this. Bless 'em. Tate's Welsh accent! Tenannt doing his chain smoking impression of an RTD running late on scripts. Just adorable. There's a surprising amount of production to this too, like the fake Daily Mails with the "BBC LICENSE FEE PAYS FOR PRIVATE JET" headline
That's true. More just glad it's not trying to do a Trenzalore on it again at that time.

That's also a fair point. It's been a while since we've had a proper Christmas romp of an episode, and given how dark much of the end of the series has been, it feels like a good idea to have a light palate-cleanser- a Runaway Bride, if you will.


Since we're posting stuff like this, I now must post my favourite piece of extracurricular Who stuff, The Ballad of Russell and Julie, produced as a surprise for RTD & Gardner's leaving party:

Still love this. Bless 'em. Tate's Welsh accent! Tenannt doing his chain smoking impression of an RTD running late on scripts. Just adorable. There's a surprising amount of production to this too, like the fake Daily Mails with the "BBC LICENSE FEE PAYS FOR PRIVATE JET" headline

Lol, forgot about this one. It's gold. Barrowman's kinky and/or dramatic faces on his "And she proclaimed!" etc. is making me lose it every time.


I kind of miss the mini web episodes they did between episodes during the Matt Smith run. Those where almost always pretty cool.

I was just thinking about that! Yeah, the BBC really made the most out of Matt Smith. The River/Doctor ones always stood out a bit but all of them were neat, charming ideas that wouldn't have made it into a normal episode otherwise.

The thing I'm wondering: Did we ever see or hear the Doctor mention the Sonic Screwdriver from Silence in the Library? One of the mini-episodes covers the events leading up to it ... but I don't think the Sonic is ever spoken of or retrieved. Is it possible that the one featured in the teaser poster for up the upcoming Christmas special is the one he hands off to her?


Finished "Seasons of Fear", the Eighth Doctor audio drama.

Started out so strong in the Roman section, but kind of petered off as time went on. The eventual reveal of the monster was underwhelming as someone who had never heard of the Nimon before, and Sebastian morphed from interesting madman to mustache-twirling villain as he aged. Furthermore, in a story arc about the consequences of a time paradox (Charley), it seems stupid to resolve with the Doctor crossing his own timeline (without consequences) and cancelling out the inciting actions that led to his intervention in the first place. I guess it could be argued that it was all allowed because it was a polluted, broken timeline, but... I don't buy it. Especially hard to swallow after the recent Twelfth Doctor two-parter Under The Lake/Before the Flood dealt with the Bootstrap Paradox in a nicer way.

I really enjoyed the dialog and moment to moment of this serial, but I think the mechanics of the story were very weak.

A conflicting serial. Holy Cow!

*edit* Also, wow! Out of curiousity I added things up via Wikipedia, and there have been 297 Big Finish Doctor Who serials (counting only main range and Xth Doctor Adventures) compared to only 254 television serials. And Big Finish hasn't moved to a one episode per serial format.


I was just thinking that when Moffat does leave he should really do what RTD did and have his Doctor visiting his companions one last time before leaving.

Maybe he walks through a park with a gallery of Rigsy paintings, including a huge one of Clara, waves at Craig who's fumbling with an over enthused kid. Sees Me walking along the street and gives her the "I'm watching you look" (if she survives next Saturday). Visits Victorian London, they obviously know something is up with him and bid him farewell one last time, never to see them again. Then of course it ends with New York, 1997 and he walks in, holds an elderly woman's hand as she's fading from the world. "Are you my Doctor?" "Always." She fades out, whispering "good bye raggedy man..."

Seems a bit saccharine for Moffat. I hope he consigns a beloved character to some kind of fate worse than death and then just drops the mic, flipping everyone the bird on his way out the door. Ideally, the episode should also feature monsters so mind-numbingly horrific that adults will have nightmares about it for months, to say nothing of the kids watching from behind the sofa.

That sounds more like a Moffat sign-off to me. And I wouldn't have it any other way...


Colony Sarff was such a cool character.

Can you imagine the snake democracy shopping for a spaceship, or deciding to become a mercenary?


After rewatching the last episode, I'm not sure how the "wall" doesn't reset when everything else does after each "confession"


Sure. The earlier and later runs, but especially the first, must have been quite different from what we got to see, yeah. I think that's pretty much implied. It's interesting to think about but that's about it, nothing we needed to see. We especially didn't need to see Capaldi running around naked because he left his clothes behind. :p
I tend to assume that's how all stable time-loops in Doctor Who work
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