It's funny that the Doctors ended up in Marvel, while male supports (Jack and Rory) ended up with DC.
River Song too!
It's funny that the Doctors ended up in Marvel, while male supports (Jack and Rory) ended up with DC.
Holy shit. I didn't even notice while watching. The hair totally put me off trail.River Song too!
It's funny that the Doctors ended up in Marvel, while male supports (Jack and Rory) ended up with DC. Oh, and Missy was in Gotham.
What's Rory do?
He's Rip Hunter in the not quite out yet Legends of Tomorrow show.
Looks really bad and cheap, but i'm sure some could say that about Doctor who.
Is that Superman? talk about a career nose dive.
Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.
Looks really bad and cheap, but i'm sure some could say that about Doctor who.
Is that Superman? talk about a career nose dive.
Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.
Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right? GOTG, Oculus, lead on a US network sitcom (though cancelled after 13 eps), lots of other work.
Arthur Darvill's playing a time traveller too.
Darvill's kept himself mostly in theatre post-Doctor Who, but I'd like to see him crack into more mainstream stuff like Karen Gillian.
Who's had the best Post Who career of the companions? Probably Gillan right?
Well, depending on what you actually count as a companion, I think this young lady is in with a shout:
Well, depending on what you actually count as a companion,
Seriously, what's she up to lately?
"i'm from east london"Oh come on-it looks like a lot of fun.
I really wish for Matt Smith to get some better work. He's only been getting shit, whether it's small shit (Lost River) or big shit (Terminator Genisys). The role of Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them would've fit him perfectly, but alas it was not meant to be.
Well, depending on what you actually count as a companion, I think this young lady is in with a shout:
Then she dated TheBeef.
Seriously, what's she up to lately?
Don't give a shit that The Hobbit was shit, I'm excited for this.Peter Jackson confirms he's directing an episode of Doctor Who!
He's a very fun video where he confirms it, with a cameo by Capaldi (as the Doctor):
Some pretty funny lines in that video.
This is pretty big guys. I'm not the biggest Peter Jackson fan (especially not Hobbit, but I was never big into LOTR either), but I really like the guy as a person, and it'd give us a very interesting episode at the very least.
I love 'em too. I think they're a nice time capsule of era, and they go some way towards giving a flavour to the year's programming. And there's a great rush of nostalgia when looking back over old ones. Plus it's delightful when they really do something special, like the line of unique Wallace & Gromit ones from 2008
They did overuse those damn penguins, though.
Now this is what I'm talking about!
Good job it's a light hearted episode. 5:15pm this year on Christmas day!
That's honestly not a problem on Christmas Day. The Snowmen went out about that sort of time, and did perfectly fine. The rules are different at Christmas.
That's true. More just glad it's not trying to do a Trenzalore on it again at that time.
Christ. Poor Arthur.
Since we're posting stuff like this, I now must post my favourite piece of extracurricular Who stuff, The Ballad of Russell and Julie, produced as a surprise for RTD & Gardner's leaving party:
Still love this. Bless 'em. Tate's Welsh accent! Tenannt doing his chain smoking impression of an RTD running late on scripts. Just adorable. There's a surprising amount of production to this too, like the fake Daily Mails with the "BBC LICENSE FEE PAYS FOR PRIVATE JET" headline
Christ. That's awesome for Arthur.
Christ. Poor Arthur.
I kind of miss the mini web episodes they did between episodes during the Matt Smith run. Those where almost always pretty cool.
Oh come on-it looks like a lot of fun.
I was just thinking that when Moffat does leave he should really do what RTD did and have his Doctor visiting his companions one last time before leaving.
Maybe he walks through a park with a gallery of Rigsy paintings, including a huge one of Clara, waves at Craig who's fumbling with an over enthused kid. Sees Me walking along the street and gives her the "I'm watching you look" (if she survives next Saturday). Visits Victorian London, they obviously know something is up with him and bid him farewell one last time, never to see them again. Then of course it ends with New York, 1997 and he walks in, holds an elderly woman's hand as she's fading from the world. "Are you my Doctor?" "Always." She fades out, whispering "good bye raggedy man..."
"i'm from east london"
says the actor from birmingham with the least east london accent of all time
Christ. Poor Arthur.
Christ. Poor Arthur.
poor guy, stuck on a cheesy sci-fi show with questionable special effects
poor guy, stuck on a cheesy sci-fi show with questionable special effects
You're right. guess i shouldn't be surprised Doctor Who fans watch that stuff.
I tend to assume that's how all stable time-loops in Doctor Who workSure. The earlier and later runs, but especially the first, must have been quite different from what we got to see, yeah. I think that's pretty much implied. It's interesting to think about but that's about it, nothing we needed to see. We especially didn't need to see Capaldi running around naked because he left his clothes behind.![]()