The problem with Doctor Who is that the show is so buried in it's lore and roots that there's never any sense of real change happening (ironic given the nature of regenerations etc.)
The fact that Capaldi was announced in a special show with it's own timeslot says it all really. Regeneration should go back to being a shock event, where it can only be seen live on tv, not have months of hype leading up to it. If they still want the hype, keep regenerations to Christmas time only, just don't say which Christmas and that way it will be more exciting to watch every year, with real stakes.
Monster of the week episodes are never going to have those kind of stakes but that's the problem with a show that's been on for 50 years. Special episodes have also got to this stage of having nothing to worry about. Was Davros really going to die? Of course not. Will the Daleks, The Master or Cybermen ever die? Of course not. Will any mainstay villain really be gone forever? Of fucking course not.
The beauty of a show like Breaking Bad or Orange Is the New Black is that they build towards something, an end goal. Like The Simpsons, Doctor Who has no end goal. But unlike The Simpsons, Doctor Who has a tonne of backstory, character building and dramatic events that you would hope some kind of consequence and yet they never do. Whenever a companion is due to leave the show, we have it shoved down our throats for months that *this is the episode they leave or die*
I like Doctor's Who's lore and I like the concept. It's just that 50 years later it's execution is terrible. I understand why they never want to give too much away, and keep the Doctor a mysterious being but why should I care if I have to wait years to be drip-fed bits of information. We had to wait 8 years for the whole Time War story, which I doubt was planned for the 50th anniversary back in 2004/5. It all feels like it's being made up as it's going along and that's why people have become desensitised to it. With TV quality being at an all time high it's jarring to have this show that just does whatever the fuck it feels like depending on the situation.
In an ideal world the show needs a reboot. I love that the Doctors all have their personalities and you can go back to the 60's and still have people that say - they were my Doctor. But if they want us to give a shit about the Doctor as a character, with a backstory and a life we're supposed to give a shit about, they need to step away and say this happens in season 1, this happens in season 2, so on and so forth.
I'll still watch this season, and probably the one after that. But I can't get excited about the reappearance of any character because I know their presence will never really change anything. Even fucking River Song who was supposed to be long gone is coming back which upsets me more than anything. Give me Captain Jack or give me death.