End of Time was quite bad for most of that two-parter, but I still maintain the four knocks reveal and Tennant's frustrated anger at it is the best written and acted bit of the entire show (NuWho at least) thus far.
To me that moment was the epitome of everything Russell T. Davies: overblown, melodramatic, loud and clumsy. In retrospect, I don't actually hate it. It's quite good for what it is, but at the time I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo done with RTD, in much the same way many people feel about Moffat now and I don't think I will ever be able to watch that scene without an echo of the venom I felt at the time.
Felt much more emotion in the End of Time than the entirety of Moffat's run though.
Of course. The whole two-parter is an engine designed to do little more than awkwardly claw at your heartstrings until you're bawling like a small child. Making people feel feels is the only thing that story does competently.
But, but! I don't think anyone is dumb or whatever for liking that show. I get why people would like it. I just don't. And I don't hold hard feelings for people that aren't crazy about Big Bang or Listen or whatever Moffatty madness I'm into. I'm really glad you guys stuck around, even if you're not as keen on what's going on in Who today as you were back then. Because arguing about Who would be dull if it were an echo chamber, wouldn't it?
I'm sure things will change sooner rather than later and we'll all get to swap enthusiasm hats again.