If they're gonna spring for a fuckin' mini-series I want that proposed Eighth Doctor thing before we get start running Michelle Gomez into the dirt.
He is too good for this world![]()
Radio Times reviewer's thoughts on the next episode. I can't tell how big the spoiler is, so click that tag at your own risk.
Now that I think of it, it would be kind of fun for her "companion" to be kind of...Lawful Evil? Someone interested in reigning her in for a rules-based reason, but no less interested in getting her killed than she is in killing them. An intense mini-series long game of Cat and Also-Cat!
Most episodes could be divided into 5 categories. Present day earth story, future utopia turned dystopia, random base and crew attacked by space monster, dude from past is secretly assisting aliens, and Doctor's past stories.
Listening to Davros right now and you aren't kidding, I can see moffat using it for reference.
Also happy to see you post again I remember some of your threads back when I lurked.
The scripts would have to be fucking sparkling and they'd have to think of a way to make it more than just Missy murdering her way across the cosmos.
I just watched the 11th Doctor regeneration scene in Time of the Doctor again. Such a great scene.
"Times change, and so must I" is such a Doctory kind of quote.
Excuse me while I just...
I just watched the 11th Doctor regeneration scene in Time of the Doctor again. Such a great scene.
"Times change, and so must I" is such a Doctory kind of quote.
Excuse me while I just...
Agreed. She's fun enough for an episode or two, but as a full-time companion they will have to change her so much to the point of being completely different.No thank you. She's pretty much a stereotypical nerd character who cosplays as the Doctor's past regens.
It all just disappears doesn't it?
Everything you are, gone in a moment like breath on a mirror
We all change, if you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's okay, you gotta keep moving,
As long as you remember all the people that you used to.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day I swear
I will always remember when the Doctor was me
I just watched the 11th Doctor regeneration scene in Time of the Doctor again. Such a great scene.
"Times change, and so must I" is such a Doctory kind of quote.
Excuse me while I just...
Yep. Saw the preview for next week and could already tell it's a story that when I get to the end, I'll say to myself, "Well...that sure was an episode of Doctor Who."
Not good, not bad. Just more Who. Which is never a bad thing itself, just not in any way inspiring or hype worthy.
Well she wasn't in Part 2 (didn't kill Davros, WHY?).I feel like I'm against the grain in not wanting Missy to be a companion-type character.
She's a baddie.
Like, a proper, proper awesome, effective baddie.
I don't feel like we need to see her having bants with the Doctor every week; she's at her best when she's just being plain dastardly.
I always thought her death was unnecessary, but maybe it's just me.Yeah Osgood is dead.
I could have seen her character working as a companion and it would have been interesting.
Someone who starts off idolizing the Doctor as a superhero and already knowing a lot about him, only to truly discover his darker and more scary side as she travels with him. Her mental image of him gets more and more destroyed until she leaves in disgust.
She's dead now though, RIP.
Well she wasn't in Part 2 (didn't kill Davros, WHY?).
So, putting Clara inside a Dalek was basically foreshadowing based on her previous encounters (the impossible girl), right? Come on, you were all thinking it too.
The dialogue with Davros was good though.
@bbcdoctorwho said:We have some HUGE #DoctorWho news coming very soon Stay tuned! #excited
Maybe they cleaned up the basement and found some missing episodes? It would be funny as hell if after all those years Marco Polo had been in their possession all along.
New companion.
Would it though? Jenna was announced before Amy & Rory left. Though, was already announced that they be leaving I guess.
A) New companion
B) Specials year for 2016, but making it positive by announcing a massive guest star for special one.