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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons



Tbh, YA Who spin-off sounds more interesting and appropriate on paper than violence/sex-fuelled Who spin-off ever did, and Torchwood did have its moments
I guess this just isnt aimed toward my age group.
'Class' is a horrible name, too. 'Coal Hill' is straightforward without being absolutely boring. At least it means something.

UNIT spinoff would have been awesome. This announcement I am completely apathetic to.
I wonder if any characters from the proper show will make any regular appearances. If Clara was a lead that would be sort of neat but I think Jenna is going to be busy with other projects from what I've read.

I was the closest out of anyone

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Series cliffhanger: this guy is the headteacher



Looks like Patrick Ness wrote a Doctor Who short story for the 50th, Tip of the Tongue. Anyone here familiar with it?

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Series cliffhanger: this guy is the headteacher


I fucking loved this guy he was cool getting involved with the potato people

*general views of school, a noisy classroom, the camera sweeps across the playing field and arrives at the door to the class"
*the children are out of control, they have no teacher and are waiting for their substitute*
*the door opens, heels are heard walking toward the teacher's desk*
"Right you lot, sit down, shut up" *in a Scottish accent*
"Who are you?" asks one of the children
"I'm Miss...Missy, call me Missy"


It's the first Doctor Who spin-off we'll have had in five years. Of COURSE it's big news- that we hyped it up as something even bigger is neither here nor there.

Done right, Who-does-Buffy could be a hell of a fun time. I'll be keeping my eye on it.

It is big. But details are vague, and there's nothing substantial to really be excited about except "it's a Doctor Who-spinoff!" which in my mind, once again because details are vague, only makes me think: "Is this airing to fill the gap of no Who next year?". We haven't heard anything about a series 10.


Yeah the lack of details and terrible name aren't doing it any favours. I'm not going to write it off, it could turn out really good for all I know, but with the way it has been announced you're bound to get negative reactions.


The way it's been announced honestly makes me wonder if it was an original pitch by Ness that was turned into a Who spin-off.


Well, we know it's happening, and that Moffat is signed up for it.

Frankly, if Class is making way for Who to go back to Spring, it's unambiguously a good thing.

Signed up as Executive Producer as far as I can tell, not writer, if that's what you meant.

I'll agree that Who back in Spring wouldn't be too bad. It's a long wait, but I like it being in that season and some time to properly figure out what they want to do next with the show (new companion etc.) wouldn't hurt.


Looks like Patrick Ness wrote a Doctor Who short story for the 50th, Tip of the Tongue. Anyone here familiar with it?

:O It's that guy?

I read it, and it was one of the better ones from that collection. Not as subtle as it could've been but it was just a properly nuts 'aliens in earth history' concept done in a really fun way; with a cliche but very well handled young romance.

If it's any indication, this show will be the best possible version of exactly what you expect, I reckon. Generic 'real world teen problems' with a crazy sci-fi spin. Think more RTD than Moffat.


Nah, Moffat said last week he'd been signed up to showrun series 10.

Oh sorry, you were quoting my series 10-sentence, thought you were talking about the spin-off. No, of course he's on for series 10. We just don't know when it is happening, and in what capacity. That's what I'm a bit anxious about; there's been lots of rumours and reports going around about no Who in 2016, split series etc., but no official word to dissipate those talks in any way.
Looks like Patrick Ness wrote a Doctor Who short story for the 50th, Tip of the Tongue. Anyone here familiar with it?

Was that part of the "11 Doctors 11 Stories" thing? I read all of those but even reading the summary of this one, I can't remember it and I wish I could!

I know that sometime after those they ended up releasing a few more classic doctor short stories and I get them confused. I remember being particularly amused by one where the 4th Doctor comes across a statue of
the 11th Doctor and swears to never be caught wearing another bow tie.


:O It's that guy?

I read it, and it was one of the better ones from that collection. Not as subtle as it could've been but it was just a properly nuts 'aliens in earth history' concept done in a really fun way; with a cliche but very well handled young romance.

If it's any indication, this show will be the best possible version of exactly what you expect, I reckon. Generic 'real world teen problems' with a crazy sci-fi spin. Think more RTD than Moffat.

Definitely the same guy, yeah.

Glad to hear that, that does give me some more confidence in this. He does sound like a good fit from that description.

I'm not gonna read his books or anything but I'm sure I can find the time for a Doctor Who short story. I'll give it a read myself soon.

Was that part of the "11 Doctors 11 Stories" thing? I read all of those but even reading the summary of this one, I can't remember it and I wish I could!

I know that sometime after those they ended up releasing a few more classic doctor short stories and I get them confused. I remember being particularly amused by one where the 4th Doctor comes across a statue of
the 11th Doctor and swears to never be caught wearing another bow tie.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's one of those. The Fifth Doctor one from the looks of it. His name is on the cover.
Feel like the demographic bracket is a solid misfire already. Not as old as Torchwood, not as young as SJA - isn't this exactly the kind of audience Doctor Who already cultivates very well? Torchwood served to try to capture some of the older teens 'too cool' for the main show with swearing and sexiness, SJA was a softer, less scary version of Who for the REALLY little kids.

So, er... not sure.
This definitely has potential. If there's one audience that Doctor Who has always had a problem appealing to its teens. It's great for kids and older fans, but can sometimes fall flat a bit at that hazy YA area, probably because writing just for teens is a very specific thing.

I'm interested how they'll skew it. I mean, its BBC3 so they can go anywhere from SJA up to Torchwood in terms of violence and swearing and the like.

And its super weird to me that they introduce this now as they're getting rid of the companion who is a teacher at Coal Hill. I could've been down for the odd Clara cameo. Although I get the feeling Rigsy will show up in some capacity. Maybe Clara tells him he should go study. I forget how old he's supposed to be.

But yeah, basically make it Buffy. No one will mind.


Hopefully the new spinoff is good, though at this point I'm not too excited.

I hope they announce what they're doing with series 10 soon, most of the rumors are pointing to a shorter season next year.
People should definitely ready themselves for less Who proper this year. 8x45 pans out almost exactly alongside the rumours of 4 specials -- which'd make for 12, IE the Cardiff production team making the same amount of TV in the Who Universe with less actual Who next year.


This definitely has potential. If there's one audience that Doctor Who has always had a problem appealing to its teens. It's great for kids and older fans, but can sometimes fall flat a bit at that hazy YA area, probably because writing just for teens is a very specific thing.

Also, it's worth bearing in mind that the kids who were, well, young kids when Eccleston was the Doc are now teenagers themselves; it might well be an effort to recapture them, or at least keep the show alive in their minds.

And its super weird to me that they introduce this now as they're getting rid of the companion who is a teacher at Coal Hill. I could've been down for the odd Clara cameo. Although I get the feeling Rigsy will show up in some capacity. Maybe Clara tells him he should go study. I forget how old he's supposed to be.

Getting rid of her as a companion might mean she ends up as a teacher again. Doesn't mean she's, well, erased from Doctor Who.


Class sounds cool, I hope Space shows it in Canada. If they're shooting for it to be Buffy-style, hopefully darkness will be somewhere in between Who and Torchwood (which really went too far with "mature" anyways).


wow, super happy I wasn't paying attention when everybody's hopes were getting up. This seems like it will probably not be something that will spark my interest. Maybe I'll be wrong.


People should definitely ready themselves for less Who proper this year. 8x45 pans out almost exactly alongside the rumours of 4 specials -- which'd make for 12, IE the Cardiff production team making the same amount of TV in the Who Universe with less actual Who next year.

So, is it possible those specials are acting as a transition for a new showrunner just like RTD->Moffat went, or is it more to give Moffat and Capaldi time for their other projects?
Because I'm not sure if the scheduling works, but then again, what the fuck do I know


People should definitely ready themselves for less Who proper this year. 8x45 pans out almost exactly alongside the rumours of 4 specials -- which'd make for 12, IE the Cardiff production team making the same amount of TV in the Who Universe with less actual Who next year.

I think you're probably right about this.
My read:

Keeps the production people together in Cardiff so there's no mad scramble to find replacements for season 10.

Moffat: "I don't want to go."

Trial run for this Ness guy as a Moffat replacement from S11?

Its on BBC 3, which as I understand it, isn't really a thing anymore.

It might have merit, but since its ostensibly a filler replacement for Who (at least for next year) I don't care. I'm guessing we'll have a set up in the show.

Since Jenna's unlikely to be in it since she's doing the ITV thing, Clara's probably not going to go back to her old life.

Why the fuck would Capaldi sign on for a role on the proviso he could not do it for a year?

British fandom who didn't stay up late will go nuts once they wake up to this news.

tl;dr thanks Moffat.


So, is it possible those specials are acting as a transition for a new showrunner just like RTD->Moffat went, or is it more to give Moffat and Capaldi time for their other projects?
Because I'm not sure if the scheduling works, but then again, what the fuck do I know

I'm guessing it is the latter. I don't think Capaldi would give up Doctor Who after only two years and a year of specials. I could see a year of specials being a prelude to his last full series though.


I've always considered it such. But even though I feel it's appropriate for the age range, a spin-off geared toward YA would probably be very different in tone.

YA as a term always bemuses me. I remember being a Young Adult in the bracket their talking 20 years ago about and always found things marketed specifically to me in this sense kinda patronising.


YA as a term always bemuses me. I remember being a Young Adult in the bracket their talking 20 years ago about and always found things marketed specifically to me in this sense kinda patronising.

When they say 'young adult', I don't think they mean actual young adults but the sizable readership of the Hunger Games and the Fault in Our Stars, who can be anything between their teens and early forties.

And as has already been pointed out, this is already a sizable section of DW's audience. I don't think they're aiming for a new demographic so much as trying to sate the portion of their existing fans who are probably most likely to be disappointed at the lack of a full new series next year.


I always assumed Young Adult meant just Teen. You know, the age where you want to be called adult and are supposed to be slowly formed into one, but aren't yet.
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