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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


No pics yet, but I just spent $17 at the local thrift store buying about 8 or 9 classic Doctor Who non-fiction books.

I don't know what came over me - seeing all those BBC books in an American thrift store or what, but there's a companions guide, a collection of the early comics, a strangly large but thin hardcover biography of Jon Pertwee, a Tardis manual, a 20 year anniversary book, a book on the Daleks co-written by Terry Nation, etc.

Now I'm like "do I keep them or see if I can double my money on eBay or Amazon...".
For a bit I've been thinking about getting the audiobook version of Engines of War read by Nicolas Briggs to complement the upcoming Big Finish War Doctor audios - just noticed the physical version's dropped to £10 at Amazon and The Book Depository so I've gone for it. Thought I'd give a heads up in case anyone was interested.


For a bit I've been thinking about getting the audiobook version of Engines of War read by Nicolas Briggs to complement the upcoming Big Finish War Doctor audios - just noticed the physical version's dropped to £10 at Amazon and The Book Depository so I've gone for it. Thought I'd give a heads up in case anyone was interested.

At least you know any Daleks in the story will sound legit.


There's a difference between being in danger and "I know that I am destined to die because timey-wimey spoilers" though.

The latter wasn't really a thing until lately and now they keep using it over and over.

I guess I got confused because people were complaining about the premiere having "another Doctor dies plot", when no timey wimey spoilers were involved.


I guess I got confused because people were complaining about the premiere having "another Doctor dies plot", when no timey wimey spoilers were involved.

The thing people are taking issue with is the show trying to wring drama out of "The Doctor has to die/is destined to die/is already dead because timey wimey" type-events, even after we've seen several very similar story arcs already. That kind of story loses its impact really quickly if you repeat it too often.


It does bear mentioning that the death of the Doctor was a plot point in the series 5 finale, obviously series 6, and then both Name and Time of the Doctor. That's not including monster-of-the-week episodes either. I do think people have a point when they say it's been done to death (pun fully intended) in recent years.

It reminds me of what some people say about Joss Whedon, that he doesn't know how to carry a plot without killing someone off.
It was also the plot of the Tennant specials, and the season 2 finale but with Rose, and 10 actually did die in the season 4 finale.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The thing people are taking issue with is the show trying to wring drama out of "The Doctor has to die/is destined to die/is already dead because timey wimey" type-events, even after we've seen several very similar story arcs already. That kind of story loses its impact really quickly if you repeat it too often.
Yep. For me it's not the danger of the Doctor dying per se, it's the making a huge deal out of it in the span of various episodes. It has been done too much and it has lost its punch as a convincing dramatic device.

It's ok to have a cliffhanger like the one at the end of Under the Lake. There was a build-up to it and it worked great in context. The mechanics of how the ghosts worked kept you wondering not only about how the Doctor would turn it around, but also what his "ghost" in the present would do. After the episodes concluded it didn't feel cheap, both the cliffhanger and the resolution felt earned and above it all it was a fun romp.

Danger of the Doctor dying in the context of one or two episodes with proper narrative build-up = ok.
A season arc with the Doctor running away from a big mystery that will bring his demise = not ok (for a good while at least).

We'll see what will be the major arc this season though, and if/how the confession dial will still come into play. There's a chance that whatever happens to Clara will be the focus, and for me the fate of a companion is always more interesting than the Doctor's.


So tonight's episode (along with next week assuming it's a two-parter) is going to be the 100th story of the modern series!

That's counting the various two/three-parters as one story - it's the 121th episode of the modern series, the 256th story of the entire series and the 818th episode of the entire series. Damn, that's a lot. Crazy to think I've seen them all - I need to get out more.

Didn't realize we had so many modern stories already, but I guess it's true.

By my count, and if we assume we'll get 12 episodes and a christmas special every year from now on (however unlikely that may be), we'll hit the 1000th episode in 2029, season 23 (or 49 if you count the classic series), episode 5. Cripes, I'll be 41 then. I bet that's going to be a good one though.

No poster yet btw, although maybe I might have missed it. Normally it's out by now.


I always found this theme to be really beautiful but I never paid attention it. Now I know that it is specifically Clara's theme, I'm going to probably start noticing it :/

I swear if it is playing when Clara dies or leaves I'm gonna bawl. I definitely think Clara is my favourite NuWho companion, who they seem to make more interesting again as soon as I start being bored of her. (though I'm probably gonna miss her outfits most of all)

There are no companions I haven't liked for different reasons though, so I look forward to seeing who is next.


Poster for tonight:

The humour this series is bang on.

Even down to the little looks between the Doctor and Clara.

Edit: Is our theme this series changing time?


What are the odds that the Doctor got his own message wrong and it was to remind him to not break the rules, because that seemed to resolve itself way too quickly.
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