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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


She can join Torchwood and go on adventures with Captain Jack :D
Seriously though, The Doctor treated Jack like shit after he got immortality and learned nothing about not to do it


Well that was obvious she (masie) was going to be his new assistant, and even if they dont use her in the future now shes hybrid, she can probably change her appearance a la romana for another actress to fill in


Really feel like they're setting her up to be a companion after Clara, the only thing stopping me thinking that is she's still got Game of Thrones...


Really feel like they're setting her up to be a companion after Clara, the only thing stopping me thinking that is she's still got Game of Thrones...

What do u think of this theory?

Well that was obvious she (masie) was going to be his new assistant, and even if they dont use her in the future now shes hybrid, she can probably change her appearance a la romana for another actress to fill in
Fun episode, middle part dragged a bit for me, but overall pretty decent. and rip in peace sonic glasses.

Also: it was part one of her story, maybe save the companion speculation until after next week :p
Another fantastic episode. This series is shaping up to become my favourite since Series 5. The main plot was a fun romp with a satisfying ending and I enjoyed the villains even if they didn't really do anything (with the Fisher King first and now these guys, this series might have the least threatening villains yet!) The resolution about Capaldi's old role playing a part in the Doctor's new appearance felt really sloppy though (I guess that's the bit Moffat wrote for this episode) but it was pretty surreal to see such a strange call back to what is a pretty old episode at this point, flashback and all. Not sure if next week's looks interesting or not yet, but the villain's design and lack of Clara are intriguing. Also that Sonic Sunglasses scene must have been added later, after the negative fan feedback right? lol.
So uh they're really going for this hybrid thing aren't they


Confirmed for the finale

Also, the ending to this episode reminded me a bit of the ending to Evolution.


I just thought the episode was a bit messy, personally. Rather like Magician's Apprentice in that regard. Too much going on, no real resolution for things because we need to have next week's storyline.

Good to see I was right that the NuWho continuity nods were not a coincidence.
I'd rather the "faces" plotline be a nice little reference like that than a massive subplot Moffat founded on pure coincidence though.

Absolutely agreed, I just thought it was a bit strange. I can't imagine a direction where that plot could have been taken without it being a ridiculous pile of nonsense. With Moffat referencing the idea in Deep Breath I imagined it would become a series wide arc at some point, but I guess he added it in there just in case he had any ideas later on.
Absolutely agreed, I just thought it was a bit strange. I can't imagine a direction where that plot could have been taken without it being a ridiculous pile of nonsense. With Moffat referencing the idea in Deep Breath I imagined it would become a series wide arc at some point, but I guess he added it in there just in case he had any ideas later on.
Well in it's nature it's just them working with what they were given, but I liked it. Better than the "who blew up the Tardis" explanation in any case.
I loved that. Probably the first episode I'm dying to rewatch since Flatline (what a coincidence).

Yes it's campy and rompy and every other throwaway pejorative you can come up with, but brimming under the surface is this whole idea of the Doctor affecting time to varying degrees, and how stories aren't these nice little self contained things. I love that he points out having the Vikings win and beat the Mire could just potentially put the whole planet in jeopardy. And then of course you have him doing the noble thing and save Ashildr only for that to have the biggest ripple in time possible.

That final shot was beautiful, and kind of managed to sum up the concept of immortality in one go. Generally, I thought this episode just visually looked fantastic. CG dragon aside (which I guess you can write off as being intentionally poor looking) everything from the Mire to the spaceship to the mountains in the distance to pretty much every one of those shots of the Doctor and Clara talking was beautiful.

I actually think this would be a perfect episode to introduce someone to the show. It kinda has everything and handles it superbly.
3 for 3 for Mathieson, there.

Yeah, it was a romp, but it's been a while since we've had a good romp! What set this apart from something like Robot of Sherwood or Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, though, were the tones it juggled- even setting aside the last five minutes, we had funny comedy side-by-side with really quite poignant and lyrical material, and that last five or ten minutes was really great- the very last shot is one of the finest that Who has ever offered up, and I'm really interested to see where it goes next week.

The alien plot was thinly sketched, but still fun. It will, however, always be damaged by the fact that BRIAN BLESSED had to pull out of playing Odin at the eleventh hour- just IMAGINE him delivering those abbotoir lines!.
3 for 3 for Mathieson, there.

Yeah, it was a romp, but it's been a while since we've had a good romp! What set this apart from something like Robot of Sherwood or Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, though, were the tones it juggled- even setting aside the last five minutes, we had funny comedy side-by-side with really quite poignant and lyrical material, and that last five or ten minutes was really great- the very last shot is one of the finest that Who has ever offered up, and I'm really interested to see where it goes next week.

The alien plot was thinly sketched, but still fun. It will, however, always be damaged by the fact that Brian Blessed had to pull out of playing Odin at the eleventh hour.

Yeah exactly, it would have been a romp if not for the part where we got some genuinely excellent Clara/Doctor development.

And WHAT. Didn't he play someone on Who before?


Was a decent episode, but it didn't blow me away. It was funny and had some poignant moments. I love that the idea of changing history keeps coming up and the "beat you over the head with it" foreshadowing of Clara's departure.

Was surprised to have a callback to the idea of the Doctor turning his companions into soldiers or weapons.

Absolute highlight of the episode was seeing that scene with Donna again, yessss.

The doctor listening to the baby scene lasted way too damn long and was a silly idea to begin with.

Odin looked fucking ridiculous with the eyeshadow and the eyepatch/visor thing and god he was hammy, what the hell was that about? worst villain ever.

I'm not disappointed because I wasn't hyped for the episode at all, it was just meh. Had its high points, had its low points. Just meh overall.
The baby scene was a nice callback. Bad me nearly in tears. Not even ashamed.

The villain was totally supposed to be hammy and a Sontaran stand-in, the villian wasn't even the point of the story.
Yeah exactly, it would have been a romp if not for the part where we got some genuinely excellent Clara/Doctor development.

And WHAT. Didn't he play someone on Who before?

Yeah, he played King Yrcanos. Bearing in mind this was the episode that explained why Capaldi returned, I wonder if this would have been a plot point?


I loved that. Probably the first episode I'm dying to rewatch since Flatline (what a coincidence).

Yes it's campy and rompy and every other throwaway pejorative you can come up with, but brimming under the surface is this whole idea of the Doctor affecting time to varying degrees, and how stories aren't these nice little self contained things. I love that he points out having the Vikings win and beat the Mire could just potentially put the whole planet in jeopardy. And then of course you have him doing the noble thing and save Ashildr only for that to have the biggest ripple in time possible.

That final shot was beautiful, and kind of managed to sum up the concept of immortality in one go. Generally, I thought this episode just visually looked fantastic. CG dragon aside (which I guess you can write off as being intentionally poor looking) everything from the Mire to the spaceship to the mountains in the distance to pretty much every one of those shots of the Doctor and Clara talking was beautiful.

I actually think this would be a perfect episode to introduce someone to the show. It kinda has everything and handles it superbly.

Yup, loved it. Maisie Williams was perfect, as always. She's so good at conveying a natural, effortless blend of vulnerability and strength. Capaldi and Coleman owning it, as ever. For once, no glaring plot holes leapt out while I was watching (yes, it was silly and the solution a bit easy - electric eels are not all that powerful - but not distractingly so), meaning it was just fun all the way through. The best stand-alone since, well, Flatline. Loved it. Having last last season mostly mediocre, this season's had inconsistencies, but also a lot of variety and each episode has, at the very least, been interesting. Hope the whole thing about Capaldi's face is taken further.


I found that episode pretty hilarious. A lot of quips were very on point. Good episode.

I liked the whole faces thing. If you're gonna contrive a way to explain Capaldi being in the series before might as well make it that.


Didn't like it very much overall, it only picked up after the villains were defeated and the face was mentioned. However I still wait for the next episode to properly judge. After all it's only half the story.
Man, some Doctor Who fans are absolutely allergic to anything that anyone can even conceivably consider silly. I haven't seen a Gallifrey Base rate-the-episode thread quite so out of step with what most others are saying for quite a long time.

I wonder what Colin Baker's face was supposed to be a message about?
Time Lords are shits?

I mean, Trial of a Time Lord and all that...


Man, some Doctor Who fans are absolutely allergic to anything that anyone can even conceivably consider silly. I haven't seen a Gallifrey Base rate-the-episode thread quite so out of step with what most others are saying for quite a long time.

Seems pretty solid scores over there. A lot of 7-9s for the episode. I think it's a 7/10 for me personally, quite an enjoyable ep.
Seems pretty solid scores over there. A lot of 7-9s for the episode. I think it's a 7/10 for me personally, quite an enjoyable ep.
Yeah, the poll scores are always more positive than the written reviews, but it's particularly bad this week. If you read their opinions, you'd think this episode was a laughable disaster.


Yeah, the poll scores are always more positive than the written reviews, but it's particularly bad this week. If you read their opinions, you'd think this episode was a laughable disaster.

I enjoyed it but your probably going to hate this review which is titled Maisie Williams should of stuck to game of thrones.

Written some by british reviewer whose last article was about doctor who being canceled.

I enjoyed it but your probably going to hate this review which is titled Maisie Williams should of stuck to game of thrones.

Written some by british reviewer whose last article was about doctor who being canceled.

I don't have any problems with negative reviews at all- I disagree with this guy's conclusions, and think his tone is hyperbolic, but it is what it is.

His ratings article, on the other hand, is total trash. Such an incoherent pile of context free, vitriolic rubbish would barely pass muster in a YouTube comments section, never mind on Forbes.


Episode was meh up until it was holy shit.

Still the worst of the season, but we haven't got any outright bad episodes so far, so everything's good. And yes, this is sort of a two-parter, but the new setting makes it way better, since, as the Doctor so perfectly said, I'm not in the mood for (more) Vikings.

Capaldi is so great this season, so much better than the last, imo. Really sold on his Doctor now.

Really liked the Tennant flashback.
I'm surprised that most of the humour this episode was led by Capaldi. Actually, he did pretty much of the heavy lifting with the comedy, and he nailed it too. I was half-expecting an incredibly camp interpretation of the Vikings, like the Robin Hood episode did with its era and people, but the Vikings were played mostly totally straight and just had to bounce off of 12 being an arse, which is the way it should always be.

I thought the giant serpent being a hologram was hilarious, because I thought that CGI looked like total shite in the trailer, so that showed me up.

Oh, and everything else was... huh. Hmmm. Surprising and pretty cool; I'm glad the face thing is just that and not an actual plot line involving Time Lords stealing faces throughout history or some nonsense. And a hybrid, eh.

If things keep up, this could be my favourite series since 5 - actually, it'll probably be better than 5.
I quite enjoyed that. Are we playing around with Time Lord Triumphant again?

EDIT: Hmmm. Re-reading the plot for The Fires of Pompeii (it's been a while since I saw it), I wonder if we're supposed to take that more as Clara was acting like 10, and 12 chose a face to remind him of what Donna convinced him to do and break the rules.

Of course, the end made it appear that perhaps breaking the rules can end poorly for the Doctor...

I'm ready for next week!

As an aside, I like the attempt it seems to minimize the sonic so far this season. It's not been used as a one-size-fix-all at all.


I quite enjoyed that. Are we playing around with Time Lord Triumphant again?

It appears so.
I'm of firm belief that he chose his face as a message to not intervene or break the rules and will spend the rest of the season fucking shit up because of getting it wrong/
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