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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Lies! Rory was the best! :(

Calling him a poor man's Micky would extremely generous.

Guys we all know who the best companion was

Indeed! I love Captain Jack!
so there's a K9 movie coming out where he fights Omega:


K9, the world’s most famous robot dog traverses the dimensions of space and time to become the latest robot star of the big screen!

Having made his TV debut nearly forty years ago in the 1977 Doctor Who TV serial “The Invisible Enemy” K9 went on to become one of the most iconic characters from the BBC series.

A new look high tech K9 for today’s cinema is being prepared for film stardom.


The new K9 will be appearing in a multi-million dollar movie which promises to be a great action adventure set in deep space. The film will be full of dashing heroes and heroines, androids, monstrous aliens and an ultimate foe who will also be familiar to Doctor Who fans everywhere; the megalomaniac OMEGA.

The film is to be a UK co-production with exteriors filmed overseas and studio work planned for the UK.

K9 is the perfect character to star in a movie with a whole new bunch of action heroes making this a home grown Star Wars come Guardians of the Galaxy style cinema must see film.

The film is currently slated for release in 2017 which will be K9’s fortieth birthday!

Like the 2009-10 spin-off series, it is not a BBC production.




Very important: this has nothing to do with the BBC. It's based on the crappy Australian tv series he got a couple of years back, the one that nobody (rightfully) watched. Really nothing to do with the actual show, they didn't even have the rights to K9's official look so they got this monstrosity with the same name:

It really is very, very bad and a shameless attempt at cashing in on the succes of modern Who simply because they got the character rights to K9 from the original creator (but nothing else related to the show). You can compare it to those straight-to-dvd crappy Disney movie clones that studios get away with because nobody owns the rights to those fairy tales or the idea of talking cars, etc.
Let's ignore the "homegrown" K9 bullshit... I love randomly remembering I have an episode of Who to watch tonight.

And tonight, I dine with chicken and squid risotto, and red wine.
Rose is pretty bad.

Only time I liked Rose was at the end of Martha's run when Rose finally grew a backbone, then I hated her all over again with the whole double doctor nonsense.

Matter of fact, I'm putting Martha over Amy now too. Rory is such an annoying lanky shit.
Rory feels like a version of Mikey who never grows a spine.

And yea honestly I'm indifferent to Amy, I just think she's cute as all the fucks.

Also the Matt Smith incarnation seems to be a huge asshole...and I'm fine with that.
Moffat gonna Moffat. Dodging questions about whether Maisie Williams is the new companion. From @bbcdoctorwho

Steven Moffat is asked whether Maisie Williams will be the new companion...

Steven's reply is a little ambiguous..!

And apparently Captain Jack comes up in tonight's ep.

Will Captain Jack return? Steven Moffat reveals he is mentioned in tonight's episode! #ComicCon

Stealth EDIT: Love that poster!
Rory is such an annoying lanky shit.

And apparently Captain Jack comes up in tonight's ep.

Aaaaaah just do it Moffat. For god's sake. Failed plans to in Good Man Goes to War, a mention in the 50th, and a new character who could definitely use Jack's help in coming to terms with her new condition. Hell, would be a perfect partner for Jack if not for the creepy age gap.


"You need to come with me Captain. I need your help."


Are there any hints of a companion-centric episode this season? I guess the story didn't need her usual involvement.


On season 5.

Amy > Martha >>> Rose

So far. Karen Gilian is totes adorbs :3

Companion Ranking time?

S1 Rose > Amy/Rory > Martha > Clara > S2 Rose > Amy > Donna

I've only just finished 7 and I really love Clara, surprised to see so much indifference towards her the more reactions I read. Amy never really did it for me. I think Coleman is a much better actor, too.

Bad Wolf is still my favorite.
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