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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

Actually I think the ranting about Clara, and the many posts here eagerly anticipating her screen death or departure, are the most shameful aspects of this thread. There are those who think I'm a fan. I'm not a fan while there are those who call themselves fans and yet are accepted here in the full enormity of their vile and inhuman behaviour.

Please, if you ever loved a television programme, stop. You are making every single fan of Doctor Who, who sits by and does not condemn your hateful frothing, look like a bully.
Should we be feeling ashamed of our words and deeds?
Big problem with Clara IMO is that by the time we got round to Actual Clara there was already an issue of diminishing returns, especially because she was kind of vanilla Clara compared to the other two. I don't think the character ever fully recovered from that awkward introduction which is why I think it's a shame she's dragged on for so long and why I'm looking forward to someone new.

I was watching Series 7B recently and it actually felt like I was watching a different character - it kind feels like her character's just inconsistent rather than developing. Amy was kind of similar in a way in that they did something new with her each series, but that progression from engagment to marriage to motherhood to eventual death kind of inherently comes across as natural because it reflects real life.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Thinking about it some more, we basically had multiple arcs going on last series:

- The Doctor's "Am I a good man?"
- Clara's relationship with the Doctor
- Clara's relationship with Danny
- Clara choosing between normal life and the Doctor
- The Promised Land / Missy arc

All got resolved over the course of the series, and would have been capped off perfectly with Last Christmas as Old Clara, but now have been replaced with essentially ... nothing. More teases than arcs. Just don't forget the word hybrid and a constant tease that Clara will die/has died.

They can get resolved over the few remaining episodes, but with none of the character arcs this time it's made Clara especially feel much less of a presence than before, which is very odd when you're building up to her departure. Despite a few good scenes, she's back to just being there doing, and literally being in the case of Evil Clara, whatever is required to move things along.

She's lost the agency from series 8 which was finally defining her character and giving her a personality, so it's all a bit just kick the bucket already. We're merely being told, barely, that this is a big thing rather than being shown how and why it should matter.


I really hope that they address the face thing again next episode. While it was meant to say that he is the doctor and he saves people, him fiddling with life and death directly leads into whatever happens to Clara. I still think it was a reminder not to mess with life and death
Jenna has been a wonderful, fantastic ambassador for the show as an actress - arguably the best we've had, actually - but I do think the character she's been playing has fallen flat and I can't wait for her to be gone so we can get somebody new. I actually think she's improved vastly with Capaldi compared to how she was with Smith, but Clara as a character still feels way too far beyond the curve, and so, yes, I anticipate her leaving the TARDIS eagerly. Not only is it time for something new anyway (it's been three years!) but I've never been that enamoured with the character in the first place.

I don't like the character because she began life as a "quickly drawn sketch of a character" - Moffat's words, not mine - because they had half the time to establish her as a character before diving into the 50th than they might usually have. Clara was developed the way she was out of necessity - it wouldn't have been what Moffat would've done if circumstances had allowed for more time, and he's said that. He could've kept Amy and Rory for all of series 7, but then they weren't willing to stick around for the extended time to do the 50th through to the regeneration, and having called writing The Eleventh Hour the hardest task of his career, he didn't want to have to introduce a new Doctor and a new Companion at once again; so he rushed through Clara's development; simple.

She's got a lot better since then, both with a Doctor partnership that suits the character more and with more screen time, but she still feels like that sketch more often than she probably should, and weird things about the character early on (like indecisiveness about her familial/social situation) hang over her even now, and hinder the vast development she has had. She's improved, but not enough for my money, basically.

Anyway, being of this opinion I should hope doesn't make me an evil scumbag lurking in the bushes ready to assault Moffat (or anyone else), I just think it all could've turned out better. A companion leaving is something of a reset button, and I look forward to that reset button because I've felt there have been a lot of problems with Clara's tenure. It certainly doesn't mean I hate Jenna (quite the opposite - she's done magnificent work with often splotchy material) and I feel like taking the tack that daring to have such an opinion is bloody evil is, well... even more absolutist.

As for this:
Attacking a popular character played by a popular and competent actor is, actually, bullying.

Did I do a thoughtcrime? Am I not allowed to think differently to the public? Good lord.


Attacking a popular character played by a popular and competent actor is, actually, bullying. That's just the way it is. I'd expected to see some commenters pulling their punches, but this has turned into a blood sport. What really freaks me out is that nobody else ever says "wait a minute." It's as if we're all supposed to accept that every two pages or so somebody jumps in and says something utterly vile and we're supposed to pretend it's okay.

This is absurd! No, it's not bullying. People can like or dislike whatever the hell they want. They're not actually hurting anyone by hating on a fictional character. And unless they're going in droves directly telling Jenna Coleman to fuck off or something, your description here is simply out of whack.

I love Clara. She and Donna are the only companions of NuWho that I genuinely love. Which is funny since I really disliked Donna in the Runaway Bride, and thought Clara was mediocre (charming thanks to Jenna, but really unimpressive otherwise) in 7B. Both turned out wonderfully when they got the chance in their proper series. I don't agree with what people think of Clara, especially after how she was in S8, and I don't think they're totally fair. I think a lot of people are letting the mediocre introduction and poor handling of her character in 7B cloud their judgment. I'll be sad to see her leave, although it is definitely time for her to go.

But none of this matters. People can still dislike her just like they're disliking every breath Moffat draws.


He could've kept Amy and Rory for all of series 7, but then they weren't willing to stick around for the extended time to do the 50th through to the regeneration, and having called writing The Eleventh Hour the hardest task of his career, he didn't want to have to introduce a new Doctor and a new Companion at once again; so he rushed through Clara's development; simple.

I didn't know about this at all. Of all the new-Who, I consider Amy and Rory to be the best written by far, and I found the way they left the show to be wanting. They just had an episode where they reaffirm how they want to stay together, only to leave because of an episode with more holes in it than swiss cheese.

I actually liked Jenna with Matt Smith a lot, but the 11-Amy-Rory trio had something going for it no other companion or companion group had before or since, and I would have loved to see them stick together to the very end.

Attacking a popular character played by a popular and competent actor is, actually, bullying. That's just the way it is.

Dude, as someone who gets genuinely upset when people are watching a show and just yelling out "Bitch should die" at characters (usually female but occasionally male) out of sheer dislike for them, I can tell you that this is one of the more civil discussions I've generally seen. Clara is leaving, that much is obvious, and the new companion is often some kind of response to the old one, much like each new doctor is a response to the previous as well. As a result, assessing Clara's weaknesses and strengths is a relevant discussion to her imminent leaving of the show. And even if it wasn't, as much as I find blatantly flaming a fictional character to be distasteful, you can't bully a nonexistent person.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Just imagined a reality with Amy and Rory sticking through the regeneration and Eccleston being in the 50th.


When you have a show which such a big variety of creative visions over the years everyone is bound to love some of them and hate some others. That can lead to some hyperbole (especially on an internet forum), and I've been guilty of it myself sometimes - I'm sure I've been harsher on RTD than necessary at times. I think overall this forum is pretty welcoming, and even though we have people here on Gaf who vastly prefer either RTD or Moffat, I don't think it ever gets insulting towards members who think otherwise. I do admit that the speculation about when the showrunner or lead actor will/should leave can get a bit much at times (mostly because it can get in the way of enjoying the moment, which I think is more important), but given that change is such a big part of DW's DNA I think that's unavoidable. Especially discussions about Jenna leaving (big fan of her personally BTW) are understandable right now, given that we know it's coming soon and that they're dropping (possible) hints during the episodes airing right now. All in all I feel this place is pretty civil really, especially compared to some other fan forums.

About Clara as a character: I agree that her start with Smith was very rocky. Her character was too tied up into the mystery of who she was in the beginning (plot over characterization), and Smith and Coleman never really got that 'click' he had with Rory and Amy, who felt like they were made for each other. Not a fault of the actress in any way. It reminds me a lot of Sarah Jane (who I feel Clara, more than any other modern companion, is very much based on), who started with Pertwee and who was fine in those episodes, but who only took of once Tom Baker showed up. There was a lot of chemistry and genuine friendship there that didn't quite materialize when she was with Pertwee (who had a much stronger connection with Jo, who preceded Sarah).

In the end, as much as I loved Amy and Rory, I feel like they could have left after series 6, giving Clara more time to develop her relationship with the Doctor right from the start of series 7. The first part of Clara's episodes was overshadowed by a complex plot that left the audience wondering who she really was, and after that her character was overshadowed by the spectacle of the 50th anniversary and Smith's regeneration episode. I never really felt like the series 7 episodes really added anything to Amy and Rory as characters - their breakup felt unnatural because at that point the viewer would know they were made for each other anyway, after everything they went through in their first two seasons.

She really started working for me with Capaldi though - the slower pace and the fresh energy of a new Doctor really helped define her a lot more. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I still genuinely believe Danny Pink is one of the best regular characters the show ever got - he really made Clara's story work and gave us something we never saw on the show before. She doesn't really have anything to do so far - they hinted at her avoiding dealing with losing Danny and abandoning her normal life a couple of times, but for the most part she just plays the companion in the most classic way possible - a pretty face who does whatever the Doctor needs her to. I get what they're going for - some more classical, easygoing adventures after the more existential series 8 - but it does leave her character being less interesting.

Still really like her though. She's funny, and she has that 'something' about her that makes her a right fit to stand besides a Doctor in the Tardis. I hope they make her end worthy of her. I know they hint at death a lot, and that a lot of viewers (both fans and non-fans) will only be satisfied with her death as an end to her story, but I really don't want that to happen. Mostly because I think you can do far more interesting things than a character death to close off a story, but mostly because she went through so much already. She sacrificed multiple versions of herself with that Impossible Girl business and she lost the love of her life because of her failure to commit, be honest and accept an adult life. Her dying would be far too depressing to me. She deserves a happy end.
I didn't know about this at all. Of all the new-Who, I consider Amy and Rory to be the best written by far, and I found the way they left the show to be wanting. They just had an episode where they reaffirm how they want to stay together, only to leave because of an episode with more holes in it than swiss cheese.

I actually liked Jenna with Matt Smith a lot, but the 11-Amy-Rory trio had something going for it no other companion or companion group had before or since, and I would have loved to see them stick together to the very end.

A lot of stuff is just down to production stuff. Like, the new machine-like TARDIS design (compared to the RTD era's 'natural technology, TARDISes are grown' look or Smith's 'fairytale' look) was actually first planned/intended to be shown only after Smith left for the new 'back to basics' Doctor, but then they moved studios partway through Series 7. Smith's original TARDIS interior was built on top of what was the Torchwood hub (look very closely at the shape of it and you'll see the upper/lower levels are all in more or less the same places), which was an interesting set as vast amounts of it were actually concrete. This meant that when they moved studios they couldn't just rip it up and put it back down like they did when they moved Tennant's TARDIS between series' - when they pulled down Smith's set, a lot of it was in massive disrepair and half-destroyed as a result of how it was built. It would've been just as expensive to rebuild that as to build a new one, which Moffat knew they'd planned to do in a year anyway - so they just put the new one in earlier.

To be clear, Karen & Arthur would've been happy, it sounds like, to stick around through to Smith's regeneration, but there's no way they would've signed on for another complete series after that because they'd had enough and Karen had her Hollywood offers incoming. So Moffat needed to shift them out of the way a little earlier in order to get someone new in to help as a transition character.

Basically, what happened is something like this: Smith wanted an extended bit of time off to do some stage work and pursue some Hollywood work, just like Tennant had after his three series'. They granted him this, because Moffat himself also needed less Doctor Who time in order to do Sherlock, and the result was the decision to split Series 7 across two years.

Eliminating a 2013 Series 8 from the schedule and replacing it with Series 7b meant that they had a problem, though: Smith intended to leave after the 50th, that was set in stone for ages, and there'd be no time to set up a new companion. The scuttlebutt is that they toyed with the idea of having Smith travelling alone for the 50th and for his regeneraton briefly - obviously these episodes were only at the highest conceptual phase at this point - but then the deciding factor was that Moffat didn't want to write another Eleventh Hour. So Amy and Rory were instead jettisoned after six episodes, Clara introduced in the following seven (plus Christmas and her surprise appearance in the Asylum), and then she carried on through.

The funny thing is all this bending over backwards was to avoid another difficult 'everything is new' regeneration story, but in trying to avoid that again I feel like Moffat actually swung and missed with Deep Breath as a direct result. I'm not talking about Clara here, but more the setting and the Pasternoster gang -- he became that obsessed with not repeating TEH again that he crammed the episode with people we already knew, and I honestly felt like their presence ended up crowding out the whole thing. You probably could've done the same story with just the Doctor and Clara with minimal impact, but it would've given more time for this new Doctor, like the lovely scene they have in the restaurant and stuff. I find it hard to put my finger on what it is The Christmas Invasion does that makes it inherently better when it does exactly the same thing - maybe it's the choice to hold the Doctor back for the last fifteen minutes - but I feel like in running from The Eleventh Hour he actually ran a bit too far. But that's a debate for another time.

On companions, I actually think they're all pretty much equally written. Donna remains my favourite, and Rose remains the one who I feel is best written, but I think they're all pretty excellent. Amy (not so much Rory - he was excellent from the word go) took a bit of time to grow into her potential as a character (the sort of time the likes of Donna and Martha were never afforded but still managed) but she certainly got there. In this, I do think Clara is the weak link, even if I think Jenna herself is fantastic.
I'm not talking about Clara here, but more the setting and the Pasternoster gang -- he became that obsessed with not repeating TEH again that he crammed the episode with people we already knew, and I honestly felt like their presence ended up crowding out the whole thing.

He was so dead set on not replicating TEH, that he went ahead and tried to replicate Robot.


Jenna has been a wonderful, fantastic ambassador for the show as an actress - arguably the best we've had, actually

I agree. I think Jenna, Catherine Tate, and Arthur Darvill have been the best companion actors. Though Billie Piper had also clearly improved a ton by the 50th too.


He was so dead set on not replicating TEH, that he went ahead and tried to replicate Robot.

That's pretty much the perfect comparison. Also works when you see Clara as Sarah Jane - clearly an actress fit for the role but who didn't really find her groove with her first Doctor, and completely clicked with her second.


Thinking about it some more, we basically had multiple arcs going on last series:

- The Doctor's "Am I a good man?"
- Clara's relationship with the Doctor
- Clara's relationship with Danny
- Clara choosing between normal life and the Doctor
- The Promised Land / Missy arc

All got resolved over the course of the series, and would have been capped off perfectly with Last Christmas as Old Clara, but now have been replaced with essentially ... nothing. More teases than arcs. Just don't forget the word hybrid and a constant tease that Clara will die/has died.

They can get resolved over the few remaining episodes, but with none of the character arcs this time it's made Clara especially feel much less of a presence than before, which is very odd when you're building up to her departure. Despite a few good scenes, she's back to just being there doing, and literally being in the case of Evil Clara, whatever is required to move things along.

She's lost the agency from series 8 which was finally defining her character and giving her a personality, so it's all a bit just kick the bucket already. We're merely being told, barely, that this is a big thing rather than being shown how and why it should matter.

As someone who would love a completely serialized series, I think after how Clara's 'Impossible Girl' storyline ended, I'm glad the entire plot isn't some overly complex attempt by Moffat to make her seem more important than she need be for the Who Universe (Who-niverse?). Companions don't need a series long arc to make an exit feel like it carries weight, it just has to feel important within the context of the episode it plays out in/over. The Doctor will add weight to her departure as much as any arc.

That and I don't trust Moffat with such arcs after the Teselecta cop-out with the Doctor dying, or River post-Melody reveal.


The Amiga Brotherhood
She really started working for me with Capaldi though - the slower pace and the fresh energy of a new Doctor really helped define her a lot more. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I still genuinely believe Danny Pink is one of the best regular characters the show ever got - he really made Clara's story work and gave us something we never saw on the show before. She doesn't really have anything to do so far - they hinted at her avoiding dealing with losing Danny and abandoning her normal life a couple of times, but for the most part she just plays the companion in the most classic way possible - a pretty face who does whatever the Doctor needs her to. I get what they're going for - some more classical, easygoing adventures after the more existential series 8 - but it does leave her character being less interesting.

No, I agree about Danny. As said above I thought these character arcs were very important and brought a lot to the show. I do think he could have been handled better, his introduction was too rushed to properly establish what Clara saw in him, which led to him coming across as a bit of a nob. So by the end an element of "Oh just fuck off Danny!" had crept in, but he was important and used well with regards Clara.

All the character stuff in series 8 brought something new to the show, and I don't think it's a coincidence that Listen/Mummy/Flatline all tapped into those themes as part of the stories they were telling. What makes the Doctor who he is in Listen, then his mini-deconstruction of himself on the beach in Mummy in fixing his relationship with Clara, then her addiction to adventure and wanting to save people like the Doctor taking hold in Flatline.

All this really amplifies the stories that are being told and for me that is what is missing this time round, and why we just aren't hitting the highs of episodes like those.

Clara bowing out as Old Clara at Last Christmas would have been the perfect bittersweet ending for her, and where the ball has been dropped with her is not following through on the remaining character arc that was still in play by her staying. Which was travelling not only being an addiction but now her escape from Danny's loss, with that making her increasingly reckless.

Series 8 was a lot bolder in what it was doing, and that was to the benefit of both the characters and the stories.

As someone who would love a completely serialized series, I think after how Clara's 'Impossible Girl' storyline ended, I'm glad the entire plot isn't some overly complex attempt by Moffat to make her seem more important than she need be for the Who Universe (Who-niverse?). Companions don't need a series long arc to make an exit feel like it carries weight, it just has to feel important within the context of the episode it plays out in/over. The Doctor will add weight to her departure as much as any arc

The Impossible Girl arc was "what is Clara" rather than "who is Clara". An arc involving a character doesn't need to be a puzzle, and that was the problem with her.

It can just be about showing who they are, why they act the way they do, what matters to them, and what the consequences of that could be.

All of which making their departure much more interesting and have much more impact, and all of these things WERE being done just the series before!


New clip of Tennant and Tate in a new audiobook.

So is there an archive of all of these somewhere? They are basically new Doctor Who episodes with actors coming back, but in audio form. I'd love to find Tennant's first one.


They're not really audiobooks (although the offer those as well), but rather audio dramas - full cast adventures, complete with sound effects and music, all with the original actors where possible. They started some years before the show came back on tv. Some of Doctor Who's best moments are hidden in the Big Finish stuff. They have all the living classic Doctors and tons of spinoffs (including modern stuff like Torchwood and Unit, River Song etc coming soon). Tennant is the first modern Doctor they have, but his first story isn't released yet. Tennant did play a completely different character in one of them before he was cast in the TV show.

I've just listened to a small part of their catalogue, but the Eight Doctor audio's are often mentioned as a good jumping on point.

When fans are talking about 'canon' (horrible word, I know), people mostly consider the tv show the 'holy text' and all other comics, books etc secondary to that, but for many people the Big Finish adventures count just as much as the tv show. It helps that they actually use the original actors, even for smaller roles. It's pretty impressive.


Personally wished that Clara could stay on forever. She's the last remnant of the fairy tale vibe from the Matt Smith's era. While other nuWho companion including Rose were the relatable human viewpoint, Clara mirrors Matt Smith's Doctor. She's eternally optimistic where even her sterner moments carry a hint of mischief. Absolutely wild when paired with Matt Smith, but vital with the more serious Capaldi. It's possible that the next companion will be cut from the same cloth, but think Clara's personality was molded as a way to preserve some of Matt Smith's eccentricity.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

They're not really audiobooks (although the offer those as well), but rather audio dramas - full cast adventures, complete with sound effects and music, all with the original actors where possible. They started some years before the show came back on tv. Some of Doctor Who's best moments are hidden in the Big Finish stuff. They have all the living classic Doctors and tons of spinoffs (including modern stuff like Torchwood and Unit, River Song etc coming soon). Tennant is the first modern Doctor they have, but his first story isn't released yet. Tennant did play a completely different character in one of them before he was cast in the TV show.

I've just listened to a small part of their catalogue, but the Eight Doctor audio's are often mentioned as a good jumping on point.

When fans are talking about 'canon' (horrible word, I know), people mostly consider the tv show the 'holy text' and all other comics, books etc secondary to that, but for many people the Big Finish adventures count just as much as the tv show. It helps that they actually use the original actors, even for smaller roles. It's pretty impressive.

Ah cool. I see a collector edition for Tennant's 3 episodes, what do you get physically? The discs in some nice packaging? Thinking about grabbing that one.


Ah cool. I see a collector edition for Tennant's 3 episodes, what do you get physically? The discs in some nice packaging? Thinking about grabbing that one.

I don't know about the Tennant collection specifically, but usually you get them on cd (along with a download code so you have it digitally as well), and for some of their bigger releases they add small booklets with some background information/interviews etc. Don't know if they're doing that with Tennant as well though.

I've personally only bought digital copies though, so perhaps someone else can tell you what exactly to expect.

If you're mostly interested in modern Doctor Who stories, you might be interested in the War Doctor boxset (starring John Hurt) that's coming out soon as well.


Perhaps we could turn this into a discussion on why certain fans (at least on this thread) dislike Clara.

Her biggest problem is that she's been at least three distinct characters. I feel like her arcs are very self-contained by season in a way that does her character no favors. I mean, her being a teacher has been abandoned by the plot just as quickly as it was awkwardly inserted into her story. Until the Zygon two-parter, I wasn't even sure if Clara was still doing her day trips in the TARDIS or if she'd just given up on normal life entirely to move in with the old man.

I like Clara quite a bit. She's cute as a button and sharper than tacks (well, most of the time) but her story keeps getting jerked all over the place. It feels so messy and it's a real shame because I just kind of want to quietly crush on Jenna Coleman without being bothered to puzzle out what her character is supposed to be about. Essentially, I feel like Clara is just a paper doll that writers try out different companion costumes on. There is no character trait or specific character defining scene that I can think of for her that makes me go, "That is so Clara!"

The closest we came to that was when Bonnie mentioned she'd memorized all the answers to Trivial pursuit in order to always win.

Just imagined a reality with Amy and Rory sticking through the regeneration and Eccleston being in the 50th.

It would certainly have been a much cleaner show, that's for sure.

Personally wished that Clara could stay on forever. She's the last remnant of the fairy tale vibe from the Matt Smith's era. While other nuWho companion including Rose were the relatable human viewpoint, Clara mirrors Matt Smith's Doctor. She's eternally optimistic where even her sterner moments carry a hint of mischief. Absolutely wild when paired with Matt Smith, but vital with the more serious Capaldi. It's possible that the next companion will be cut from the same cloth, but think Clara's personality was molded as a way to preserve some of Matt Smith's eccentricity.

Every once in a while, Clara will get excited and start talking a mile a minute and I can almost hear the Eleventh Doctor saying her lines. The idea that she's kept some of Eleven's mannerisms while Twelve has abandoned them entirely is interesting and compelling and kind of sad. It actually seems like Twelve would find such moments annoying or uncomfortable. Of course, this never comes up in the show and is used not at all, so it hardly matters.
As an aside (and I'm behind a week of shows), I quite like how there was the ugggh why did she spoil that Ashildir would be in another episode, that would have made a great surprise, spoilers, and then oh look it's in all the publicity material for the next episode.


As an aside (and I'm behind a week of shows), I quite like how there was the ugggh why did she spoil that Ashildir would be in another episode, that would have made a great surprise, spoilers, and then oh look it's in all the publicity material for the next episode.

It would've been a cool surprise, but I think the Beeb saw too much potential to use that fact to increase the ratings figure. The two Maisie Williams-episodes are the two highest non-opener episodes (The Girl Who Died is in fact the highest, even including TMA).


Went to the Doctor Who Festival today.
Sylvester McCoy was there and he is such a great, hilarious man. Dude went around in person to answer audience questions during his panel. He then crashed the panel with Ingrid Oliver, Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat before being forced to leave because he had an appointment to do autograph signings. He also whacked a Dalek multiple times which we later found out was full of explosives that was used in the special FX show.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?




Man, I am definitely going in blind to the finale. Obviously I know that it is bye-bye for Clara this series, and the indication is that it might begin already tonight in some fashion, but otherwise...nope.

Definitely gonna miss having such as a great actress as Jenna Coleman on the show, but it has indeed been clear for a long time now they don't have anywhere left to take the character.


Face the Raven poster


lol I guess cast isn't that much of a spoiler anymore?
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