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Well that was a twist I wasn't expecting it to happen in part 1.
so they actually did it
Misdirection circuit misdirection reveal before the end of season! Clara is alive, but no one is looking for her
A quick note, for people who try to avoid 'next time' trailers: The *first* scene after the credits is, I believe, a post-credits scene for this episode, nothing to do with next week's.
The answers genuinely out there with synopsis. Don't go looking.Clara
I'll miss her, for sure. Great episode. Who do we reckon has made a deal for the Doctor? I'm thinking time lords, or looping back to the beginning of the series and Davros being behind it? And when is this "hybrid" stuff going to come into play?
It's still in play but I hope they don't back out on this death. It works perfectly with Clara's character. It's the type of situation I would expect to put herself into.
Almost in tears at the Clara/Doctor scene. And then almost again with Rigsy's tribute.
I can understand the Doctor's anger - thinking about it, while Rose/Martha/Donna/Amy all had sad endings, they all lived in their own way. This would be the first companion death in how long? At least since the Time War in terms of what matters to New Who - and it's been hundreds of Doctor years.
I'll miss her, for sure. Great episode. Who do we reckon has made a deal for the Doctor? I'm thinking time lords, or looping back to the beginning of the series and Davros being behind it? And when is this "hybrid" stuff going to come into play?
Try over a thousand! And in nearly all of that time, Clara has been his companion. He hasn't had a new one since he was ~1200 years old.
Haven't watched yet. So was the theory that Clara died already for the Doctor this season true?
Try over a thousand! And in nearly all of that time, Clara has been his companion. He hasn't had a new one since he was ~1200 years old.
Heaven Sent TV trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47-RFzZutkc
A mixed bag for me.
The good: decent enough setup, mystery was interesting. Sad to see Clara go (I know many of you weren't fond of her), but it was at least done quickly rather than really stretching it out. Also the foreshadowing across the series with Clara slowly becoming more reckless and doctor-ish, all nearly wrapped up with her being hoist by her own petard.
However - and I realise this comes down to plot armour etc - it seemed such a technicality to go out on. The sort of scrape the doctor always has an answer for, only this time it is absolute. I think that's a failing of just how un-absolute things are in the Who universe. Maisy seems happy to remove the chronolock(?) from the earlier person, yet suddenly there is a gotcha in the small print? That just fell flat to me.
Genuinely upsetting seeing her go. But fantastic episode and looking foward to the final two episodes.
Episode 12 Spoilers:
Considering Jenna is on the cast list for Hell Bent, I'm curious to see where this goes.
Yup. Very fitting. Very well done.
And we ain't seen her in the diner outfit yet, have we?!
Maybe they'll make that part a bit less rushed and more emtoional.
For a second I thought you were talking about the sweater.
Wasn't that just for a photo shoot?