I hope not. I don't want the next two episodes to suck.
Well, if that works out, the second part should kill (or at least be batshit-crazy).
I hope not. I don't want the next two episodes to suck.
I...was looking at her sweater.
there were two stand-out images.
and this.
All I could think of was vadernooooooo.gif rofl
It should be nothing short of insane
Man, Utopia was such a greatly episode.
there were two stand-out images.
and this.
I think next episode well finally see Capaldi play the doctor we've all been waiting to see.
Pretty much.
I've just done a super-quick re-cut of the scene, removing pretty much all the screaming. I mean, maybe I'm crazy, but would it not have been better like this?Minus my horrible audio patch-up, obviously.
It's not really a spoiler, she's on the front cover of Doctor Who magazine in the outfit, and it says finale preview. Would be a bit weird if it was just for a photoshoot.
I have. But when all is said & done, he always comes across as not giving a damn. The two past Doctors would've given a high-five to their respective companions when they done something brilliant. Not so much with the decrepit old owl, as he wouldn't acknowledge Clara if she was standing in front of him.Have you been watching the show since Capaldi took over?
The Doctor and Clara's separation and later reconcile?
His effort in being less cold?
Is it just me or is the background music ridiculously loud compared to the voice work?
I have. But when all is said & done, he always comes across as not giving a damn. The two past Doctors would've given a high-five to their respective companions when they done something brilliant. Not so much with the decrepit old owl, as he wouldn't acknowledge Clara if she was standing in front of him.
I never bought Tennant when he tried to be angry. Smith was hit and miss, but I think worked into it more as the show went on.
Eccleston was great at it, and Capaldi's ability to do it with a terrifying calmness to his voice is just amazing.
I like that Moffat points out in the little Extra video that the Doctor can't really cast blame. It's not really Me's fault, and it's not really Rigsy's, and it's not really whoever wants him teleported. It's just a horrible accident done out of heroism. Which kinda makes it hurt more.
So this is how it ends...not with the bang but a whimper.
Can't say I felt anything for Clara. Not because I don't like the character but because the death was stupid and strangely, pathetic.
The idea that Ashildur is 'saving the world from the Doctor' never rang true with me. Like most of Moffat's ideas, it sounds cool in ones head but the execution is always falls so flat.
I'm very sad to see Clara go; I thought Jenna and Capaldi had great chemistry together. But I'm also annoyed that the episode was so awkward; it wasn't a very fitting end for her. While it was interesting to see her fail because she thought she was as good as the Doctor, the episode was written so clumsily that much of the pathos was lost.
thinking about it, I quite like that she just died in a relatively ordinary way. Not to hordes of daleks or cybermen, just didn't check if the warranty was transferable.
I'm going with Diner Clara being a Clara splinter he visits to help come to terms with it.
I would rather they don't mention the Clara splinters again because that storyline was pretty crappy and them referencing the fact that there are loads of Claras anyway would cheapen her death even more. Like how Osgood's death at this point has basically been cancelled out. I'm down for Diner Clara being a Clara from before it all started, like how Ten visits Rose.
Why didn't the Doctor use a regeneration to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use her immortality to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use the reserve immortality device to revive Clara?
Anyhow, I found Clara's death hard to believe when there are so many outs in the same room.
The reserve immortality chip was used on Sam Swift in The Woman Who Lived.Why didn't the Doctor use a regeneration to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use her immortality to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use the reserve immortality device to revive Clara?
Anyhow, I found Clara's death hard to believe when there are so many outs in the same room.
The episode had to suddenly insert a series' worth of missing character development, while juggling a story and killing her, it was great writing. On a different level to the rest.
The only time Clara has seemed real this series instead of just being there, which brought out the best in Capaldi as well.
The episode had to suddenly insert a series' worth of missing character development, while juggling a story and killing her, it was great writing. On a different level to the rest.
The only time Clara has seemed real this series instead of just being there, which brought out the best in Capaldi as well.
I would rather they don't mention the Clara splinters again because that storyline was pretty crappy and them referencing the fact that there are loads of Claras anyway would cheapen her death even more. Like how Osgood's death at this point has basically been cancelled out. I'm down for Diner Clara being a Clara from before it all started, like how Ten visits Rose.
Why didn't the Doctor use a regeneration to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use her immortality to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use the reserve immortality device to revive Clara?
How? He can't stop the countdown, the raven will kill her regardless.Why didn't the Doctor use a regeneration to save Clara?
I don't understand how her immortality would help her save ClaraWhy didn't Mayor Me use her immortality to save Clara?
Already used in the Woman Who Lived.Why didn't Mayor Me use the reserve immortality device to revive Clara?
The "the doctor isnt here right now. You are talking to me" line was cool as hell.
Why didn't the Doctor use a regeneration to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use her immortality to save Clara?
Why didn't Mayor Me use the reserve immortality device to revive Clara?
Anyhow, I found Clara's death hard to believe when there are so many outs in the same room.
It was how they introduced her and despite being never mentioned again once in the entire series, it was an important event. Be a shame to not reference it in some way.
Doesn't really cheapen it because it wouldnt really be Clara.
I disagree. I thought Clara has been ok this season (and last). She has clearly been slowly getting more reckless and forceful, and the doctor has clearly been not happy with that. And she has been quite good at softening this doctors character, with the cute cue cards etc.