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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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I feel like it'll be connected to what's been happening with the Who intro for the first part of season 7 and the TARDIS blowing up, in relation to the Silence.
Pre-new Who is far from my expertise, is something like this usually done symbolically or just as a way to freshen things up and not much more?

Sometimes symbolically - often due to a change in team (new production designer) - or in this case, sheer logistics... they moved studios.

They made the current TARDIS design, IIRC, partly to be better in HD, partly to give a new look to the show for a new Doctor, and a new person in charge of sets... so all of the above. :p
Well, the old Matt Smith design was actually welded into the remnants of the old Torchwood hub set; you can see the dragon on the wall in wide shots on Confidential. Now they've moved into the huge, Hollywood-style BBC Wales studios at Roath Lock, they found it would be functionally impossible to transport the old set down without destroying it when removing it from Upper Boat. Couple that to Pickwoad itching for a crack and it, and potential story reasons for the change, and here we are.
The change is largely due to the fact that much of the Torchwood hub set the 2010 TARDIS was built on was concrete and stuff... and when they moved studios, it'd be very hard to move. They moved the old TARDIS after series two, for instance, but that was built on flat foundations. Part of what gave the Series 5/6/7a TARDIS set its verticality is that it has the exact same number of levels in more or less the exact same places as the Torchwood Hub.

Difficult to replicate without wrecking the set. On top of that the set caused a lot of issues in filming during Series 5 that were pretty well documented in DWM. They made massive fixes to the set for series 6, but they were fundamental design flaws, really. It was supposedly a real pain to film on from the director's perspective.

Practical reasons, but I'm sure Moffat'll build it in. It makes sense, really - Matt's Doctor in a dark place after losing Amy, and I bet on the ground level this'll look closer to the old console rooms for the 50th...


I really enjoyed the multi-level aspect of the S5+ Tardis desktop. We keep being told that the Tardis has all these halls and rooms and swimming pools, but to me only the current design actually feels like that's the truth with multiple levels and exits. All the others, old and new, just seem like a central console and a closet to the side. Whatever new designs they may go for in the future, that sense of scale and connectivity is something I really hope they keep.
I really enjoyed the multi-level aspect of the S5+ Tardis desktop. We keep being told that the Tardis has all these halls and rooms and swimming pools, but to me only the current design actually feels like that's the truth with multiple levels and exits. All the others, old and new, just seem like a central console and a closet to the side. Whatever new designs they may go for in the future, that sense of scale and connectivity is something I really hope they keep.

Yeah I especially like the area under the main console where the Doctor does maintenance and repairs.


Oh god I want this so much!




Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Well, the old Matt Smith design was actually welded into the remnants of the old Torchwood hub set; you can see the dragon on the wall in wide shots on Confidential. Now they've moved into the huge, Hollywood-style BBC Wales studios at Roath Lock, they found it would be functionally impossible to transport the old set down without destroying it when removing it from Upper Boat. Couple that to Pickwoad itching for a crack and it, and potential story reasons for the change, and here we are.

The change is largely due to the fact that much of the Torchwood hub set the 2010 TARDIS was built on was concrete and stuff... and when they moved studios, it'd be very hard to move. They moved the old TARDIS after series two, for instance, but that was built on flat foundations. Part of what gave the Series 5/6/7a TARDIS set its verticality is that it has the exact same number of levels in more or less the exact same places as the Torchwood Hub.

Difficult to replicate without wrecking the set. On top of that the set caused a lot of issues in filming during Series 5 that were pretty well documented in DWM. They made massive fixes to the set for series 6, but they were fundamental design flaws, really. It was supposedly a real pain to film on from the director's perspective.

Practical reasons, but I'm sure Moffat'll build it in. It makes sense, really - Matt's Doctor in a dark place after losing Amy, and I bet on the ground level this'll look closer to the old console rooms for the 50th...
Thanks for the insight guys, it's always interesting to hear about the production side of Who.
A new trailer for The Snowmen:


DWM says:

• The "2013 series" (Series 7, Part 2) has finished shooting (Dec 2012).
• The back end of the schedule includes "very heavy VFX episodes".
• Series 7, Part 2 will begin in on television in April 2013.
• The "Anniversary Special" will start shooting in April 2013 and is a "love letter to fans".

You'd think it'd be back at Easter, but Easter is end of March next year.
With that trailer, and my new DWM arriving, I am firmly in the Christmas spirit.

Pretty interesting issue, actually. Apparently Moffat enjoyed writing for Strax, Jenny and Vastra so much that their originally planned single episode became the Christmas Special, the finale and one of Gatiss's episodes.


With that trailer, and my new DWM arriving, I am firmly in the Christmas spirit.

Pretty interesting issue, actually. Apparently Moffat enjoyed writing for Strax, Jenny and Vastra so much that their originally planned single episode became the Christmas Special, the finale and one of Gatiss's episodes.

Good. They're the best cameo characters to show up in a long while.
Strax, Jenny and Vastra are good on a number of levels, really. The only reason Jack existed, for instance, is because they needed someone who would be willing to shoot and gun and waste somebody in series one, which the Doctor wouldn't do either with Rory gone, they need the same sort of role, and all three fill it.

They also do the 'alien companion' thing many fans ask for without actually having them there every week, which is expensive. On top of that, they're cool characters. I do love that RTD era Sontaran design, and I'm glad they've stuck to it. Still sort of gutted Torchwood's filming schedule scuppered Jack in A Good Man Goes to War, though.
I like the thought that Vastra, Jenny and Strax might serve as Clara's home base; her equivalent to Jackie and Mickey, if you like.

New title sequence for Christmas, apparently. The more we hear, the more this episode strikes me as a The Eleventh Hour-style relaunch.
I wonder why all these changes are happening now; if it's for the 50th or just a lot of circumstances adding together...

Minor Who alumni news: RTD's married his partner! That's nice. The sad news is that his partner also has brain cancer :( But at least they're happy.

Here's a great recent interview with Nick Briggs - Big Finish Writer/Director & voice of the Daleks/Cybermen/Judoon/many others: http://www.chicagonow.com/geek-girl-chicago/2012/12/doctor-who-interview-with-nicholas-briggs/


Kills Photobucket
We kicked your ass!

Well, they kicked our ass. Believe it or not, I voted for Dr. Who, Star Trek, and Firefly, and not ponies (some of them pony fans are weird)

One step closer to the crossover though!


official alternate cover.

I like the thought that Vastra, Jenny and Strax might serve as Clara's home base; her equivalent to Jackie and Mickey, if you like.

New title sequence for Christmas, apparently. The more we hear, the more this episode strikes me as a The Eleventh Hour-style relaunch.

I'd like to see them again.
Okay, I have fount series 7 on amazon, and I am going to buy it here shortly. Now, my time with dr who has been a bit strange. I actually started with series 6 and then went back and watched the newer stuff (starting with Eccelstien). So I dont want to watch series 6 agian, but I need some thing to be clarified are the silent a race or an organization?
Okay, I have fount series 7 on amazon, and I am going to buy it here shortly. Now, my time with dr who has been a bit strange. I actually started with series 6 and then went back and watched the newer stuff (starting with Eccelstien). So I dont want to watch series 6 agian, but I need some thing to be clarified are the silent a race or an organization?

organization apparently.
The Silence is the organisation that wears eyepatches (obviously not including Amy Pond's splinter cell in the time-with-all-time), but it's also the name of the creepy memory aliens in lieu of them having a proper species name.

Just call the aliens Silents, it's what I do.
I want to say alien race, since the Doctor refers to them singularly as a "Silent". They don't refer to Kovarian as a "Silent" as far as I remember.

I guess my larger question is if the silent isnt a race then what do we call the aliens that we ( or at least I) encountered in 1950 or 60s America? the little grey creatures that make you forget that you even saw them.

Also, who operated Devil's run? Was that a Silent facility and did they pay mercenaries to populate it? Is that their own private army?
I want to say alien race, since the Doctor refers to them singularly as a "Silent". They don't refer to Kovarian as a "Silent" as far as I remember.

My feeling is that there's such a gulf between their initial showing and their next showing that, as with the Weeping Angels, Moffat is rather free to update the formula at his whim.
They've confirmed not only a new title sequence, but a new arrangement of the theme for Christmas. It really is all change. My favourite is still the series 4 one with the really loud drums, live guitar and the piano part, followed by the theme we've had from 5 through til now. I wonder if the brass bit at the start will stay or go? I wonder if the RTD-era up-and-down strings part will finally go? I think I'm more excited about this than anything else, weirdly. I hope the middle eight is in it - it's only ever been aired in the Series 5 theme once.

I think Moffat faces an interesting old challenge now, really - he's changing it up a lot, and I wonder how some of the new fans - a lot of Americans especially - who joined the series with Matt/Karen are going to react to all the changes that are coming. Change is the theme of the show, of course, but this'll be a first for a lot of these fans. There's a definite contingent of fans thumbs-downing all the videos of anything prior to Series 5, including Classic Who clips, on the new DW YouTube channel, commenting it's all about The Doctor and Amy...! Poor sod. In many ways what Moffat has to do now is worse than RTD having to implant the concept of regeneration into a whole new generation after only 13 episodes.


They've confirmed not only a new title sequence, but a new arrangement of the theme for Christmas. It really is all change. My favourite is still the series 4 one with the really loud drums, live guitar and the piano part, followed by the theme we've had from 5 through til now. I wonder if the brass bit at the start will stay or go? I wonder if the RTD-era up-and-down strings part will finally go? I think I'm more excited about this than anything else, weirdly. I hope the middle eight is in it - it's only ever been aired in the Series 5 theme once.

I think Moffat faces an interesting old challenge now, really - he's changing it up a lot, and I wonder how some of the new fans - a lot of Americans especially - who joined the series with Matt/Karen are going to react to all the changes that are coming. Change is the theme of the show, of course, but this'll be a first for a lot of these fans. There's a definite contingent of fans thumbs-downing all the videos of anything prior to Series 5, including Classic Who clips, on the new DW YouTube channel, commenting it's all about The Doctor and Amy...! Poor sod. In many ways what Moffat has to do now is worse than RTD having to implant the concept of regeneration into a whole new generation after only 13 episodes.

I really wish they'd move back to a more electronic score to be honest. As much as I liked 9 and 10's scores (especially series 4), I just think it's become too bloated. As for the new fans abandoning the show, it's something Moffatt must see coming, but it's not something he can do much about. Either make it more to their liking and ruin the show for long time fans, or stay the course and work with a smaller audience.


Also, in the new radio times, there is an article written by Moffat where he says

and I know you're going to enjoy Jenna. Well, you've seen her already, of course, back in September. As Oswin, in Asylum of the Daleks, she not only died but had been turned into a Dalek. Dying on your Doctor Who debut, that ought to be a sure sign you won't be returning. Unless you're Alex Kingston as River Song, who died in David Tennant's Library adventure in 2008. Or Dan Starkey as Strax, now I think about it. But this time - in answer to all those many, many questions - I can confirm that Jenna is playing a completely different character. Oh, yes. Totally different person. Would I lie to you? Phew, eh? Bet you're glad I cleared that up.
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