2005, just about to finish The End of the World. Don't know whether or not I'll end up following the episode guide in the OP, but right now, I'm just letting it grow on me as I go.
Awesome. If you have the time to spend, just bite the bullet and watch them all. These are only 13-episode series', after all. The time to pick and choose comes if you really fall for this show - then it's worth checking out Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures, the adult/kids spin-offs - but literally only about 8 episodes of one and 4 of the other out of their entire run. (Specifically, for any others who haven't watched - I'm talking about the 4 episodes the Doctor is in Sarah Jane... and 10 is about the number of good Torchwood episodes there are.)
There are some stinkers in there - in particular I think "Fear Her" is the worst episode of the series since 2005 by a long, long, long distance... but a lot of episodes have redeeming 'bits' here or there. A lot of people would say to skip Series 3's Dalek episodes, for instance, as the episodes aren't all that great - but then when you hit the future of the Daleks in a wider sense, you've missed a pretty important chapter. Others would say the Sontaran episodes in series 4 aren't important - and they aren't, really - but then when a lone Sontaran shows up later on you don't have as much context for what kind of race they are. It works without the knowledge, of course, but I think it's infinitely better with. Most of these names mean nothing to you now, but they will!
Keep posting! One of the best bits of this thread is watching people experience it for the first time.
1) The Snowmen (*****)
2) A Christmas Carol (****)
3) The Christmas Invasion (***)
4) The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe (***)
5) The Voyage of the Damned (**)
6) The Next Doctor (**)
7) The Runaway Bride (**)
So if you share my taste in Who then get excited!
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe was terrible.
The Doctor would never be so irresponsible. Also it doesn't make sense, even by Doctor Who standards.
Yeah, that episode is weird. Matt's Doctor (and Tennant's) is irresponsible by nature, but how far in that episode is a bit jarring. I'd put The Next Doctor at the bottom of my list (it's just bland), followed by Wardrobe. I absolutely adore Voyage/Runaway, though. They're not at all what I want for an average Who episode, but for a Christmas day spectacle they're perfect, imo. A Christmas Carol was perfect in the other direction - heartfelt, moving over insane spectacle.