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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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gaben was on the nerdist podcast recently and had an amazing theory if oswin. its the part 2. it has to do with the nano thing in the doctor's watch.

theres a whole bunch of theories they talk about at the beginning of the podcast. im on my phone so i cant link it. i suggest people take a listen



That's one heck of a similarity to Matt Smith this guy has.

Where is this pic from?


Not sure if it's been posted yet but (and I apologize if it has been), it looks like I've found the links to some other of the eBooks on Amazon (just click the images to be sent to the book's page):

I can't find anything past the 7th Doctor's book
So what did people think of the reign of terror animation?

Watched it a couple of night for the first time ever. Great serial - Hartnell was in fine form and there are more of those scenes where he's seperated from the others, as with Romans & War Machines - I always love those.

As a bit of an animation fanatic, I was very pleasantly surprised with what they achieved given the budget they had.

For me the direction of the animation was the only big faux pas. I almost spat out my drink in laughter when they they were talking about wine and they did a half second cutaway to the table with a bottle of wine standing on it. The cutaway to eye shots were totally unnecessary, and the eye shots in general shouldn't have been there. Rapid fire cuts in the middle of a conversation were also an issue. Not sure if doing these things are cheaper then just staying with the characters normally given they're using a new process, but it certainly wasn't pleasant.

But when they were doing the standard shots, it looked really rather good, the art was superb and the animation of it pretty decent. Was very happy with it overall.


Doctor Who cartoon pitch?

The artist used to work on the new thundercats series.

Well, what was close to happening didn't. Since the BBC eventually passed on, you will be rewarded with! This is the pitch poster I had only 7 hours to do. Starting to with first Doctor, the series would have touched on all the versions and filled in some gaps.







Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I've actually had the idea of a Doctor Who Animated Series rolling around in my head. Problem: I can't animate, and it would probably be expensive. But it would allow for more stories, certain stories to be shorter (a lot of the classic series can get padded) and allow for multi-Doctor crossovers since the only thing needed is the voice actor.

Sucks that it almost happened and the BBC said no. Bah!
I'd love it if BBC could animate the 8th Doctor Big Finish stuff, make them canon or something, just to give us something official to latch onto for the 8th
Wow, looks great.

There was a rumour last year that there was going to be an animated special for the anniversary, I guess that's not happening now.
Second Doctor book & author revealed:

Written by Michael Scott, the author of the Nicholas Flamel range of children's books. He said: "Everyone has their "own" Doctor – usually the one they first started watching. Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor, was mine and so writing this story was an opportunity to revisit a really important part of my childhood. There are elements of Patrick Troughton in every Doctor who followed – that's how influential and important he is."

It's called 'The Nameless City' - Blurb:
When Jamie McCrimmon brings the Second Doctor a mysterious book, little does he realise the danger contained within its pages. The book transports the TARDIS to a terrifying glass city on a distant world, where the Archons are intent on getting revenge on the Time Lord for an ancient grudge.


I am not normally the kind to buy prints, but I would buy a colored print of that ten doctor lineup. Especially if they added Smith.
Second Doctor book & author revealed:

Written by Michael Scott, the author of the Nicholas Flamel range of children's books. He said: "Everyone has their "own" Doctor – usually the one they first started watching. Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor, was mine and so writing this story was an opportunity to revisit a really important part of my childhood. There are elements of Patrick Troughton in every Doctor who followed – that's how influential and important he is."

It's called 'The Nameless City' - Blurb:
When Jamie McCrimmon brings the Second Doctor a mysterious book, little does he realise the danger contained within its pages. The book transports the TARDIS to a terrifying glass city on a distant world, where the Archons are intent on getting revenge on the Time Lord for an ancient grudge.

Well, he's nailed the feel of the Second Doctor's era with the synopsis alone.

Colfer's book suffered for not feeling at all like Hartnell's Doctor; jumping over rooftops, hitting baddies with his bionic hand and all.


Second Doctor book & author revealed:

Written by Michael Scott, the author of the Nicholas Flamel range of children's books. He said: "Everyone has their "own" Doctor – usually the one they first started watching. Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor, was mine and so writing this story was an opportunity to revisit a really important part of my childhood. There are elements of Patrick Troughton in every Doctor who followed – that's how influential and important he is."

It's called 'The Nameless City' - Blurb:
When Jamie McCrimmon brings the Second Doctor a mysterious book, little does he realise the danger contained within its pages. The book transports the TARDIS to a terrifying glass city on a distant world, where the Archons are intent on getting revenge on the Time Lord for an ancient grudge.

So... The Doctor is Atrus?


Matt Smith to star in Ryan Gosling pic
'Dr. Who' thesp takes male lead in Ryan Gosling's helming debut

"Dr. Who" star Matt Smith is ready to cross the Atlantic to make his U.S. acting debut, taking the male lead in the Ryan Gosling-directed pic "How to Catch a Monster."
Pic currently stars Christina Hendricks and Eva Mendes, and will mark Gosling's directing debut.

Marc Platt and Adam Siegel will produce on behalf of Marc Platt Prods., along with Gosling via his Phantasma Films banner, and Michel Litvak and David Lancaster via the Bold Films banner.

Story is set against the surreal dreamscape of a vanishing city and centered on a single mother of two being swept into a macabre and dark fantasy underworld while her teenage son discovers a secret road leading to an underwater town. Production is set to start this spring.

The UTA and Troika-epped Smith has starred in a handful of BBC and British productions but never a stateside movie.

His third season of playing the Doctor recently wrapped and he also recently directed the short film "Cargese" for Sky Arts series Playhouse Presents.

Gap between seasons or the end of 11?

Rumours of a New Years' Day or anniversary regeneration feeling more and more likely, it seems.

This does confirm something else: That movie is due to start filming in May. There's 100% no chance for more than one special this year, and that tallies with that leaflet from character options (the Who toy licensor) at that toy fair. Looks like it'll be 7b, the 50th and then nothing else other than Christmas... The other question to raise is if Moffat will go with Smith or stick around. While they've done fewer episodes thanks to production problems, Moffat has done as long as RTD now, and must be knackered.
Yep, I'm starting to feel Smith won't be the Doctor this time next year.


EDIT: Couple this with the announcement that Toby Whithouse's Being Human is coming to an end in a few weeks, and it feels like the stars are aligning to me...
What else did you think "Fall of Eleventh" meant? Unless you were expecting another "Metaphorical Moffatt" "Fall". So chances of a Doctor/Susan reuniting? That would be just as good as a multi-Doctor story to me, and I'm not even a big ClassicWho fan.

EDIT: Oh okay, so it's a Docu-Drama. Still kind of cool I guess.
Time to start the crazy predictions for Doctor 12! Idris Elba or Michael Fassbender, take your pick.

Female Doctor played by Catherine Tate (DONNA) who has been cured of her brainexploding disease, but also possessed entirely by the Doctor's personality. The companion will be this guy;


JGL for companion and Nolan as showrunner.


Pardon me while I, along with the rest of Great Britain, vomit, good sir.
But seriously, get Chiwetel Ejiofor in. His time will come yet!

Or, if it is to be Whithouse's show next year, Damien Moloney will do nicely, thank you.
When the hype around Peterson Joseph as the 11th Doctor was in full force I didn't quite get it. Since then I've seen his performance in Peep Show and I'd love to see him get his chance as the 12th.

It's always dangerous casting The Doctor because you want someone who has the time to devote to the role and someone who will stick around for a few years. Cumberbatch and Freeman are great casting for Sherlock but fitting in three 90 minute episodes a year is proving difficult.
When the hype around Peterson Joseph as the 11th Doctor was in full force I didn't quite get it. Since then I've seen his performance in Peep Show and I'd love to see him get his chance as the 12th.

Oh Christ, I remember that.

I'm pretty sure Survivors got heavily inflated figures that year because of the Doctor Who fans watching to assess his Doctorishness.
12th Doctor wantlist, eh?

I want another old guy. He doesn't even have to be an asshole. I just want them to buck the trend of pretty boys yet still get solid ratings.

…nah, it's not even that. I've been marathoning "Batman Beyond", and it's been pretty eye opening watching Bruce Wayne as an octogenarian. I think it'd be nice to have an oldish doctor who can't run like he used to but remembers how active he used to be. It would be interesting to see how he copes and how he handles "Modern Who" scenarios. First Doctor had a lot of very slow moving enemies and a ton of padding time to think about how to solve the Problem of the Week. What happens now when he find a giant, meat eating dinosaur running at him?

This'd also be an excellent chance for them to exercise the option of removing some of the baggage that recent series have introduced, like the Doctor as God trope. I wouldn't mind if they dialed back his solutions from "Magical nonsense explanation pulled from butt" to "Really clever idea based on things that actually happened during the episode and could be thought up by an extremely smart human in real life if they had a few weeks to work on it".

Also, this wouldn't be a bad opportunity to bring back Jack for a while. The guy's been hurting, and he needs a father figure to help grow his character.

edit: how in the world did I typo "Wayne" as "Man"? Oh, wait, I see it now.
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