As part of the BBC’s blockbuster celebrations to mark the Doctor turning 50, fans will be able to see the Time Lord and his adventures like never before – in 3D! To be broadcast using some of the BBC’s HD capacity, Steven Moffat, lead writer and executive producer, said: “It’s about time. Technology has finally caught up with Doctor Who and your television is now bigger on the inside. A whole new dimension of adventure for the Doctor to explore.
Huzzah! This puts some wind into the potential spoiler ofas the season finale. That was pictured as part of new toy sets, includinga massive Dalek invasion of London60s-era style Dalek flight platforms and Big Ben with Dalek guns attached to each side of it. What wasn't clear was if this was just an original toy or related to the series. The set was shown alongside an Angels in Manhattan set, the new design Cyberman and some Ice Warriors stuff - the fact they're in now makes the rest shown in those toys, like the Dalek invasion, more likely.
Also: Miracle Day may be the worst execution of a potentially dynamite concept ever.
Oh that would explode some heads everywhere if that was how they play this out. Doctor companions with his future self... Oh [time] lordy...
Thetoy was pulled from display after day one, Dalek stuff wasn't.Ice Warrior
If you look back in this thread, I actually proposed this scenario: Doctor teams with a female companion who is later revealed to be his own future regeneration.
I still think it's a brilliant idea.
Oh good, piss money away on 3D. More wonderful management from the BBC.
(I'm not getting bitter over corporate treatment, honest. Just give me a big block of episodes, no dicking around)
I know. Maybe use some of that movie to film more than five goddamn episodes a year.
Moffat's series has had 14 episodes filmed every year, with a six month break after series 6. That aside, this is all perfectly standard.
There's plainly... something going on behind the scenes this year, whether it's a Doctor transition, a showrunner transition or whatever it turns out to be. Budget might play its part in that, but I have my doubts that that's the biggest single factor.
I wonder what the chances are of the Special getting to American theaters? DW has gotten bigger in the US in the last few years, and I don't have a 3D TV.
I'd imagine it'll be a special engagement thing at a couple chain theaters. Maybe. But not a wide release.
This seems like an amazing waste of money on the BBC's part.
3d done right is glorious. Post converted is a waste of time.![]()
I despise 3d![]()
If you look back in this thread, I actually proposed this scenario: Doctor teams with a female companion who is later revealed to be his own future regeneration.
I still think it's a brilliant
I don't want a female Doctor, and here's why: I love the Doctor for being one of the few iconic male heroes who acts purely off of his wits. No guns, no swords, no magic, usually no womanising, and certainly no gratuitous violence. I think it's good to have that super morally sound character for young boys growing up, it's an important antidote to the likes of Batman or James Bond who, at the end of the day, are going to win the day by punching someone. Plus it adds variety. And let's be honest, I think as time goes by, we're going to get a lot less of those kind of male characters... and the heroines of popular culture are more likely to follow the lead of the Doctor than that of Bruce Wayne, really.
The role is indeed easily adaptable to suit a female lead, but I'm really against that happening. It's unnecessary and I think lessens the importance of the character (that sounds horrible but I think it shouldn't be in the context of what I just said).
You can't even say you're doing it to get more female interest, considering Who probably has the most even gender split of any sci-fi going, if I had to wager.
Or maybe it'd be a simple attempt to be reasonably inclusive. Frankly I hope they do it just to piss off gender essentialists, but I doubt that argument holds weight at any level of the BBC.
I dunno man, two people who are already irrationally livid at the idea just posted right above my post. One of them's even you.
If it were to be done the right way? Absolutely. Under Moffatt I predict we'd have a femme fatale who made a constant stream of sexual innuendos/puns and wore incredibly revealing yet eccentric outfits though.
Haha, wasn't the 30th anniversary "special" 3D too?
That seems about as necessarily true as Moffat having a male Doctor and making him Jack.MasterBalls said:If it were to be done the right way? Absolutely. Under Moffatt I predict we'd have a femme fatale who made a constant stream of sexual innuendos/puns and wore incredibly revealing yet eccentric outfits though.
You forgot: "who is incredibly vulnerable and madly in love with the (male) protagonist under her devil-may-care, tough facade". I'm pretty sure Moffat would never go for a female Doctor anyway, for this very reason.
That seems about as necessarily true as Moffat having a male Doctor and making him Jack.
I despise 3d![]()
Irrational? Livid? Definitely not. Confused, perhaps. It's been established in canon
I dunno man, two people who are already irrationally livid at the idea just posted right above my post. One of them's even you.
I dunno man, two people who are already irrationally livid at the idea just posted right above my post. One of them's even you.
You forgot: "who is incredibly vulnerable and madly in love with the (male) protagonist under her devil-may-care, tough facade". I'm pretty sure Moffat would never go for a female Doctor anyway, for this very reason.
Not sure on the exact date, I think late 2009, my wife and I embarked on a Who marathon from An Unearthly Child up to whatever the latest New Who episode would be at the time. I did a quick run through a couple of years previously.
Took us a while to get through the 60s, because there's a lot of episodes and we watched the recons for the missing episodes. We started the Tom Baker years in the autumn of last year and we've just finished the Key to Time season (Season 16, 78-79).
I want to get through them all (including new Who) before the anniversary. It's been interesting seeing how the show changes throughout the years... not looking forward to the 80s...
I was properly attempting to do this, then I realised the UK Netflix only has up to Patrick Troughton. But the US has more... what the fuck BBC? Show a little patriotism!
and don't think he would relate as much if the Doctor were female.
Have you considered that this is a thing that's probably true of half the audience of Doctor Who as it stands?
At any rate, livid may have been glib, but I stand firmly by irrational. You have reasons, but they're rooted in emotional reactions and not rational ones. One of you doesn't want the Doctor to be female because, in spite of the show saying clearly that Time Lords can change gender in regeneration and accepting that, you believe that The Doctor's gender is essential to his nature. The other doesn't want him to be female because you don't want to lose some kind of exclusive hold on relating to the Doctor you currently feel you have. Neither of those are rational reasons for wanting him to not change.
And male protagonists will never ever go away. They are not a disappearing species in need of protection.