Can't wait for him to say "GERONIMO" and regenerate into Steve McFadden
Regenerate into Inferior Mitchell? Disgusting. It'll be Ross Kemp.
Or Barbara Windsor.
Can't wait for him to say "GERONIMO" and regenerate into Steve McFadden
Boo.More likely something like "Don't move, wait right there" and then *poof*
Isn't Matt signed through next year?
I kinda hope he regenerates back into Tennant.
The Rumours:
Pretty reliable site Blogtor Who said they'd been told the special would be called 'The Eleven Doctors' and would feature at least some past Doctors, if not some clever way of featuring them all. They also said Matt would then regenerate at Christmas. Separately, another source who has previously been correct with information said he'd regenerate at New Year as part of a two-part Holiday special set, like with Tennant.
If I were Moffat, and evil (those terms may be synonymous), I'd title the episode "The Eleven Doctors", do that in all the promotion, and then, just as the title fades into view in the episode itself, morph "Eleven" into "Twelve".
Then sit back as Gallifrey Base explodes.
Do people not like Tennant?
People dislike the constant moaning of people who think he's better than Smith. It's been 3 years people!
People dislike the constant moaning of people who think he's better than Smith. It's been 3 years people!
I still think it would be cool, but impossible, for them to cast Twelve and keep it absolutely secret until it airs. Then just BAM! Here is Twelve. No warning. No build up. Just drop it on us.
Asking for him back full-time in more than a brief special cameo is a whole new level of stupid, but people are entitled to prefer him and his Doctor if that's how they feel. There's plenty of people who still prefer T. Baker, or Eccleston, or Davison - and they all "had their time" as well. That's normal, isn't it? Sean Connery "had his time" as Bond, but I still prefer him to Daniel Craig, even if now is "his" time.
I suppose this is down to the Tennant-to-Smith wound being more raw because both have been first Doctors for an incredibly large audience. Also in the UK at least Tennant was and still is the most popular Doctor since Tom Baker, and people in the fandom are glaringly aware and far too concerned of that. Smith's fell short of people's choice awards Tennant won and so on, even though he is amazing and just as good as Tennant, if not better. To be honest, I think Tennant's time winning more awards, being more under press scrutiny and having higher consolidated UK ratings is more to do with the way the show was ran then him. Moffat's era is differently run, and a little less 'event tv' as a result, that's all. The fact that at that time elements of Doctor Who were getting as many column inches in The Sun as The X Factor was an anomaly.
That particular fact makes for a bit of a case against bringing Tennant back for the anniversary, while I'd like to see it. You can learn from history a bit - when they did "The Five Doctors" it originally had Tom Baker's Doctor in it - and like with Smith/Tennnant, it was only a few years removed from when Baker had regenerated. Davison was well settled and had a fanbase and identity all of his own, but the shadow Baker's era and popularity cast was massive. It was still at the forefront of people's minds, including the writer. The climactic moments of the story and the resolution of the plot in the original script all went to Baker's Doctor, not Davison's - even though this was Davison's era!
Thankfully, Baker refused to take part. He was at the time trying to escape the shadow of the role himself. Those major moments in the script were switched over to Davison, the current Doctor - the way it should've been from the start. Baker does appear in the story, but using unused clips from an abandoned story from his era, written round quite cleverly. I'm sure Moffat is smarter than that, but even so the case of what The Five Doctors almost was shows how slippery that slope can be.
TLDR: Smith basically is Davison to Tennant's Baker, and those four are actually four of the best, period. Like Davison, I think Smith's Doctor actually has more substance than Baker/Tennant, but there's more to it than that, of course.
I agree. Would be cool, but will never happen. The show is too big of a thing for them to drop something like that, unfortunately we'll probably know months in advance who it'll be. Then we can have everyone throwing their arms up for a while saying that he won't be as good as the last one, then realising that he's better when we actually see them in the role.
But can you imagine if they did do that? Oh man. I would love to see it just for the reaction alone. Would be incredible.
The internet is a bit of a bummer for things like this. That said, I could count the amount of Moffatt rumors that turned out to be true on one hand. He's really unpredictable so it leaves open this weird thing where any rumor could potentially be true.
Agreed. I also think that, on the surface, Eleven and Ten aren't hugely different. They're both the same side of the goofy/wacky spectrum, with Tennant being a little bit more poe-faced (though Smith has his moments). It's miles away from the contrast between Eccleston and Smith, which makes it a shame that Eccleston seems so set on coming back. I don't think he's made any recent comments, but he's most likely very busy with Thor 2.
Paul McGann seems very eager to come back, and why not. He never really got a chance, and he's not been relegated to Peter Cushing levels of non-canon. Sylvester McCoy I think, could also return. He was fairly old when he took the role, and a bit of makeup and black hair dye could make him look roughly the same.
The internet is a bit of a bummer for things like this. That said, I could count the amount of Moffatt rumors that turned out to be true on one hand. He's really unpredictable so it leaves open this weird thing where any rumor could potentially be true.
Would the BBC even allow something of this magnitude though? Especially with the impact it'd have on the "brand". I can see something like this going down particularly badly in America, for example. With an announcement in advance, while everyone's throwing a hissy fit they're still watching the show for the person they like now, and then by the time the regeneration comes around everyone's sort of resigned to it, and intrigued about how it'll all happen, and they give it a shot. I can see a large portion of relatively new fans switching off if the Doctor they like, their first Doctor, is suddenly replaced without warning.
But can you imagine if they did do that? Oh man. I would love to see it just for the reaction alone. Would be incredible.
I kinda hope he regenerates back into Tennant.
I kinda hope he regenerates into Jenna-Louise Coleman.
A female doctor would be a game-changer and from the limited amount I've seen of her in Who, I can't see why she can't pull it off.
Eccleston seems to have mellowed about the whole thing now. There's a video on YouTube of him being asked about it early in 2012 about an anniversary return he grinned and said "if I told you I'd have to kill you," where in the past he'd just get irritated and sort of passive-aggressively say "I loved the role, but it's over for me now." I wouldn't write Eccleston off. Thor 2 wrapped in December, and even with pick ups and extras and so on he'll be free as a bird in April.
Ever since that TV movie was announced I've been wondering if they'd try to get a twofer either on actors or recreated sets/props by also using them for proper fictional purposes.If true, this means they've recast two of the three Doctors no longer with us... they could easily be used elsewhere, hm?
I wouldn't want to be that person. It's hard enough for a new actor to claim such a big role and really get into their own style. So to have their first appearance be in such a big event when there will likely be multiple people already established in the role around? Hard shoes to be in.I am willing to bet HARD FUCKING CASH the 12th Doctor makes his debut in the 50th Anniversary special, with Matt regenerating into 12 in the New Year.
They managed to keep Oswin a secret until it aired. I could see them keeping a new Doctor a secret. Film the regeneration scene with minimal crew. Less people to leak it.
And while the months of build up to a regeneration does get press, it would be nowhere near as much press if they did a surprise regeneration and then took a long break. Just have people reeling and speculating for months before it finally shows what happens after the regeneration.
Oswin wasn't a total secret though, Jenna was announced as being the new companion before she appeared in that episode. It's one thing to introduce an announced character early as a surprise, it's another to have a regeneration without anyone finding out they've cast a new Doctor until it airs.
They managed to keep Oswin a secret until it aired. I could see them keeping a new Doctor a secret. Film the regeneration scene with minimal crew. Less people to leak it.
And while the months of build up to a regeneration does get press, it would be nowhere near as much press if they did a surprise regeneration and then took a long break. Just have people reeling and speculating for months before it finally shows what happens after the regeneration.
I'd honestly be happy with a Jack return. Moffat introduced the character, get him back from America and integrate your spinoffs dammit!
Yes I was bummed that capt jack was not on demons run
ButI'd honestly be happy with a Jack return. Moffat introduced the character, get him back from America and integrate your spinoffs dammit!
How is that possible?Confirmation of something that's been known for a while Series 7 episode spoiler:Ice Warriors are back
Butwhat about the guy that Jack made immortal?
Confirmation of something that's been known for a while Series 7 episode spoiler:Ice Warriors are back
True, but![]()
I really hate what they've done with Torchwood.
I kinda hope he regenerates into Jenna-Louise Coleman.
A female doctor would be a game-changer and from the limited amount I've seen of her in Who, I can't see why she can't pull it off.
They could just bring Jenny back.Damn-that actually would be a twist people wouldn't see coming...
They could just bring Jenny back.
it's never happening
even 50 years from now when somebody who saw that episode as their first ever episode of Doctor Who is running the show, Jenny is never coming back EVER
the character has literally nothing going for her except that her actress was hot
get over it, people
Why? A pretty clone of The Doctor who is unceremoniously dubbed his daughter? Best left forgotten.They could just bring Jenny back.
The only thing lamer than having the Doctor drag his kid around on his adventures would be if he had a robot dog or something.
Why? A pretty clone of The Doctor who is unceremoniously dubbed his daughter? Best left forgotten.
I really hate what they've done with Torchwood.
I think it'd be pretty easy to pretend Miracle Day never happened, right?
It's what I do.
Confirmation of something that's been known for a while Series 7 episode spoiler:Ice Warriors are back