I'm starting to think I might just be over this show in its current incarnation. This entire half of the season hasn't really done anything for me at all.
I think it might be time for Smith/Moffat to go.
I'm feeling this way too.
I like Clara, but as people in here have said, she's kinda blank. So far, it could just as easily be Amy in her position saying and doing everything she does. The difference being Clara hasn't got stuff like the Amy/Rory/Doctor love triangle, the crack in her bedroom wall, and the 'raggedy man' memory from her childhood, to help give her depth and be an interesting character.
All we have from Clara is the fact that she keeps coming back in different time periods and she keeps dying. It just isn't interesting enough as an arc to last an entire season.
Also just in terms of the stories it seems like the last 3 or 4 episodes have been 'locked in a single space with a creature stalking people in the darkness' type episodes. Seriously, we had the fire things in last weeks, the weird Dead Space thing in the forest, then there was the submarine episode. (I haven't watched the latest one yet).
I hope it picks up.