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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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If you like your theories cheap and baseless, then sure!
So a regular Who finale then. It's at least better than the
Clara being shattered across time and saving the Doctor's life a bazillion times
rumor going around. Plus we've had humanoid TARDISes (TARDII?) in the expanded universe so it wouldn't be a first.

It would be. Would explain why Sexy doesn't like Clara all that much too.

I liked the theory that the Doctor had locked her out of the TARDIS so he could spy on her more though.
So a regular Who finale then. It's at least better than the
Clara being shattered across time and saving the Doctor's life a bazillion times
rumor going around. Plus we've had humanoid TARDISes (TARDII?) in the expanded universe so it wouldn't be a first.

I honestly don't see how that's better.


I honestly don't see how that's better.

Probably just personal preference then. Maybe I'm just getting tired of the Companion yet again being absolutely integral in saving Earth/Time/Reality from invasion and/or utter destruction. It's like each subsequent Companion has to outdo the previous one in sheer cosmic importance.
I miss season-wide storytelling. Not necessarily multi-part episodes, though those were fun sometimes too, but I mean a prominent constant theme or plot through the whole season. Obviously the mystery of his name and Clara are there but they're totally background throwaway things it seems, with each episode being its own self-contained story and nothing really driving things forward. :(
Probably just personal preference then. Maybe I'm just getting tired of the Companion yet again being absolutely integral in saving Earth/Time/Reality from invasion and/or utter destruction. It's like each subsequent Companion has to outdo the previous one in sheer cosmic importance.

I think her being the TARDIS is pretty much that though, it would make her incredibly important, integral even. How do you write off a character like that?
Looking at Mark Gatiss' twitter account really is a tour de force. Somebody just wrote:

"Why did you write the Doctor sexually assaulting Jenny?!"

Because of the boner gag? Holy shit, dude.
Look, Twitter person, we've all accepted that there are occasionally problematic elements to the portrayal of women in Moffat's series. You don't have to start making shit up on top of it.


I think her being the TARDIS is pretty much that though, it would make her incredibly important, integral even. How do you write off a character like that?

Not the TARDIS. I'm fine with her being or becoming a TARDIS and going off to see the universe at her leisure. A bit akin to Jenny if you would but instead of being put on a bus, she becomes the bus.

Not that it is ever going to happen.


Looking at Mark Gatiss' twitter account really is a tour de force. Somebody just wrote:

"Why did you write the Doctor sexually assaulting Jenny?!"

Because of the boner gag? Holy shit, dude.

Think they're referring to him grabbing and kissing her. Still stupid though.
Look, Twitter person, we've all accepted that there are occasionally problematic elements to the portrayal of women in Moffat's series. You don't have to start making shit up on top of it.


Its so tiring at this point. People have it in for the era and will find fucking anything to complain about.


I'm more hoping that the pictures at the end lead to a Doctor/Clara confrontation, perhaps with a throwback to the reset(?) in Journey. He might just say they must end up visiting London later on, but if it sparks a memory, then who knows. Could do nicely to tie into the finale and 50th.

Theory: At the start of the story, the Doctor was aiming for Victorian London and hit Victorian Yorkshire instead. Maybe the Doctor was aiming for Victorian London precisely *so* he'd have a ready explanation if Clara found evidence of her Victorian incarnation.


napkin dispenser
there needs to be more to Clara to explain how she ended up as a Dalek.

Ahem, guess you missed the spoilers.


Dalek Invasion; 2075AD and the Daleks have invaded Earth once more. Using their mighty Saucer ships they bombard London driving the surviving population underground. Once they land, the Daleks patrol the ground looking for survivors in the rubble to either exterminate or transform into their puppets using Dalek nanocloud technology. In the skies the Daleks use long range ‘Hoverbout’ Anti-gravity disks to pursue the resistance. The TARDIS materialises near to a Trans-Sys matter transmission station in Hyde Park and the Doctor realises that he will need all his resources to once again defeat his oldest enemies and save the Earth from destruction. The future of the human race hangs in the balance.
Not the TARDIS. I'm fine with her being or becoming a TARDIS and going off to see the universe at her leisure. A bit akin to Jenny if you would but instead of being put on a bus, she becomes the bus.

Not that it is ever going to happen.

So far, this is gradually becoming the most particularly interesting solution for me, especially since "she's a TARDIS" explains her "taking care of younger beings" modus, can lead to a clean departure that isn't quite as bittersweet as Donna or Rory's end, and can very nicely lead into a new storytelling branch where the Doctor realizes that there's another Chronarch out there and gets to spend some time tracking the mysteriously hidden Gallifreyan.

Man, I really like the word "Chronarch" now. Also, no, not the Rani. :p
Hurt: I'm The Doctor

Matt Smith: DOCTOR WHO???

Roll Credits

That makes sense and the importance of
The Question
would come full circle from last season's finale. I think everything is coming together now.

Yeah, true. I'd blocked The Next Doctor from my mind.

Something would need to happen to make the audience believe that
John Hurt is really The Doctor

He shows up in the Doctor's TARDIS.


I loved Crimson Horror. Seeing Vastra/Jenny/Strax again was fun. Tom Tom joke was a groaner, but cute. Strax stole every goddamn scene he was in. Loved the throwaway reference to the 5th Doctor (the bit about getting an Australian to Heathrow).

Clara is adorable, but she's even more useless than Martha (who at least got to use her nurse training on occasion). The only episode where she has been well used has been Asylum, and part of that was because she seemed to know him already, but the episodes seem to have done nothing to hint as to why that might be. I have a thin hope that the final episodes will reveal some subtle strand running through the episodes that culminate in a mindfuck of "Reichenbach Falls" proportions, but frankly I'm not holding my breath.

For all of RTD's faults, he was good about dropping hints and making viewers feel smart for noticing them and anticipating the payoff.


For all of RTD's faults, he was good about dropping hints and making viewers feel smart for noticing them and anticipating the payoff.

Felt like RTD was trying a bit too hard to hammer those hints at times. Bad Wolf was great, Torchwood was okay, Saxon was good, missing bees was trying a bit too hard, four knocks was also good.

Bad Wolf was great, because there was no context at all.

Torchwood wasn't as grand as Bad Wolf, but the pieces were certainly put in place and you knew exactly what it was after being brought up in Tooth and Claw.

Saxon was good. You had this nondescript person people are voting for who turned out to be this big thing.

Missing bees was hardly brought up, ended up being sidestepped by Bad Wolf again.

Four knocks was also good. The way it ends up playing off was great.

Let's not start this RTD vs. Moffat thing again.


LastWhovian is too damn good at this.

Dude this is the best.

I've been trying to get my best mate to watch seasons 5-7 for the longest time now. She's STILL devestated over Tennet's departure and refuses to watch Matt Smith. Well if I show her this trailer she's going to fold now!

no spoilers ;)

This mainly reminded me of how much I like the Cybermen theme they did, especially the very strings-heavy versions they did of it in this episode. I wonder if it'll be checked this week? The Dalek themes have been one of the musical elements to remain consistent in Moffat's run from RTD's... always did love in particular how right after the 'evolution' when the Doctor talks to them through the TARDIS comms and they say Bracewell is a bomb they use the same theme they used for the Cult of Skaro, as if to say 'yeah, this is staying the same.'

Thinking about music, I do miss the old Doctor's Theme. I hope it crops back up with Tennant in the 50th. It's inexplicably shown up in new arrangements twice in Smith's time, but never actually got used more heavily.
In fairness to the missing bees, it ends up bee-ing (HA HA HA) key - without that, they'd never have found Earth in the first place, rendering everything else moot. The Stolen Earth moves awfully quickly, though, and just how important that fact is ends up being glossed over with Tennant doing is happy-shouty voice about finding earth.


I thought the recurring phrase in Series 4 was missing planets. Never noticed any mention of missing bees except for the last arc.


I've been thinking, wtf was up with the whole 'the Doctor can never see Rory and Amy again' thing?

Sure he can't fly to 50s New York, but both of them will probably live for another 35 years at least, and they're both capable of leaving New York.

I mean a few episodes ago didn't end up having to travel from the North Pole to the South Pole without the Tardis or something, in the 80s? They're both probably still alive then, there is nothing to stop him seeing them on the way.

I wish they'd just decided to stop travelling, maybe adopted a kid or something, and maybe from then on had cameos every now and then. This makes no sense


I've been thinking, wtf was up with the whole 'the Doctor can never see Rory and Amy again' thing?

Sure he can't fly to 50s New York, but both of them will probably live for another 35 years at least, and they're both capable of leaving New York.

I mean a few episodes ago didn't end up having to travel from the North Pole to the South Pole without the Tardis or something, in the 80s? They're both probably still alive then, there is nothing to stop him seeing them on the way.

I wish they'd just decided to stop travelling, maybe adopted a kid or something, and maybe from then on had cameos every now and then. This makes no sense

Wasn't it that their story is written and it doesn't include the Doctor, so he can't cross into their timeline because paradox?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I've been thinking, wtf was up with the whole 'the Doctor can never see Rory and Amy again' thing?

Sure he can't fly to 50s New York, but both of them will probably live for another 35 years at least, and they're both capable of leaving New York.

I mean a few episodes ago didn't end up having to travel from the North Pole to the South Pole without the Tardis or something, in the 80s? They're both probably still alive then, there is nothing to stop him seeing them on the way.

I wish they'd just decided to stop travelling, maybe adopted a kid or something, and maybe from then on had cameos every now and then. This makes no sense
It's the flimsiest hand-wave in 11's run to me. I personally consider the Doctor dropping them at a new home in God Complex because he was afraid of putting them in more danger, and so they can live the rest of their life as a normal couple to be the real ending of Rory and Amy's companion story. Interesting development for the Doctor and a quiet goodbye where they keep being the Doctor's family for holiday dinners.

I enjoy Angels Take Manhattan because of the emotional payoff and the acting, but the conclusion of the plot just leaves that nagging feeling. Also, this scene should have made it in.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I love it on an emotional level (I cried irl!), but I don't consider it a perfect send off because of the plot being unnecessarily forced. The very fabric of Doctor Who is prone to handwaving and deus ex machinas, but once in a while there will be one that's harder to swallow, particularly so when it's a big deal and relates to not one but two huge characters.

I'm not even whining though, I'm over it by now. It's just that another friend that watches the show was talking about this very thing last week and the discussion was still fresh in my mind lol.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The emotional part of it was ruined for me by the suddenness of it. Just "whew, everything is fine now, we escaped, SUDDENLY ANGEL OH NO THEY ARE GONE FOREVER IN ABOUT TEN SECONDS"
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