Well that would be interesting.
It would be. Would explain why Sexy doesn't like Clara all that much too. But I hope that's not all there is too it, there needs to be more to Clara to explain how she ended up as a Dalek.
So a regular Who finale then. It's at least better than theIf you like your theories cheap and baseless, then sure!
It would be. Would explain why Sexy doesn't like Clara all that much too.
So a regular Who finale then. It's at least better than therumor going around. Plus we've had humanoid TARDISes (TARDII?) in the expanded universe so it wouldn't be a first.Clara being shattered across time and saving the Doctor's life a bazillion times
I honestly don't see how that's better.
Probably just personal preference then. Maybe I'm just getting tired of the Companion yet again being absolutely integral in saving Earth/Time/Reality from invasion and/or utter destruction. It's like each subsequent Companion has to outdo the previous one in sheer cosmic importance.
Looking at Mark Gatiss' twitter account really is a tour de force. Somebody just wrote:
"Why did you write the Doctor sexually assaulting Jenny?!"
Because of the boner gag? Holy shit, dude.
I think her being the TARDIS is pretty much that though, it would make her incredibly important, integral even. How do you write off a character like that?
Looking at Mark Gatiss' twitter account really is a tour de force. Somebody just wrote:
"Why did you write the Doctor sexually assaulting Jenny?!"
Because of the boner gag? Holy shit, dude.
Look, Twitter person, we've all accepted that there are occasionally problematic elements to the portrayal of women in Moffat's series. You don't have to start making shit up on top of it.
Think they're referring to him grabbing and kissing her. Still stupid though.
I'm more hoping that the pictures at the end lead to a Doctor/Clara confrontation, perhaps with a throwback to the reset(?) in Journey. He might just say they must end up visiting London later on, but if it sparks a memory, then who knows. Could do nicely to tie into the finale and 50th.
Lest we forget not even married men can escape the Doctor's harassment.
there needs to be more to Clara to explain how she ended up as a Dalek.
Supposedly the preview discs sent out to the media for the finale have the last 5 minutes removed.
surprise Eccleston cameo, BELIEVE
We already know Tennant is in the finale-
he is?
Not the TARDIS. I'm fine with her being or becoming a TARDIS and going off to see the universe at her leisure. A bit akin to Jenny if you would but instead of being put on a bus, she becomes the bus.
Not that it is ever going to happen.
Yeah, probably be Tennant or.John Hurt
I like the idea of the latter showing up and saying (Potential Finale spoilers)END CREDITS.Hello! I'm the Doctor!
Hurt: I'm The Doctor
Matt Smith: DOCTOR WHO???
Roll Credits
Hurt: I'm The Doctor
Matt Smith: DOCTOR WHO???
Roll Credits
Yeah, true. I'd blocked The Next Doctor from my mind.
Something would need to happen to make the audience believe that.John Hurt is really The Doctor
For all of RTD's faults, he was good about dropping hints and making viewers feel smart for noticing them and anticipating the payoff.
LastWhovian is too damn good at this.
It was also rolled over by sticking a Rose appearance in almost every episode.Missing bees was hardly brought up, ended up being sidestepped by Bad Wolf again.
I've been thinking, wtf was up with the whole 'the Doctor can never see Rory and Amy again' thing?
Sure he can't fly to 50s New York, but both of them will probably live for another 35 years at least, and they're both capable of leaving New York.
I mean a few episodes ago didn't end up having to travel from the North Pole to the South Pole without the Tardis or something, in the 80s? They're both probably still alive then, there is nothing to stop him seeing them on the way.
I wish they'd just decided to stop travelling, maybe adopted a kid or something, and maybe from then on had cameos every now and then. This makes no sense
It's the flimsiest hand-wave in 11's run to me. I personally consider the Doctor dropping them at a new home in God Complex because he was afraid of putting them in more danger, and so they can live the rest of their life as a normal couple to be the real ending of Rory and Amy's companion story. Interesting development for the Doctor and a quiet goodbye where they keep being the Doctor's family for holiday dinners.I've been thinking, wtf was up with the whole 'the Doctor can never see Rory and Amy again' thing?
Sure he can't fly to 50s New York, but both of them will probably live for another 35 years at least, and they're both capable of leaving New York.
I mean a few episodes ago didn't end up having to travel from the North Pole to the South Pole without the Tardis or something, in the 80s? They're both probably still alive then, there is nothing to stop him seeing them on the way.
I wish they'd just decided to stop travelling, maybe adopted a kid or something, and maybe from then on had cameos every now and then. This makes no sense