You are absolutely kidding yourself if you don't think the character assassination that Moffat's had is far worse than RTD had on a personal level, though.
I mean, this was the bloke that huge swathes of fandom were instantly assuming was cheating on his wife with only the flimsiest of "evidence", simply because it "made sense".
Certain people still don't like Matt Smith, certain people by extension do not like the way Moffat runs shop and writes stories. Most of the time irrationally, though it doesn't help that during his tenure we've had things like the season splits (probably not his fault) and him closing down his Twitter account due to abuse from trolls (again, not his fault).
He comes off as quite an abrasive and brutally honest man in interviews, but honestly I prefer that. I suppose you can spin egomaniac fan fiction with what little exposure the guy gets, but it won't be a faithful interpretation. People want Moffat to leave? I guess when he finally does he'll be a little glad, I can't imagine another fanbase being so overtly hostile, Sherlocks certainly isn't towards him from what I've seen.
You are absolutely kidding yourself if you don't think the character assassination that Moffat's had is far worse than RTD had on a personal level, though.
I mean, this was the bloke that huge swathes of fandom were instantly assuming was cheating on his wife with only the flimsiest of "evidence", simply because it "made sense".
You are absolutely kidding yourself if you don't think the character assassination that Moffat's had is far worse than RTD had on a personal level, though.
I mean, this was the bloke that huge swathes of fandom were instantly assuming was cheating on his wife with only the flimsiest of "evidence", simply because it "made sense".
Well, people love a scandal, so of course people jumped on that shit. I think a lot of that is a load of old bollocks anyway. I think the stuff about him being a temper tantrum child is true, though, because the same was true of RTD and is true of many creatives. The extra-martial stuff was a step beyond, of course. A deal of it stems from frustration with his show running style, I suppose - fast and loose, unable to get a full series out, etc. People are looking for reasons and for people to blame.
RTD's tantrums never made it into Private Eye either, so I suppose that's one of the reasons it's worse/louder with Moffat; it's been legitimized by that, in a way. That plus the fact he has a blunt, slightly abrasive personality anyway - compared to RTD, who'd hoot and hollar and laugh with you and then privately write to Ben Cook saying he thought you were an arsehole - makes it easier for people to jump on him.
Petulant tantrums. Always effective for putting your point of view across, I find.
This is The Name of the Doctor leak all over again. The sheer petulance and entitlement issues that some are showing off is making me actively hope this won't leak. Good going.
I got the same impression. The Red Screwdriver had to be left in the database, or the Doctor left it behind on purpose as a memorial.
I don't remember in the episode or not, but was the Red setting screwdriver the same prop as Eleven's, just with a red LED, or was it a modified version of Ten's? What did it look like?
We're not going to see the trailer anytime soon. The BBC Tweet was a little pissy but I can look past it. We still have plenty of Doctor Who awesomeness coming this year. Including a new Doctor!
Well, people love a scandal, so of course people jumped on that shit. I think a lot of that is a load of old bollocks anyway. I think the stuff about him being a temper tantrum child is true, though, because the same was true of RTD and is true of many creatives. The extra-martial stuff was a step beyond, of course. A deal of it stems from frustration with his show running style, I suppose - fast and loose, unable to get a full series out, etc. People are looking for reasons and for people to blame.
RTD's tantrums never made it into Private Eye either, so I suppose that's one of the reasons it's worse/louder with Moffat; it's been legitimized by that, in a way. That plus the fact he has a blunt, slightly abrasive personality anyway - compared to RTD, who'd hoot and hollar and laugh with you and then privately write to Ben Cook saying he thought you were an arsehole - makes it easier for people to jump on him.
That's exactly my problem with all of this. Maybe Moffat really is an asshole, maybe he isn't. Who cares? I understand being interested in behind the scenes stuff, especially when there's not going to be any new episodes for a while, but a lot of the online fans (and it also happens a lot in this thread) just go on and on about all those crazy rumours about writers hating each other or producers not being happy with the BBC catering or whatever. All the stuff the Daily Mail thrives on. People are looking for controversy for the sake of controversy. Sometimes it's justified (I can totally understand frustration from viewers when seasons arrive later than promised or are split in two), sometimes it gets blown way out of proportion, like the Comic Con thing. In the end, all that happened was that whoever is in charge of the BBC twitter account wasn't as polite as he could have been in a tweet. I just think that all of this is sucking the fun out of the show honestly. I thought people were excited about the character of the Doctor and the type of adventures he had, not whether or not producer A called writer B a fart. And like someone above me said, I can't think another tv show where people go out of their way so much to look for controversy.
Anyway, as of this post I'm officially just a grumpy complainer myself, so this really was the last thing I'll say about it.
About those released pictures:
I think it's safe to assume, given where the story was going last season and the set design, that those Daleks are on Gallifrey? I honestly never expected them to show the Time War. There was that article in the Radio Times today or yesterday about how at least one of the classic Doctors is coming back - if they're really doing the Time War Paul McGann would make the most sense, which is awesome. But I honestly can't imagine them just bringing back McGann out of all the classic Doctors though, especially seeing as how all of them seem to want to do it - outside of Eccleston. McGann just doesn't seem iconic enough to represent the classic series on his own (as much as I love him). I honestly feel that it's more likely that we're getting all the (living) classic Doctors instead of just one.
I think, in the end, we'll get all the Doctors. Smith and Tennant leading the storyline together (and Hurt, I suppose). Maybe they'll join forces to try and go to a crucial point in the Time War - possibly McGann's regeneration into Hurt or something - to stop Hurt from doing whatever it is he's going to have to do. It'd be weird if they reset the events of the Time War, but I also can't imagine them ending with 'oh, he'll commit genocide anyway'. Not in a celebration episode like this. Perhaps it'll end with them working together to find a more peaceful solution to the Time War, which will mean the return of the Time Lords (which would the perfect excuse to start the next Doctor off with a storyline that's vastly different from those of the last three Doctors - maybe it'll include the Master or whatever). Someone who worked on the show (can't remember who) recently said that the script was excellent, but could be considered controversial. Permanently bringing back the Time Lords could do that, I guess?
I think that McCoy and both Bakers will appear as well, maybe in limited roles compared to the younger Doctors given their age and changed appearance. It's the Time War after all, lots of excuses to jump around in time (and don't forget, last season ended with the Doctor trapped in his own timeline). Maybe we'll get some glimpses of the first three Doctors as well, but I can't imagine their roles being as significant as the living Doctors. Can't imagine them being ignored either though.
I have a strong feeling that David Bradley will play the 1st in the 50th. At least a cameo appearance. It would be such a waste not to utilize him, especially when I get the impression he would be willing to do it.
I have a strong feeling that David Bradley will play the 1st in the 50th. At least a cameo appearance. It would be such a waste not to utilize him, especially when I get the impression he would be willing to do it.
I feel that if recasts were the direction they were going in, we'd have seen him - and Reece Sheersmith as Troughton - in the last episode instead of retooled footage/dialogue.
I feel that if recasts were the direction they were going in, we'd have seen him - and Reece Sheersmith as Troughton - in the last episode instead of retooled footage/dialogue.
Oh, and any theories on what monsters we'll be getting? So far we've got
Daleks and Zygons, the latter probably in a cameo role (there's no way they'll overshadow the Daleks)
. I'm guessing there will be more, especially if we're going to be
jumping around in the Doctor's timeline, as suggested by the end of the last series. Ooh, that reminds me of that 'paintings'-hint Matt Smith gave. Perhaps it refers to paintings in the National Gallery that are somehow all connected to an adventure the Doctor had in a previous life. It could turn into a road trip-movie where the Doctor visits all his past incarnations. Lots of different settings, lots of opportunities to bring different kinds of monsters back, the ability to jump from a scary storyline straight into a funny one... I think that could work!
Personally, I'm hoping Robot comes back. So happy I got to see that thing in real life.
I honestly think they just came to the conclusion that it was iffy in terms of being respectful. A lot of people regard the previous recasting of Hartnell as a mistake - RTD spoke negatively about it on a confidential once, for instance.
Oh, and any theories on what monsters we'll be getting? So far we've got
Daleks and Zygons, the latter probably in a cameo role (there's no way they'll overshadow the Daleks)
. I'm guessing there will be more, especially if we're going to be
jumping around in the Doctor's timeline, as suggested by the end of the last series. Ooh, that reminds me of that 'paintings'-hint Matt Smith gave. Perhaps it refers to paintings in the National Gallery that are somehow all connected to an adventure the Doctor had in a previous life. It could turn into a road trip-movie where the Doctor visits all his past incarnations. Lots of different settings, lots of opportunities to bring different kinds of monsters back, the ability to jump from a scary storyline straight into a funny one... I think that could work!
Personally, I'm hoping Robot comes back. So happy I got to see that thing in real life.
the Zygons will need a fairly full reintroduction. The Daleks clearly aren't on present-day Earth based on the shots, which is where it's largely set (UNIT involvement, the gallery, etc) so they'll be time war flashbacks. Daleks in flashbacks, Zygons as a wider framing device and exciting new baddie for the kids, but the real villain of the piece will be John Hurt. It's only an hour to 75 minutes, after all.
As an aside, there is this - posted on a Who forum by a guy who offered up a fair number of correct spoilers for 7b and had a very solid history prior to that as well - ie somebody with a fair bit of credibility:
Quick visit. Simply to convey that Im told that the scripts for S8 are in even worse shape that S7b .
Shooting may not commence when they had originally hoped to. (And theres no longer a list of people looking to write for it., In fact a lot who have been approached have turned it down flat.)
Pinch of salt and all that, but this guy has a really good track record of correct stuff. He's not some nutter blogger accusing love affairs. Praying we're going to get a full 13 episodes in 2014.
Alongside this news it's worth pointing out Matt revealed at Comic Con that Christmas Special filming has been pushed back to September. Assuming he's actually in it! Which is looking more and more likely, I admit.
I know this is for series 7, but just wanted to pop in and say I just started the show a few weeks ago and am into series 2 now and loving it. I'm trying to catch up before the 50th special.
I think my favorite episode so far is "The Girl in the Fireplace." So well done.
Has there been a shakeup in Who's PR team lately? Whatever the case, the team that they have in at the moment are utterly, utterly shambolic, totally unfit to look after the show as it is.
I mean, we all know a bit of what Moffat's public persona is like. Say what you like about the chap, but he's hardly a master of the dark arts of publicity. The whole Comic Con exclusive thing should have been left to him to say. To top that off with hyping up what turned out to be Dalek pictures, though, is rankest incompetence, worthy of demotion or sacking.
Pinch of salt and all that, but this guy has a really good track record of correct stuff. He's not some nutter blogger accusing love affairs. Praying we're going to get a full 13 episodes in 2014.
In fairness, I think the most likely thing for for new episodes from Chibnall or Gatiss to be dropped in at times like this. Gatiss has talked repeatedly about his drawer of Who concepts, and he can clearly turn an episode around quickly. Ditto for Chibnall or Roberts, really.
I know this is for series 7, but just wanted to pop in and say I just started the show a few weeks ago and am into series 2 now and loving it. I'm trying to catch up before the 50th special.
I think my favorite episode so far is "The Girl in the Fireplace." So well done.
There was a great LTTP thread for Series 1-6, with spoilers marked unlike in here. It's less than a month old, you should bump it with more detailed impressions! We feed off seeing others get sucked into the show here.
Has there been a shakeup in Who's PR team lately? Whatever the case, the team that they have in at the moment are utterly, utterly shambolic, totally unfit to look after the show as it is.
I mean, we all know a bit of what Moffat's public persona is like. Say what you like about the chap, but he's hardly a master of the dark arts of publicity. The whole Comic Con exclusive thing should have been left to him to say. To top that off with hyping up what turned out to be Dalek pictures, though, is rankest incompetence, worthy of demotion or sacking.
There is no specific PR team for Who, the BBC Wales team just enacts policies determined by Moffat & the producers. The producers have been playing musical chairs for years, so there is that. Think the comic con thing is probably largely to do with the BBC and BBC Worldwide often not really knowing what the other is doing more than anything. That said, it is the Producer & Exec Producer's job to coordinate that to avoid clashes like this.
RE Gatiss - we'll have to see how big his role in GoT ends up being. If he's in the US for months at a time over the next six months, he won't be doing any Who scripts. He already said the role is going to impact scheduling on a 4th Sherlock at Comic Con.
There is no specific PR team for Who, the BBC Wales team just enacts policies determined by Moffat & the producers. The producers have been playing musical chairs for years, so there is that. Think the comic con thing is probably largely to do with the BBC and BBC Worldwide often not really knowing what the other is doing more than anything. That said, it is the Producer & Exec Producer's job to coordinate that to avoid clashes like this.
I was thinking of the Brand Manager that Who employs, although a quick search reveals that it's been the same one (Edward Russell) for years. He's meant to be the liaison with this sort of thing, and, as far as I can tell, he's more interested in his pop group than managing the Who brand.
Ed Thomas was the production designer for Series 1-5. Sets, props, etc. Edward Russell is the brand guy, I think. Never hear much from him. I think when they say brand his role mostly involves approving toys and licensing deals as well as marketing imagery and things like that. Either way, yeah, it's been crap in recent years. A big part of it is a lack of communication between Worldwide and regular BBC, though, as the BBC is just very archaic in structure in that sense and hobbled by the license fee.
I wish they'd explore video games more. We got the Adventure games, they stopped those in favor of games like The Eternity Clock. They did the Eternity Clock, no news on any other games like that. I know Telltale are busy, but they'd be absolutely ideal.
I wish they'd explore video games more. We got the Adventure games, they stopped those in favor of games like The Eternity Clock. They did the Eternity Clock, no news on any other games like that. I know Telltale are busy, but they'd be absolutely ideal.
I think Doctor Who is just fundamentally unsuited to being a video game, unfortunately. The personality of the Doctor stops it working properly, as does the programme's sheer scope.
A Torchwood game might have been a good laugh, mind.
I think Doctor Who is just fundamentally unsuited to being a video game, unfortunately. The personality of the Doctor stops it working properly, as does the programme's sheer scope.
A Torchwood game might have been a good laugh, mind.
The other option would be to have the player control the companion and not the Doctor, since the companion is largely supposed to be an audience surrogate anyway.
I honestly think they just came to the conclusion that it was iffy in terms of being respectful. A lot of people regard the previous recasting of Hartnell as a mistake - RTD spoke negatively about it on a confidential once, for instance.
Yeah, that's what I figured as well. Especially given the fact that there's only so much time for the story, I guess they'd rather spend that time with the living Doctors. The recasted Doctors get their own hour-long drama anyway (which I'm possibly looking forward to even more btw, I absolutely love the Hartnell era. Can't wait to see which stories they'll include. It would be awesome if they find a place for something like Marco Polo, even if it's just for 2 minutes).
I think it's more likely that the first three Doctors will only be slightly referenced - seen in the distance, some short soundbites or something. Maybe they'll get some of the old companions to represent those era's - Susan for the 1st, Jamie for the 2nd, Jo for the 3rd... Of course, all of those people aged even more noticeably than the old Doctors, so it's probably unlikely. Only Susan would make sense to me. She's already somewhat involved by appearing at the Proms, just like Davison, although that doesn't say much.
In the end, I don't really think they will go that crazy with the cameos. It's fun to speculate though. There aren't any classic monsters left that haven't been brought back yet that I'm dying to see, but I'd love to see the Master done properly. I hate what Russel T Davies did to the character. His reveal was done very well, but he was just a mess after that. Definitely not the same character as in the classic series (
although I had that same problem with Tennant as well - even though I liked him he always felt more like an imitation of the Doctor than the real thing to me. Not meant to cause offence btw, just my personal opinion. Don't kill me!
). If they're going to do the Time War, there will probably be a place for the Master, although with Hurt there that might be a bit too much. Smith hasn't seen him, so it'd be fun for him to reappear with the next Doctor. He's been away long enough and the show has moved on enough for them to do something fresh with him, and hopefully something closer to how Roger Delgado portrayed him.
Another character that deserves a second chance in the modern series: Davros. He looked perfect, his voice was perfect, but he was completely wasted in that story. He's too big for the 50th, and I know it's unavoidable they'll go back to him one day, but I'm still waiting on that one epic Dalek story that feels like it's the best the series can offer. Asylum came closest out of the modern Dalek stories I guess, but nothing touches Dalek Invasion of Earth and Genesis. We'll see what they'll do with them in the 50th anniversary episode.
One last thing: did something every come out of those rumours of a Time War webseries with Paul McGann? It would fit with what we know about the episode, but I'd think they would have said something about it at Comic Con if it was true. It still sounds too awesome to exist to me.
I wish they'd explore video games more. We got the Adventure games, they stopped those in favor of games like The Eternity Clock. They did the Eternity Clock, no news on any other games like that. I know Telltale are busy, but they'd be absolutely ideal.
I started The Walking Dead yesterday and I'd love to see a good Doctor Who game in that vein. It would be basically an interactive episode with contained scenarios, so the scripting wouldn't even need to deviate much from the norm of the series.
I started The Walking Dead yesterday and I'd love to see a good Doctor Who game in that vein. It would be basically an interactive episode with contained scenarios, so the scripting wouldn't even need to deviate much from the norm of the series.
Another character that deserves a second chance in the modern series: Davros. He looked perfect, his voice was perfect, but he was completely wasted in that story. He's too big for the 50th, and I know it's unavoidable they'll go back to him one day, but I'm still waiting on that one epic Dalek story that feels like it's the best the series can offer. Asylum came closest out of the modern Dalek stories I guess, but nothing touches Dalek Invasion of Earth and Genesis. We'll see what they'll do with them in the 50th anniversary episode.
One last thing: did something every come out of those rumours of a Time War webseries with Paul McGann? It would fit with what we know about the episode, but I'd think they would have said something about it at Comic Con if it was true. It still sounds too awesome to exist to me.
I'll agree with RTD on one thing - the problem with Davros is, he's rubbish! He's rubbish as a villain in his own right, because he's essentially a dude in a wheelchair, but putting him in charge of the Daleks in turn diminishes them, too, which is a cardinal sin. Genesis is different because he's the crux of the story, but in every other story he's in I feel he's either boring himself or damaging to the Daleks.
I don't expect much from them beyond Time War background noise in the 50th anyway, to be honest.... I think the drama will be squarely focused on the three (or four!) Doctors.
Rumour mill signs point to yes on the McGann cameo/prequel thing, though nothing is concrete.
On games: the key to a telltale-style Doctor Who game would I reckon to make the player the companion, not the Doctor. The Doctor already knows everything, or at least knows so much it's an unrealistic expectation for the player to slip into his shoes. He can't be a cipher for the player.
I'll agree with RTD on one thing - the problem with Davros is, he's rubbish! He's rubbish as a villain in his own right, because he's essentially a dude in a wheelchair, but putting him in charge of the Daleks in turn diminishes them, too, which is a cardinal sin. Genesis is different because he's the crux of the story, but in every other story he's in I feel he's either boring himself or damaging to the Daleks.
I don't expect much from them beyond Time War background noise in the 50th anyway, to be honest.... I think the drama will be squarely focused on the three (or four!) Doctors.
Rumour mill signs point to yes on the McGann cameo/prequel thing, though nothing is concrete.
On games: the key to a telltale-style Doctor Who game would I reckon to make the player the companion, not the Doctor. The Doctor already knows everything, or at least knows so much it's an unrealistic expectation for the player to slip into his shoes. He can't be a cipher for the player.
Not to mention, if we're to believe Ten, Davros was pretty busy in the Time War nearly being eaten by the Nightmare Child at the beginning of the battle before Dalek Caan plucked him out of the timestream. I don't think they're going to waste any time on that scene, since the Doctor wasn't there for all of it.
Davros is always more interesting than the Daleks. Always. He also boasts the best serious villainous performance that New Who has had: Julian Bleach was just far, far too good.
I wish they'd explore video games more. We got the Adventure games, they stopped those in favor of games like The Eternity Clock. They did the Eternity Clock, no news on any other games like that. I know Telltale are busy, but they'd be absolutely ideal.
A Layton-esque game could work as well, or maybe more like 999. Didn't they try that with the DS game though and it failed. But a game that highlights the Doctor is a thinker and not a fighter like Layton is how they would need to do it.
I think Doctor Who is just fundamentally unsuited to being a video game, unfortunately. The personality of the Doctor stops it working properly, as does the programme's sheer scope.
A Torchwood game might have been a good laugh, mind.
Nonsense, you could do a ton of great in terms of game in the world of Doctor Who. I'm thinking something similar to "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego", a quasi-educational puzzle game where you locate the Doctor based on clues to his whereabouts.
Or a "design your own companion" sim. Try to make it so they don't fall in love with you. Kind of like a dating sim, but in reverse.
edit: in retrospect, I should have just linked to that Doctor Who 8-bit style RPG video
Nonsense, you could do a ton of great in terms of game in the world of Doctor Who. I'm thinking something similar to "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego", a quasi-educational puzzle game where you locate the Doctor based on clues to his whereabouts.
Or a "design your own companion" sim. Try to make it so they don't fall in love with you. Kind of like a dating sim, but in reverse.
A Layton-esque game could work as well, or maybe more like 999. Didn't they try that with the DS game though and it failed. But a game that highlights the Doctor is a thinker and not a fighter like Layton is how they would need to do it.
The little bit I played was actually all right, except that the puzzles were ridiculously easy. I know DW is often considered a children's property, but c'mon.
The little bit I played was actually all right, except that the puzzles were ridiculously easy. I know DW is often considered a children's property, but c'mon.
Somewhere well over half of Doctor Who's audience in the UK is aged between 4 and 22, you know. The 4-14 group share of the audience in particular has sky rocketed in Smith's tenure. It's not considered a kids show, it is a kids show. Or to be more specific, it's a family show, really. It just has that Pixar-like quality of being enjoyable to adults. It's a weird old thing that's come with the US popularity, too - I love how in the US Doctor Who toys are found in book stores and the like! Visited a shop in LA during E3 that was basically dedicated to British culture stuff - Who, Potter etc. Sort of a strange experience, as here they're basically found in toy stores, and a few enthusiast stores here and there.
I liked the Eternity Clock more than I expected but I think a Telltale game would be absolutely perfect for it. The Doctor might know everything in a way but even he 'figures it out' as he comes to problems so the player could still be the Doctor figuring things out during whatever problems he comes across.
One thing I liked about the Eternity Clock though, The Daleks.
"My vision has been impaired"
"I have faillllled" (when they lose the player, forget the whole quote)
I liked the Eternity Clock more than I expected but I think a Telltale game would be absolutely perfect for it. The Doctor might know everything in a way but even he 'figures it out' as he comes to problems so the player could still be the Doctor figuring things out during whatever problems he comes across.
A Telltale Doctor Who game needs to happen. I've been thinking about the same thing for ages now.
I think it could be more about playing a new companion, rather than The Doctor. He'll always make the decision that we'd all expect him to make, in the end. New characters are empty slates that could play out better.
Sorry to change the subject. but I'm still a little bit sad that the Doctor never visited Sarah Jane Smith's grave or saw back Luke and K-9 after her death...
Sorry to change the subject. but I'm still a little bit sad that the Doctor never visited Sarah Jane Smith's grave or saw back Luke and K-9 after her death...
Me too. As flawed as it was, I thought it could've been a really good launchpad for a much improved sequel.
I've always thought that a 2D platformer in the style of the Metroid games would be a really good fit for Doctor Who. Swap out the weapons for various kinds of tools and utilities (for example, use the Sonic to deflect projectiles back at enemies rather than fire your own) and you've got a game with a strong focus on exploration and potential for some great puzzles.