I'm accordant with all of your points other than the one bolded - its his weakest series of writing for me and nowhere near close to his season 5 output with regards to consistency or quality (yes, even the beast below is better than bells of saint john)
Ooh, I don't agree at all. Yes, The Eleventh Hour is functionally perfect, and The Pandorica Opens is very powerful, but The Angels Take Manhatten is a far better Weeping Angels episode than the Time of Angels two-parter, Asylum of the Daleks has the best character writing and creepy atmosphere we've had since RTD was at the height of his powers, The Bells of Saint John is great setpiece after great setpiece with (unusually) a well-drawn Clara and a great resolution to the villain's story, and The Name of the Doctor is a masterclass in funereal tone, arc building and good old-fashioned fan pleasing.
By contrast, The Beast Below absolutely tanks at the worst possible moment for the show, and The Big Bang is an absolutely tremendous back-half let down by half-baked world-building, piss-poor cliffhanger resolutions and a totally unthreatening Stone Dalek.
And on the rings of akhaten - am I the only one that finds the long song sequence melodramatic to the point of being embarrassing? It was one of the most saliently awful parts of season 7 for me and evoked the Russell T Davies era in all the wrong ways.
Well, no one would call it subtle, but Smith takes the material and absolutely runs with it. He and Gold together elevate it far beyond what it should be.