Yep. Shopped to look more purple.
Ah I see thanks.
Yep. Shopped to look more purple.
Two new minisodes on the Blu-Ray set. "Rain Gods" and "Clara and the Tardis"
Edit: Scratch that. Three new minisodes. "Inforarium."
So, I was first introduced to Doctor Who about a year ago. I've watched it on and off since, and have finally worked my way up to Series 7. There are so many episodes that I love, and I really enjoy the performances of 9, 10, and 11.
I just watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and I feel like the show is finally losing me. I was generally able to suspend disbelief for the majority of the episodes because of my like of the characters, and certain plot points. But after watching Dinosaurs on a Spaceship I feel like all of the plot inconsistencies/holes, logical leaps, and poor character development from Series 6 and part of Series 5 have finally broken the dam in my mind.
Does Series 7 get better? Hoping that Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were just low points. Maybe I just need a break from Doctor Who. I liked some parts of Series 6, and I really like Matt Smith.
Yes, that sounds good. Time to take a break from DW for awhile, and then catch up on the rest of Series 7 before the 50th Anniversary.
While some of the RTD-era critics might argue for Series 2 or 3, Series 7 is generally speaking regarded as the worst one, I find. I actually think it's better than 6, though, so my only advice would be to stick with it.
Does Series 7 get better? Hoping that Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were just low points. Maybe I just need a break from Doctor Who. I liked some parts of Series 6, and I really like Matt Smith.
If you disliked Asylum, then S7 isn't going to be a fun ride for you.
So, I was first introduced to Doctor Who about a year ago. I've watched it on and off since, and have finally worked my way up to Series 7. There are so many episodes that I love, and I really enjoy the performances of 9, 10, and 11.
I just watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and I feel like the show is finally losing me. I was generally able to suspend disbelief for the majority of the episodes because of my like of the characters, and certain plot points. But after watching Dinosaurs on a Spaceship I feel like all of the plot inconsistencies/holes, logical leaps, and poor character development from Series 6 and part of Series 5 have finally broken the dam in my mind.
Does Series 7 get better? Hoping that Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were just low points. Maybe I just need a break from Doctor Who. I liked some parts of Series 6, and I really like Matt Smith.
Yes, that sounds good. Time to take a break from DW for awhile, and then catch up on the rest of Series 7 before the 50th Anniversary.
That infrorarium short got me thinking - do we think there's any credence to the observation that the silence are essentially the anti-doctor? (in that when you turn away from the silence you instantly forget them, whereas its impossible to forget about travelling with the doctor when he goes out of your life), its still in its incipience, but my running theory is that the doctor somehow ends up "creating" the silence in the process of his regeneration.
I am really trying to figure out why I like S7 so much more then most people.
I think you're just harder on Series 6 then most people.
I know I am, and I hold Series 7 above 6 (if not by much).
6 is really shit tier to me. The Doctor's Wife & The Girl Who Waited are excellent, Impossible Astronaut/Day/Closing Time/God Complex all range from "ok" to "good not great", and just about everything else can do one.
I don't think her story was too complex, I don't think it worked. The emotional beats weren't there. The reveal that she's Amy's Daughter did nothing for me and I never ever actually felt like she and the Doctor had any chemistry, I just felt like the show was telling me over and over "hey! hey! these two are romantic at some point! you don't get to see it though! but they totally work together trust me guys we just keep talking about it!"
So if they cut to The Doctor and River in bed with the sheet pulled up, smoking-it would have worked for you? They don't need to hit you over the head, you know.
While some of the RTD-era critics might argue for Series 2 or 3, Series 7 is generally speaking regarded as the worst one, I find. I actually think it's better than 6, though, so my only advice would be to stick with it.
You've done 1 and 2, but in the back end of the series you have:
If you're starting to get tired of the tone and stuff of where the show is right now, this is the right time for it to happen. You might like Smith, but he's off in two more episodes (the 50th and Christmas) and the tone will undoubtedly shift significantly once he's gone. Things appear to be getting tied off, as well - it appears River is done and dusted now, and other conclusions to other Smith arcs are being promised for Christmas.
- 3) A middling but fairly solid/enjoyable self-enclosed romp in the old West, with a robot cowboy
- 4) An "invasion of earth" storyline with UNIT that feels very 10th Doctor in a 'large scale invasion being reported on the news' way
- 5) A Weeping Angels episode that's not as good as Blink but way better than the Series 5 appearance
- Int) A Christmas Special that's way better than the previous one, and continues the Oswin mystery
- 6) Another continuation of that mystery in an otherwise pretty dry story.
- 7) An opinion-splitting story due to the way it's resolved - again, it feels a bit like it fell out of the previous era in a sense - but if you liked the 9/10 era a bit more, which I get that impression, you'll probably like this episode.
- 8) Bit of a boring one, but a cool revival of an old Who enemy. Think the Series 1 episode 'Dalek' set on a submarine.
- 9) Probably the best independent episode of the series, a proper ghost story set in an old mansion.
- 10) An episode set only on the TARDIS, showing tons of rooms and concepts we haven't seen before in action and things. The core of the episode is so-so, but what it offers for the lore is cool.
- 11) THE BEST Victorian-era episode they've ever done (and they've done a lot.) A really cool script, quite bold/different, really. The Doctor doesn't even appear until some 20 minutes in!
- 12) New Cybermen. Bit of a disappointment, but a bit like the TARDIS ep, it's a nice 'lore' episode as it explains where the new Cybermen 'come' from and if you're familiar with old Who alludes to how eventually the original Cybermen from 'our' universe (from old Who) and the new ones from 'Pete's World' (new Who) eventually met, allied, and became one. It's a Neil Gaiman episode, so even though it doesn't come off quite ideally the dialogue is super sharp.
- 13) Cool on the lore side again, but I think the finale is pretty weak. I know people will shout and disagree with me for this. It has a hell of a cliffhanger/ending, though, and a wonderful opening sequence. It's basically required viewing for the 50th.
If you disliked Asylum, then S7 isn't going to be a fun ride for you.
Asylum was my high point of series 7
All that said, I enjoyed the season more when I rewatched it a couple of weeks ago. I still think it's a very weak season overall, but there are some nice moments here and there. And, as others have said, the finale really is required viewing before you watch the 50th.
Probably better to take a bit of a break though. It's easy to tire yourself out with shows like this.
So if they cut to The Doctor and River in bed with the sheet pulled up, smoking-it would have worked for you? They don't need to hit you over the head, you know.
In my opinion there were only 2 great episodes in series 7 (Bells of Saint John and the finale). Just to put my opinion in perspective: wasn't really a fan of the first 4 seasons outside of a handful of episodes (even though I liked both Doctors a lot). Absolutely loved season 5. Really liked most of season 6, even if it was a bit too heavy on continuity (all that felt a bit clumsy, but I loved a lot of the stories and moments in that season). For me, something felt off from the start of series 7. They were aiming to sell every single episode as a big summer blockbuster (they even promoted every episode with terribly photoshopped movie posters), and it lost a bit off the magic in the process. It feels a lot less personal, especially when (spoiler for the last half of the season). I'm fine with the quality of the sets and CGI, but they keep trying to create these big blockbuster action setpieces that just don't work with the resources they have, and they often come off as awkward. I also feel like the direction of the different episodes got a bit worse in series 7 (the guy who did the finale and Bells is still very good though, but a lot of episodes feel more like they were made in the pre-HD seasons, losing the improvements made from season 5 (and Sherlock) onwards).his new companion gets introduced and written more as a plot device than as a character, making if very hard to relate to her, especially because the relationship between Amy/Rory and the Doctor was so close and personal
I love God Complex. So...
I love God Complex. So...
Better then the Doctor's Wife and one of the three highlights of S6.
I really like The God Complex too. Is that frowned upon?
I think The God Complex is probably the best script at dealing with a theme in a sustained and interesting way. It's not my favourite ever episode, but it might be the one I most admire on that level.
I've actually written a chapter about it in this book coming out next month (shameless plug time):
That is a book that I shall order once it is out!
My biggest criticism of The God Comples (outside of some pacing issues but the show often struggles with that) is that I feel it would have worked better if it wasn't the Doctor telling Amy not to have faith in him but her actually losing it through an actual failing of his. Rather like what they tried to do in The Girl Who Waited actually. I'm just not a fan of how they had him literally telling her "Amy you can't believe in me anymore"
The God Complex was an absolutely solid episode. It'd be a strong contender for top ten scripts since the revival (counting two-parters/three-parters as one script for simplicity). I mean, it might not quite make it, but it'd be damn close.
Question, I'm just getting to the end of series 4 now and am about to watch the finale "Journey's End."
On netflix, after this episode there are 4 more in series 4 that seem to be specials. Are they in the correct order here? I don't want to watch something that's supposed to be from series 5 accidentally.
The Next Doctor
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time Part 1 & 2
Do I just watch them in that order after the series 4 finale?
Yep. But there should be another special, Planet of the Dead. It's pretty skip-able though, The last two are required viewing
Question, I'm just getting to the end of series 4 now and am about to watch the finale "Journey's End."
On netflix, after this episode there are 4 more in series 4 that seem to be specials. Are they in the correct order here? I don't want to watch something that's supposed to be from series 5 accidentally.
The Next Doctor
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time Part 1 & 2
Do I just watch them in that order after the series 4 finale?
I've been going through all the episodes on Netflix recently, I noticed there was no Planet of the Dead, weird.
Yep. But there should be another special, Planet of the Dead. It's pretty skip-able though, The last two are required viewing