In fairness, I feel like RTD delivered better on all his prophetic not-planned-ahead-at-all bullshit lines than Moffat has with any one of his. The Knock Four Times one was particularly great, I felt, as while I knew from THE MOMENT I saw that bloody glass chamber what was going to happen (I thought perhaps a stranger, though, not Wilf) it was a brilliant piece of subversion on it all being about The Master.
"One of them will die" was probably his most lame, but it also ended up being really satisfying in a weird way, as the Donna that we really knew and came to love did die, replaced by the awful vapid one from before she met him.
You're right in saying the prophetic lines have always been an element of new Who, but I'll agree the resolutions have been less satisfying and in a sense more complex than they needed to be (especially the explanation of Fall of the Eleventh, if it is indeed what some people claim it is in NOTD and not something that'll lead to the regeneration at Christmas.
That scene with the duelling prophets in The Fires of Pompeii is seared into my memory as being really awesome, with the jerked-up camera angles. "Doctor. She is returning. Daughter of London -- there is something on your back!" Really awesome music cue there, too.
Series 4 actually has as much going on in terms of layered stuff as a Moffat series - missing bees, missing planets, Donna's back, she's returning etc - it's just they're all resolved in very clear-cut ways.