I thought you hated the previous two seasons.
You don't get to shit all over two seasons worth of show and then crap on a new episode because you don't think it respects the stuff you hate.
Basically, your trolling isn't even internally consistent any more. Time to hang it up, bro.
I did, but that doesn't mean that I can't be upset about inconsistent character development. I hate how after two seasons of everything they've been through, Amy and Rory get divorced off screen because...well, babies? It really is a slap in the face to everythng they've been to, and makes no sense.
Ah, couldn't have a Who thread without Kuwabara coming in to shit it up. If you were bored by zombie Daleks, explosions, and hot women, that's your own problem.
And that's the problem with current Who. It's all glitz and glamour. I don't care about zombie Daleks, explosions or hot women. This is Doctor Who, not a Michael Bay film. That stuff is meaningless without some substance behind it, and Asylum had none. The plot was paper thin, the characters were vapid, and there was no real
point to any of it. To quote the Doctor: "But what is it
Narratively, this was the best episode Moffat has written since A Christmas Carol, but it all just felt flat. I don't care about zombies or explosions, unless they're providing a window in which to tell strong stories and reflect upon society.