I thought it would bother me but it didn't. I guess he did leave Solomon with a few moments to escape. Very well executed. I'm sure there was some back and forth when it came to actually having The Doctor kill Solomon.
Well that episode was totally awesome. I'm not usually a fan of the more silly episodes but this one was great, very funny and very entertaining. Not very Doctor like though leaving Solomon to get exploded!
so this is good? usually the episode after the season premiere is kind of bad.
If I was writing Doctor Who I would make Solomon the "silence will fall" guy getting his revenge for The Doctor trying to kill him in this ep.
People are impressed with the CG, Honestly it was pretty terrible. I mean like passable but not anything impressive.
The beast from Impossible Planet/Satan Pit was better.
The budget cuts REALLY show. Its only older CG stuff thats already had alot of dedicated work or is relatively simple in comparison like the Space ships or daleks for instance that look good.
BBC really need to appreciate how big Who is and devote some more money to it.
Brian having a cuppa while watching the world go by was a great visual
I liked that the Earth defence force was Indian.
Brian is apparently an adventure game protagonist.
Brian is apparently an adventure game protagonist.
I think the only thing I disliked about this episode was Amy complaining about how she spent months waiting for the Doctor, how she thought he was weaning them off her, and then at the end "nah, I'd rather you just took us home and left us there for a few months." Wonderful character continuity there.
Also I thought the "Precious Cargo" that Solomon had scanned was The TARDIS-being as it's a fucking time machine.
Also I thought the "Precious Cargo" that Solomon had scanned was The TARDIS-being as it's a fucking time machine.
Am I the only one who thinks the Doctor gave Soloman an "out" with the homing rock? I didn't interpret it as a cold-blooded murder.
Loved this week. Great villain, isn't he Walder Frey from Game Of Thrones? Next week spoilerThy cyborg looks a bit like Kryten in "Gunmen Of The Apocalypse" from Red Dwarf. Great Vibe for next week!
Also I thought the "Precious Cargo" that Solomon had scanned was The TARDIS-being as it's a fucking time machine.
Probably "erased" and unknown just like the Doctor appears to be everywhere now
Maybe the TARDIS has some protection preventing it from being scanned or recognized by other technology?
I didn't get what the implication of this part in the show was. If the Doctor was originally known in the computer, was it supposed to be implied that he was erased somehow? Because how did he erase himself if he's only been erased from Dalek memory. He's simply dead, just like Nefertiti and the machine correctly analyzed her. Maybe it only recognized humans or something like that, in which case this whole unknown thing would've happened even if he didn't go on his whole "Doctor WHO?" way, and the scene loses all power and meaning. He's basically just as unknown on this ship as he was before.
Maybe the TARDIS has some protection preventing it from being scanned or recognized by other technology?
Maybe the TARDIS has some protection preventing it from being scanned or recognized by other technology?
Gosh, I really want to know what they're doing with the whole apparently erasing the Doctor from Time & Space thing. I bet it's linked in in some fashion to Demon's Run and people yammering on about how "Doctor" is a word for warrior, and the Pandorica and how everybody teamed up to bring him down.
I'm wondering if they've already done something and his memory is fading throughout time, or it's someone else deliberately trying to delete his memory and he's accidentally helping them along, or...
By the way, how awesome was Rory this episode.
Both he and Amy. As someone said earlier, "AmyRory" is my favorite companion.
I cant remember Tennants Dr doing so either?
Amy's "I'm a queen" and "I can't deal with flirting companions" were great. I'm really looking forward to next weeks episode, as a kid Red Dwarf's western 4 horseman episode was always one of my favourites so I'm hoping modern British sci-fi can live up to it.