great episode, but I didn't like the balls gag (bit to close to the bone) and the killing of the triceratops was unnecessary IMO. Robots being camp but simultaneously nasty was also a bit odd.
I thought the CG was great. Real people riding CG dinosaurs and IMO looked way better than Attack of the Clones.
I'm confused by the Silurians though. The guy in the video was literally the guy in the two-parter, so was it actually him, or just 'lol all Silurians look the same to me'?
And how did they drop the Dinosaurs off on Siluria? I thought the point of the Silurians was that they were the original earthlings and this was there home? (also the reason the ark was coming back to earth).
I think the only thing I disliked about this episode was Amy complaining about how she spent months waiting for the Doctor, how she thought he was weaning them off her, and then at the end "nah, I'd rather you just took us home and left us there for a few months." Wonderful character continuity there.
I loved that bit. The look on the Doctor's face when she talks about him outliving her was really good - 'yes, yet again I outlive my companions, I see them die etc'. And it feels like he wants to wean them off him, but simultaneously needs them - you can see all that in his face in those short scenes together with Amy.