Every jacket and coat I ever want to wear, I see first on Sherlock or Doctor Who. Shocking how that works.
Shame they're all so crazy expensive.
I wonder if Sherlock and Watson are the first TV duo in which shipping is specifically acknowledged and encouraged in the writing. Much like RTD needed his outlet for sex with Torchwood, perhaps Sherlock is where Moffat is gets his kicks.
I had been hoping for a new Master, but if Simm can get to play it differently in a send-off the same way Anthony Ainley finally got to in Survival then I'm all for it. The man can act.
Shame they're all so crazy expensive.
I wonder if Sherlock and Watson are the first TV duo in which shipping is specifically acknowledged and encouraged in the writing. Much like RTD needed his outlet for sex with Torchwood, perhaps Sherlock is where Moffat is gets his kicks.
I had been hoping for a new Master, but if Simm can get to play it differently in a send-off the same way Anthony Ainley finally got to in Survival then I'm all for it. The man can act.
Buffy was probably my first exposure to proper internet fandom since I was there while it was still an actively fresh and popular thing. Before that it was largely finding out after the fact things like everyone seemed to hate Wesley Crusher and Ewoks but me...and on that note of things everyone else seemed to dislike, The Zeppo is a great episode, I kind of prefer Oz and Tara together or alone to Willow/Either of them and Faith the Vampire Slayer should have been a show.I was actually surprised at the amount of male Buffy fans here, as my corner of fandom is almost entirely females.
I always keep meaning to, I ended up with Summer Glau's autograph through a stranger handing me an autograph token and I feel bad given I have no context for it.Watch Firefly. Serenity can be skipped. But watch Firefly![]()