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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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So, on his blog, Gaiman said the readthrough for his script starts next week. Oh, and...

“Oh, and for the curious, the episode will be called ███ ████ ████████ . Only with letters instead of Ascii Blocks. Unless we change the title again before it’s broadcast. Which might well happen, actually. I mean, it was originally called █ █████████ ██ ██████.”

That's three, four, and eight letters. Any guesses?


We've been re-watching the RTD era, just finished S2 and got started on S3.

Say what you will about RTD, but one thing I enjoy about re-watching it is noticing the hints about the finale that are sprinkled among the episodes leading up to it. For example, in S3, you hear fleeting mentions of "Mr. Saxton" in what seem to be throwaway lines, until the reveal later that "Mr. Saxton" is actually The Master, regenerated.

If only it didn't fall apart so spectacularly in the actual finale...

Anyway, my point is, that it's a technique that I rather much enjoy and wish Moffat would make more effort to emulate, since he's actually got the writing chops to create a satisfying finale.


Moffat is usually just more explicit about it.

The cracks in the walls, etc.

He's also doing something similar in this very series.

Keep an eye on all the times that lights of various kinds flicker/go out across series 7. They're building towards something.


We've been re-watching the RTD era, just finished S2 and got started on S3.

Say what you will about RTD, but one thing I enjoy about re-watching it is noticing the hints about the finale that are sprinkled among the episodes leading up to it. For example, in S3, you hear fleeting mentions of "Mr. Saxton" in what seem to be throwaway lines, until the reveal later that "Mr. Saxton" is actually The Master, regenerated.

If only it didn't fall apart so spectacularly in the actual finale...

Anyway, my point is, that it's a technique that I rather much enjoy and wish Moffat would make more effort to emulate, since he's actually got the writing chops to create a satisfying finale.

Moffat actually strings together the plots. RTD just dropped words in. I find Moffat's way infinitely more satisfying.


I don't think the flickering lights mean anything, btw. I think it's a thematic device, not a plot device.


A thematic device that they just happen to use in every episode this season? I don't buy it.

Though, I was iffy about it until the last ep, where they went out of their way to have River ask if the Tardis bulb needed replacing and the Doctor said he already did it.


Moffat is usually just more explicit about it.

The cracks in the walls, etc.

He's also doing something similar in this very series.

Keep an eye on all the times that lights of various kinds flicker/go out across series 7. They're building towards something.

Wonder if it has anything to do with the title sequence getting progressively darker as well.


Moffat actually strings together the plots. RTD just dropped words in. I find Moffat's way infinitely more satisfying.


I don't think the flickering lights mean anything, btw. I think it's a thematic device, not a plot device.

Moffat creates arcs over an entire season (or multiple if you count River), but he either leaves things hanging or rushes the conclusions and a lot of times they come up unsatisfying.


Moffat creates arcs over an entire season (or multiple if you count River), but he either leaves things hanging or rushes the conclusions and a lot of times they come up unsatisfying.

While true, I think this is a problem modern Who has had since it came back. Only the first was really complete, and it frankly had the worst word-drop 'arc' of all of them (bad wolf doesn't mean anything and doesn't really come from anywhere).
While true, I think this is a problem modern Who has had since it came back. Only the first was really complete, and it frankly had the worst word-drop 'arc' of all of them (bad wolf doesn't mean anything and doesn't really come from anywhere).

In fairness, this was a conscious choice on RTD's part. He said he didn't want detailed series arc stuff because it would put off people who watch one week and don't another, but he wanted to put in small nods for those who watched every week.

There was fucking euphoria amongst the fan base over what Bad Wolf could mean during series one, for instance. Torchwood was pretty ham handed (other then the events of Tooth & Claw actually setting it up), Saxon was cool in a sense (he was there all along, laying traps all season!) and the small stuff in Series 4, the disappearing planets, also made sense. But, you're right - you could yank the references from each episode and it wouldn't make any difference - but that doesn't make it any less successful. It was simple by design.

Moffat's gone a different route and that's valid too. I can't help but feel that his route is better for people like us but worse for those casual viewers, which suits me... I'm a massive fan. I follow the arcs closely.


While true, I think this is a problem modern Who has had since it came back. Only the first was really complete, and it frankly had the worst word-drop 'arc' of all of them (bad wolf doesn't mean anything and doesn't really come from anywhere).

I thought the crack in time arc of series 5 was pretty nicely wrapped up. Rushed perhaps but it was still a hell of a lot better than whatever the hell that pyramid wedding was.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Finally got around to watching Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Some of the dialogue was very stupid, but I thought it was a nice romp. Some nice moments of characterisation with Rory's dad here and there. The only real complaint I have is that the two guest characters really have no place in the episode, especially Nefertiti despite her involvement in the climax. The real star of the show is the direction, though. They manage to squeeze a lot out of the repetitive sets, and the use of lighting more often than not hides the obviously cheap-looking CGI.

Best Chibnall episode I've seen of Who.


Euros Lyn and Phil Collinson specifically from what I've read. Lyn in particular looks a bit like a date rapist to me. I can easily see him being a raging cocknozzle.

I was under the impression that Keith Boak was someone he had difficulty with.

Edit: And that's brought up later on!


Yet another Who T-Shirt:



So I started watching the 2005 series a few weeks back. I'm almost at the end of Season 4. This series is amazing. I honestly didn't expect it to be anything but a silly, wacky sci-fi series but there's so much more to it.

I'm actually marathoning through it all just so I can read through this thread without spoiling myself. Blink and Human Nature (part 1&2) were probably my favourites.
Some interesting 50th news:

Peter Davison:
Every day I check the phone to see if Steven Moffat has called me! I don't know what’s happening next year, I have nothing to report. I'm sure it will be something fantastic! But I don't know what. I think if [the classic Doctors] aren't invited, I'm going to make my own rival video. I'll do my own 50th anniversary special. Colin Baker's prepared to work for nothing!

This makes me wonder. He and Moffat are close, and I doubt he'd stir the pot if he didn't know something was afoot. Meanwhile..

As the sound of stable doors slamming shut resounds around the BBC the Jimmy Savile scandal is having some increasingly bizarre after-effects. A one-off docudrama about the creation of Doctor Who scripted by Mark Gatiss is in production, to be broadcast in November 2013 in celebration of the programme's 50th anniversary. Its makers have just been ordered to excise all scenes set in Television Centre dressing rooms.


So, on his blog, Gaiman said the readthrough for his script starts next week. Oh, and...

“Oh, and for the curious, the episode will be called ███ ████ ████████ . Only with letters instead of Ascii Blocks. Unless we change the title again before it’s broadcast. Which might well happen, actually. I mean, it was originally called █ █████████ ██ ██████.”

That's three, four, and eight letters. Any guesses?

So if this Reddit post is to believed, and that is a big if, but Gaiman on twitter has commented on helping getting it back, it looks like the episode is called
The Last Cyberman


Apparently they filmed parts of the Christmas special in a street that I walk through every day in Bristol, I'll be looking out for it when it airs.
description of the new design:

The new Cybermen are amazing! I got right up close, but was asked by the castle workers not to take any photos, so I didn't. The castle was open to the public as normal.

They really are stunning. Less knight, armour-like, and more tight silver rubber. The material looked like it was the same as the new series Sontarans, sprayed silver. It was quite a bit like the Cybermen from The Invasion, especially on the arms and lets. They have what looks like a small chest gun in the form of a camera iris sort of shape, kind of strapped onto their chest. They've got guns on their arms like the ones in Army of Ghosts. The head is less angular than the Cybus design, and more smooth and rounded like in Tomb of the Cybermen. They have the corrugated ear pieces, although its very subtle. The mouth is similar to the Tomb design too. It looks like more of a rubber mask than the Cybus "helmets". The handlebars and teardrop eye are still there. The hands look like a man with tight silver washing up gloves on!

They move slowly, although its still in an organised manner, with a choreographer on set. They don't stop at all. They calmly wander towards Clara, almost like zombies. One thing I found a bit distracting was the squeaky noise! Because they're made out of some sort of rubber (shoes included), and obviously they've just been made, there was a really annoying noise. Like when you get a new pair of trainers!

They really have cherry picked the best components of all the Cybermen designs. They've managed to make them more, dare I say it, cloth-like, than I ever thought would be acceptable in 2012/13. There's also a bit of continuity between the Cybus design and these ones, such as the handlebars, teardrops and some of the abdominal section of the suit. But there's no longer any black wiring underneath (as far as I could tell), and they look much slimmer and less bulkier than the Cybusmen. It looks like its only made up of a few pieces, compared to all the sections of arm, leg and chest armour the previous designs had. Looking at the series 2-6 Cybermen now, they look rubbish! They've got the design spot on. They'll go down very well on here I think.

Sounds interesting
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