This just arrived.
It's probably easy for anyone in the northern hemisphere to get one of these but the actual order was kind of funny to me. I'm in Brazil and you can only find a Sonic Screwdriver locally through unofficial means and at outrageous prices (almost 80 dollars for this model, lol...).
None of the BBC online stores ship here, so I tried to order it from ThinkGeek. The Sonic was $25.99 while shipping would cost $61.64 (Jesus!). Then I checked and the Sonic was also around $25 there, but they didn't ship it here at all. I was about to leave the idea aside when I tried Amazon UK just for the sake of it. Turns out the UK version of the site would ship it here, so using the same NA account I ordered it for £9.05, with shipping at £7.91, meaning that total I spent even less than the screwdriver alone would cost me in NA sites. Sweet! Came out way cheaper than I expected and felt right to buy Who merch through a "proper" UK store, haha.
Long story short: yay. Going to use it for giggles when I have to provide computer assistance to my parents (both fans of the show).